/** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Card, CardBody } from '@wordpress/components'; import { OPTIONS_STORE_NAME, PAYMENT_GATEWAYS_STORE_NAME, PLUGINS_STORE_NAME, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { Plugins, Stepper } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { WooPaymentGatewaySetup } from '@woocommerce/onboarding'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; import { useSlot } from '@woocommerce/experimental'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { createNoticesFromResponse } from '~/lib/notices'; import { enqueueScript } from '~/utils/enqueue-script'; import { Configure } from './Configure'; import './Setup.scss'; export const Setup = ( { markConfigured, paymentGateway } ) => { const { id, plugins = [], title, postInstallScripts, installed: gatewayInstalled, } = paymentGateway; const slot = useSlot( `woocommerce_payment_gateway_setup_${ id }` ); const hasFills = Boolean( slot?.fills?.length ); const [ isPluginLoaded, setIsPluginLoaded ] = useState( false ); useEffect( () => { recordEvent( 'payments_task_stepper_view', { payment_method: id, } ); }, [] ); const { invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector } = useDispatch( PAYMENT_GATEWAYS_STORE_NAME ); const { isOptionUpdating, isPaymentGatewayResolving, needsPluginInstall, } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const { isOptionsUpdating } = select( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const { isResolving } = select( PAYMENT_GATEWAYS_STORE_NAME ); const activePlugins = select( PLUGINS_STORE_NAME ).getActivePlugins(); const pluginsToInstall = plugins.filter( ( m ) => ! activePlugins.includes( m ) ); return { isOptionUpdating: isOptionsUpdating(), isPaymentGatewayResolving: isResolving( 'getPaymentGateways' ), needsPluginInstall: !! pluginsToInstall.length, }; } ); useEffect( () => { if ( needsPluginInstall ) { return; } if ( postInstallScripts && postInstallScripts.length ) { const scriptPromises = postInstallScripts.map( ( script ) => enqueueScript( script ) ); Promise.all( scriptPromises ).then( () => { setIsPluginLoaded( true ); } ); return; } setIsPluginLoaded( true ); }, [ postInstallScripts, needsPluginInstall ] ); const installStep = useMemo( () => { return plugins && plugins.length ? { key: 'install', label: sprintf( /* translators: %s = title of the payment gateway to install */ __( 'Install %s', 'woocommerce' ), title ), content: ( { createNoticesFromResponse( response ); invalidateResolutionForStoreSelector( 'getPaymentGateways' ); recordEvent( 'tasklist_payment_install_method', { plugins, } ); } } onError={ ( errors, response ) => createNoticesFromResponse( response ) } autoInstall pluginSlugs={ plugins } /> ), } : null; }, [] ); const configureStep = useMemo( () => ( { key: 'configure', label: sprintf( __( 'Configure your %(title)s account', 'woocommerce' ), { title, } ), content: gatewayInstalled ? ( ) : null, } ), [ gatewayInstalled ] ); const stepperPending = needsPluginInstall || isOptionUpdating || isPaymentGatewayResolving || ! isPluginLoaded; const defaultStepper = ( ); return ( { hasFills ? ( markConfigured( id ), paymentGateway, } } id={ id } /> ) : ( defaultStepper ) } ); };