const path = require( 'path' ); const getAppRoot = require( './app-root' ); const fs = require('fs'); const mkdirp = require( 'mkdirp' ); const request = require('request'); const StreamZip = require('node-stream-zip'); /** * Upload a plugin zip from a remote location, such as a GitHub URL or other hosted location. * * @param {string} fileUrl The URL where the zip file is located. * @returns {string} The path where the zip file is located. */ const getRemotePluginZip = async ( fileUrl ) => { const appPath = getAppRoot(); const savePath = path.resolve( appPath, 'tests/e2e/plugins' ); mkdirp.sync( savePath ); // Pull the filename from the end of the URL let fileName = fileUrl.split('/').pop(); let filePath = path.join( savePath, fileName ); // First, download the zip file await downloadZip( fileUrl, filePath ); // Check for a nested zip and update the filepath filePath = await checkNestedZip( filePath, savePath ); return filePath; }; /** * Get the latest release zip for a plugin from a GiHub repository. * * @param {string} owner The owner of the plugin repository. * @param {string} repository The repository name. * @param {boolean} getPrerelease Flag on whether to get a prelease or not. * @param {number} perPage Limit of entries returned from the latest releases list, defaults to 3. * @returns {Promise}} Returns the URL for the release zip file. */ const getLatestReleaseZipUrl = async ( owner, repository, getPrerelease = false, perPage = 3 ) => { let requesturl; if ( getPrerelease ) { requesturl = `${owner}/${repository}/releases?per_page=${perPage}`; } else { requesturl = `${owner}/${repository}/releases/latest`; } const options = { url: requesturl, method: 'GET', json: true, headers: {'user-agent': 'node.js'} }; // Wrap in a promise to make the request async return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) { request.get(options, function( err, resp, body ) { if ( err ) { reject( err ); } else { if ( getPrerelease ) { // Loop until we find the first pre-release, then return it. body.forEach(release => { if ( release.prerelease ) { resolve( release.assets[0].browser_download_url ); } }); } else { resolve( body.assets[0].browser_download_url ); } } }) }); } /** * Check the zip file for any nested zips. If one is found, extract it. * * @param {string} zipFilePath The location of the zip file. * @param {string} savePath The location where to save a nested zip if found. * @returns {string} The path where the zip file is located. */ const checkNestedZip = async ( zipFilePath, savePath ) => { const zip = new StreamZip.async( { file: zipFilePath } ); const entries = await zip.entries(); for (const entry of Object.values( entries )) { if ( /.zip/ )) { await zip.extract( null, savePath ); await zip.close(); return path.join( savePath, ); } } return zipFilePath; } /** * Download the zip file from a remote location. * * @param {string} fileUrl The URL where the zip file is located. * @param {string} downloadPath The location where to download the zip to. * @returns {Promise} */ const downloadZip = async ( fileUrl, downloadPath ) => { const options = { url: fileUrl, method: 'GET', encoding: null, }; // Wrap in a promise to make the request async return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) { request.get(options, function( err, resp, body ) { if ( err ) { reject( err ); } else { resolve( body ); } }) .pipe( fs.createWriteStream( downloadPath ) ); }); }; module.exports = { getRemotePluginZip, getLatestReleaseZipUrl, checkNestedZip, downloadZip, };