import { useRef, useEffect } from 'preact/hooks'; import { effect } from '@preact/signals'; function afterNextFrame( callback ) { const done = () => { cancelAnimationFrame( raf ); setTimeout( callback ); }; const raf = requestAnimationFrame( done ); } // Using the mangled properties: // this.c: this._callback // this.x: this._compute // function createFlusher( compute, notify ) { let flush; const dispose = effect( function () { flush = this.c.bind( this ); this.x = compute; this.c = notify; return compute(); } ); return { flush, dispose }; } // Version of `useSignalEffect` with a `useEffect`-like execution. This hook // implementation comes from this PR: // // // We need to include it here in this repo until the mentioned PR is merged. export function useSignalEffect( cb ) { const callback = useRef( cb ); callback.current = cb; useEffect( () => { const execute = () => callback.current(); const notify = () => afterNextFrame( eff.flush ); const eff = createFlusher( execute, notify ); return eff.dispose; }, [] ); } // For wrapperless hydration. // See export const createRootFragment = ( parent, replaceNode ) => { replaceNode = [].concat( replaceNode ); const s = replaceNode[ replaceNode.length - 1 ].nextSibling; function insert( c, r ) { parent.insertBefore( c, r || s ); } return ( parent.__k = { nodeType: 1, parentNode: parent, firstChild: replaceNode[ 0 ], childNodes: replaceNode, insertBefore: insert, appendChild: insert, removeChild( c ) { parent.removeChild( c ); }, } ); };