/** * External dependencies */ import { AlignmentControl, BlockControls, InspectorControls, useBlockProps, getColorClassName, } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import type { ReactElement } from 'react'; import { formatPrice } from '@woocommerce/price-format'; import { CartCheckoutCompatibilityNotice } from '@woocommerce/editor-components/compatibility-notices'; import { PanelBody, ExternalLink, ToggleControl } from '@wordpress/components'; import { addQueryArgs } from '@wordpress/url'; import { ADMIN_URL, getSetting } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { positionCenter, positionRight, positionLeft } from '@wordpress/icons'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { isString } from '@woocommerce/types'; import Noninteractive from '@woocommerce/base-components/noninteractive'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import QuantityBadge from './quantity-badge'; interface Attributes { align: string; isInitiallyOpen?: boolean; transparentButton: boolean; backgroundColor?: string; textColor?: string; style?: Record< string, Record< string, string > >; } interface Props { attributes: Attributes; setAttributes: ( attributes: Record< string, unknown > ) => void; } const MiniCartBlock = ( { attributes, setAttributes, }: Props ): ReactElement => { const { transparentButton, backgroundColor, textColor, style, align, } = attributes; const blockProps = useBlockProps( { className: classnames( `wc-block-mini-cart align-${ align }`, { 'is-transparent': transparentButton, } ), } ); const themeSlug = getSetting( 'themeSlug', '' ); const isBlockTheme = getSetting( 'isBlockTheme', false ); /** * @todo Replace `getColorClassName` and manual style manipulation with * `useColorProps` once the hook is no longer experimental. */ const backgroundClass = getColorClassName( 'background-color', backgroundColor ); const textColorClass = getColorClassName( 'color', textColor ); const colorStyle = { backgroundColor: style?.color?.background, color: style?.color?.text, }; const colorClassNames = classnames( backgroundClass, textColorClass, { 'has-background': backgroundClass || style?.color?.background, 'has-text-color': textColorClass || style?.color?.text, } ); const productCount = 0; const productTotal = 0; return (
setAttributes( { align: newAlign } ) } /> setAttributes( { transparentButton: ! transparentButton, } ) } /> { isBlockTheme && isString( themeSlug ) && themeSlug.length > 0 && ( { __( 'Edit template part', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } ) }
); }; export default MiniCartBlock;