# JavaScript Testing Tests for JavaScript in the Blocks plugin are powered by [Jest](https://jestjs.io/). The Blocks plugin follows the same patterns as Gutenberg, therefore for instructions on writing tests you can [refer to this page in the Gutenberg Handbook](https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/contributors/develop/testing-overview/). We have two kinds of JavaScript tests: - JavaScript unit tests - test APIs, hooks, library functionality that we use to build blocks or expose to plugin authors. - End-to-end (e2e) tests - test blocks from the user interface. These tests are all run automatically on open PRs by Travis CI. All the following tests require that the dependencies are installed (`npm install` `composer install`). Ensure you've followed the [Getting Started Guide](getting-started.md) to set up node and other dependencies before running any tests. ## How to run JavaScript unit tests Unit tests are implemented near the code they test, in `*.test.js` files. Use the following command to run the unit tests: ``` $ npm run test ``` The test scripts use [wp-scripts](https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/master/packages/scripts) to run jest for component and unit testing. Additionally, - `test:update` updates the snapshot tests for components, used if you change a component that has tests attached. - `test:watch` keeps watch of files and automatically re-runs tests when things change. ## How to run end-to-end tests End-to-end tests are implemented in `tests/e2e-tests/specs/`. Since these drive the user interface, they need to run against a test environment - i.e. a web server running WordPress, Woo and blocks plugin, with a known state/configuration. To set up to run e2e tests: - `npm run build:e2e-test` builds the assets (js/css), you can exclude this step if you've already got built files to test with. - `npm run wp-env start` to start the test environment Then, to run the tests: - `npm run test:e2e` When you're iterating on a new test you'll often run this repeatedly, as you develop, until your test is just right. When you're done, you may want to shut down the test environment: - `npm run wp-env stop` to stop the test environment **Note:** There are a number of other useful `wp-env` commands. You can find out more in the [wp-env docs](https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/master/packages/env/README.md). ### How to update end-to-end tests suites We follow the same WordPress support policy as WooCommerce, this means we need to support the latest version, and the two previous ones (L-2). For that, we run end-to-end tests against all of those versions, and because we use packages published by Gutenberg, we also run tests against the latest version of Gutenberg plugin. When a new version of WordPress is released, we drop support for the oldest version we have, so if the latest version is 5.5, we would test against: - WordPress 5.3 - WordPress 5.4 - WordPress 5.5 - WordPress 5.5 + Gutenberg When 5.6 is released, we would drop support for 5.3, and update our `./.travis.yml` file. You need to bump the test version, so ```yml - name: E2E Tests (WP 5.3) script: - npm run test:e2e env: - WP_VERSION=5.3 - E2E_TESTS=1 - WOOCOMMERCE_BLOCKS_PHASE=3 ``` Would become ```yml - name: E2E Tests (WP 5.4) script: - npm run test:e2e env: - WP_VERSION=5.4 - E2E_TESTS=1 - WOOCOMMERCE_BLOCKS_PHASE=3 ``` You also need to check any existing tests that checks the WP version. In `./tests/e2e/specs`, verify for conditions like `if ( process.env.WP_VERSION < 5.4 )` and remove them if they're not relevant anymore.