/** * External dependencies */ import { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from '@wordpress/element'; import { Guide } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom'; import { updateQueryString } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { ModalIllustrationLayout } from './layouts/ModalIllustrationLayout'; import { useJetpackPluginState, JetpackPluginStates, useSendMagicLink, } from './components'; import { EmailSentPage, JetpackInstallStepperPage, JetpackAlreadyInstalledPage, } from './pages'; import './style.scss'; export const MobileAppModal = () => { const [ guideIsOpen, setGuideIsOpen ] = useState( true ); const { state, jetpackConnectionData } = useJetpackPluginState(); const [ pageContent, setPageContent ] = useState< React.ReactNode >(); const [ searchParams ] = useSearchParams(); useEffect( () => { if ( searchParams.get( 'mobileAppModal' ) ) { setGuideIsOpen( true ); } else { setGuideIsOpen( false ); } }, [ searchParams ] ); const isReturningFromWordpressConnection = searchParams.get( 'jetpackState' ) === 'returning'; const [ hasSentEmail, setHasSentEmail ] = useState( false ); const { fetchMagicLinkApiCall } = useSendMagicLink(); const sendMagicLink = useCallback( () => { fetchMagicLinkApiCall(); setHasSentEmail( true ); }, [ fetchMagicLinkApiCall ] ); useEffect( () => { if ( hasSentEmail ) { setPageContent( setHasSentEmail( false ) } /> ); } else if ( state === JetpackPluginStates.NOT_INSTALLED || state === JetpackPluginStates.NOT_ACTIVATED || state === JetpackPluginStates.USERLESS_CONNECTION || isReturningFromWordpressConnection ) { setPageContent( ); } else if ( state === JetpackPluginStates.FULL_CONNECTION && ! hasSentEmail ) { const wordpressAccountEmailAddress = jetpackConnectionData?.currentUser.wpcomUser.email; setPageContent( ); } }, [ sendMagicLink, hasSentEmail, isReturningFromWordpressConnection, jetpackConnectionData?.currentUser.wpcomUser.email, state, ] ); return ( <> { guideIsOpen && ( { // clear the search params that we use so that the URL is clean updateQueryString( { jetpackState: undefined, mobileAppModal: undefined, }, undefined, Object.fromEntries( searchParams.entries() ) ); } } className={ 'woocommerce__mobile-app-welcome-modal' } pages={ [ { content: ( ), }, ] } /> ) } ); };