/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useExpressPaymentMethods, usePaymentMethodInterface, } from '@woocommerce/base-context/hooks'; import { cloneElement, isValidElement, useCallback, useRef, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useEditorContext } from '@woocommerce/base-context'; import deprecated from '@wordpress/deprecated'; import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import PaymentMethodErrorBoundary from './payment-method-error-boundary'; import { STORE_KEY as PAYMENT_STORE_KEY } from '../../../data/payment/constants'; const ExpressPaymentMethods = () => { const { isEditor } = useEditorContext(); const { activePaymentMethod, paymentMethodData } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const store = select( PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ); return { activePaymentMethod: store.getActivePaymentMethod(), paymentMethodData: store.getPaymentMethodData(), }; } ); const { __internalSetActivePaymentMethod, __internalSetPaymentStatus, __internalSetExpressPaymentError, } = useDispatch( PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ); const { paymentMethods } = useExpressPaymentMethods(); const paymentMethodInterface = usePaymentMethodInterface(); const previousActivePaymentMethod = useRef( activePaymentMethod ); const previousPaymentMethodData = useRef( paymentMethodData ); /** * onExpressPaymentClick should be triggered when the express payment button is clicked. * * This will store the previous active payment method, set the express method as active, and set the payment status * to started. */ const onExpressPaymentClick = useCallback( ( paymentMethodId ) => () => { previousActivePaymentMethod.current = activePaymentMethod; previousPaymentMethodData.current = paymentMethodData; __internalSetPaymentStatus( { isStarted: true } ); __internalSetActivePaymentMethod( paymentMethodId ); }, [ activePaymentMethod, paymentMethodData, __internalSetActivePaymentMethod, __internalSetPaymentStatus, ] ); /** * onExpressPaymentClose should be triggered when the express payment process is cancelled or closed. * * This restores the active method and returns the state to pristine. */ const onExpressPaymentClose = useCallback( () => { __internalSetPaymentStatus( { isPristine: true } ); __internalSetActivePaymentMethod( previousActivePaymentMethod.current, previousPaymentMethodData.current ); }, [ __internalSetActivePaymentMethod, __internalSetPaymentStatus ] ); /** * onExpressPaymentError should be triggered when the express payment process errors. * * This shows an error message then restores the active method and returns the state to pristine. */ const onExpressPaymentError = useCallback( ( errorMessage ) => { __internalSetPaymentStatus( { hasError: true }, errorMessage ); __internalSetExpressPaymentError( errorMessage ); __internalSetActivePaymentMethod( previousActivePaymentMethod.current, previousPaymentMethodData.current ); }, [ __internalSetActivePaymentMethod, __internalSetPaymentStatus, __internalSetExpressPaymentError, ] ); /** * Calling setExpressPaymentError directly is deprecated. */ const deprecatedSetExpressPaymentError = useCallback( ( errorMessage = '' ) => { deprecated( 'Express Payment Methods should use the provided onError handler instead.', { alternative: 'onError', plugin: 'woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block', link: 'https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/4228', } ); if ( errorMessage ) { onExpressPaymentError( errorMessage ); } else { __internalSetExpressPaymentError( '' ); } }, [ __internalSetExpressPaymentError, onExpressPaymentError ] ); /** * @todo Find a way to Memoize Express Payment Method Content * * Payment method content could potentially become a bottleneck if lots of logic is ran in the content component. It * Currently re-renders excessively but is not easy to useMemo because paymentMethodInterface could become stale. * paymentMethodInterface itself also updates on most renders. */ const entries = Object.entries( paymentMethods ); const content = entries.length > 0 ? ( entries.map( ( [ id, paymentMethod ] ) => { const expressPaymentMethod = isEditor ? paymentMethod.edit : paymentMethod.content; return isValidElement( expressPaymentMethod ) ? (
  • { cloneElement( expressPaymentMethod, { ...paymentMethodInterface, onClick: onExpressPaymentClick( id ), onClose: onExpressPaymentClose, onError: onExpressPaymentError, setExpressPaymentError: deprecatedSetExpressPaymentError, } ) }
  • ) : null; } ) ) : (
  • { __( 'No registered Payment Methods', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) }
  • ); return ( ); }; export default ExpressPaymentMethods;