/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import { identity } from 'lodash'; /** * WooCommerce dependencies */ import { getIdsFromQuery, stringifyQuery } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { NAMESPACE } from 'wc-api/constants'; /** * Get a function that accepts ids as they are found in url parameter and * returns a promise with an optional method applied to results * * @param {string|function} path - api path string or a function of the query returning api path string * @param {Function} [handleData] - function applied to each iteration of data * @returns {Function} - a function of ids returning a promise */ export function getRequestByIdString( path, handleData = identity ) { return function( queryString = '', query ) { const pathString = 'function' === typeof path ? path( query ) : path; const idList = getIdsFromQuery( queryString ); if ( idList.length < 1 ) { return Promise.resolve( [] ); } const payload = stringifyQuery( { include: idList.join( ',' ), per_page: idList.length, } ); return apiFetch( { path: pathString + payload } ).then( data => data.map( handleData ) ); }; } export const getCategoryLabels = getRequestByIdString( NAMESPACE + '/products/categories', category => ( { id: category.id, label: category.name, } ) ); export const getCouponLabels = getRequestByIdString( NAMESPACE + '/coupons', coupon => ( { id: coupon.id, label: coupon.code, } ) ); export const getCustomerLabels = getRequestByIdString( NAMESPACE + '/customers', customer => ( { id: customer.id, label: customer.name, } ) ); export const getProductLabels = getRequestByIdString( NAMESPACE + '/products', product => ( { id: product.id, label: product.name, } ) ); export const getVariationLabels = getRequestByIdString( query => NAMESPACE + `/products/${ query.products }/variations`, variation => { return { id: variation.id, label: variation.attributes.reduce( ( desc, attribute, index, arr ) => desc + `${ attribute.option }${ arr.length === index + 1 ? '' : ', ' }`, '' ), }; } );