import { setCheckbox, unsetCheckbox } from '@woocommerce/e2e-utils'; import { BasePage } from '../../pages/BasePage'; import { waitForElementByText } from '../../utils/actions'; export class BusinessSection extends BasePage { async isDisplayed() { await waitForElementByText( 'h2', 'Tell us about your business' ); } async freeFeaturesIsDisplayed() { await waitForElementByText( 'h2', 'Included business features' ); } async selectProductNumber( productLabel: string ) { const howManyProductsDropdown = this.getDropdownField( '.components-card__body > div:nth-child(1)' ); await productLabel ); } async selectCurrentlySelling( currentlySelling: string ) { const sellingElsewhereDropdown = this.getDropdownField( '.components-card__body > div:nth-child(2)' ); await currentlySelling ); } async selectInstallFreeBusinessFeatures( select: boolean ) { if ( select ) { await setCheckbox( '#woocommerce-business-extensions__checkbox' ); } else { await unsetCheckbox( '#woocommerce-business-extensions__checkbox' ); } } async expandRecommendedBusinessFeatures() { const expandButtonSelector = '.woocommerce-admin__business-details__selective-extensions-bundle__expand'; await expandButtonSelector ); // Confirm that expanding the list shows all the extensions available to install. await () => { const inputsNum = document.querySelectorAll( '.components-checkbox-control__input' ).length; return inputsNum > 6; } ); } async uncheckAllRecommendedBusinessFeatures() { await this.unsetAllCheckboxes( '.components-checkbox-control__input' ); } // The old list displayed on the dropdown page async uncheckBusinessFeatures() { await this.unsetAllCheckboxes( '.woocommerce-profile-wizard__benefit .components-form-toggle__input' ); } }