/** * External dependencies */ import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { useState, useEffect, useMemo } from '@wordpress/element'; import { CART_STORE_KEY as storeKey } from '@woocommerce/block-data'; import { useThrowError } from '@woocommerce/base-hooks'; /** * This is a custom hook for loading the selected shipping rate from the cart store and actions for selecting a rate. See also: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/tree/main/src/RestApi/StoreApi * * @param {Array} shippingRates an array of packages with shipping rates. * @return {Object} This hook will return an object with two properties: * - selectShippingRate A function that immediately returns the selected * rate and dispatches an action generator. * - selectedShippingRates An object of selected shipping rates and package id as key, maintained * locally by a state and updated optimistically, this will only return packages that has selected * shipping rates. * */ export const useSelectShippingRate = ( shippingRates ) => { const throwError = useThrowError(); const derivedSelectedRates = useMemo( () => shippingRates .map( // the API responds with those keys. /* eslint-disable camelcase */ ( p ) => [ p.package_id, p.shipping_rates.find( ( rate ) => rate.selected ) ?.rate_id, ] /* eslint-enable */ ) // A fromEntries ponyfill, creates an object from an array of arrays. .reduce( ( obj, [ key, val ] ) => { if ( val ) { obj[ key ] = val; } return obj; }, {} ), [ shippingRates ] ); const [ selectedShippingRates, setSelectedShipping ] = useState( derivedSelectedRates ); // useState initial state is always remembered, so even if that value changes, // useState won't update, we're forcing it to update if the initial value changes, // useMemo helps us not running this function when we don't need to. useEffect( () => { setSelectedShipping( derivedSelectedRates ); }, [ derivedSelectedRates ] ); const { selectShippingRate } = useDispatch( storeKey ); const isSelectingRate = useSelect( ( select ) => { return select( storeKey ).isShippingRateBeingSelected(); }, [] ); const setRate = ( newShippingRate, packageId ) => { setSelectedShipping( { ...selectedShippingRates, [ packageId ]: newShippingRate, } ); selectShippingRate( newShippingRate, packageId ).catch( ( error ) => { // we throw this error because an error on selecting a rate // is problematic. throwError( error ); } ); }; return { selectShippingRate: setRate, selectedShippingRates, isSelectingRate, }; };