// TODO: Modify Gutenberg's ResizableFrame component for use in the Assembler Hub and remove this file. // Reference: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/v16.4.0/packages/edit-site/src/components/resizable-frame/index.js /** * External dependencies */ import classnames from 'classnames'; import { useState, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { ResizableBox, Tooltip, Popover, __unstableMotion as motion, } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useInstanceId } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; // Removes the inline styles in the drag handles. const HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDE = { position: undefined, userSelect: undefined, cursor: undefined, width: undefined, height: undefined, top: undefined, right: undefined, bottom: undefined, left: undefined, }; // The minimum width of the frame (in px) while resizing. const FRAME_MIN_WIDTH = 320; // The reference width of the frame (in px) used to calculate the aspect ratio. const FRAME_REFERENCE_WIDTH = 1300; // 9 : 19.5 is the target aspect ratio enforced (when possible) while resizing. const FRAME_TARGET_ASPECT_RATIO = 9 / 19.5; // Default size for the `frameSize` state. const INITIAL_FRAME_SIZE = { width: '100%', height: '100%' }; function calculateNewHeight( width, initialAspectRatio ) { const lerp = ( a, b, amount ) => { return a + ( b - a ) * amount; }; // Calculate the intermediate aspect ratio based on the current width. const lerpFactor = 1 - Math.max( 0, Math.min( 1, ( width - FRAME_MIN_WIDTH ) / ( FRAME_REFERENCE_WIDTH - FRAME_MIN_WIDTH ) ) ); // Calculate the height based on the intermediate aspect ratio // ensuring the frame arrives at the target aspect ratio. const intermediateAspectRatio = lerp( initialAspectRatio, FRAME_TARGET_ASPECT_RATIO, lerpFactor ); return width / intermediateAspectRatio; } function ResizableFrame( { isFullWidth, isOversized, setIsOversized, isReady, children, /** The default (unresized) width/height of the frame, based on the space availalbe in the viewport. */ defaultSize, innerContentStyle, duringGuideTour = false, } ) { const [ frameSize, setFrameSize ] = useState( INITIAL_FRAME_SIZE ); // The width of the resizable frame when a new resize gesture starts. const [ startingWidth, setStartingWidth ] = useState(); const [ isResizing, setIsResizing ] = useState( false ); const [ shouldShowHandle, setShouldShowHandle ] = useState( false ); const [ resizeRatio, setResizeRatio ] = useState( 1 ); const frameTransition = { type: 'tween', duration: isResizing ? 0 : 0.5 }; const [ hasHandlerDragged, setHasHandlerDragged ] = useState( false ); const frameRef = useRef( null ); const resizableHandleHelpId = useInstanceId( ResizableFrame, 'edit-site-resizable-frame-handle-help' ); const defaultAspectRatio = defaultSize.width / defaultSize.height; const handleResizeStart = ( _event, _direction, ref ) => { // Remember the starting width so we don't have to get `ref.offsetWidth` on // every resize event thereafter, which will cause layout thrashing. setStartingWidth( ref.offsetWidth ); setIsResizing( true ); }; // Calculate the frame size based on the window width as its resized. const handleResize = ( _event, _direction, _ref, delta ) => { const normalizedDelta = delta.width / resizeRatio; const deltaAbs = Math.abs( normalizedDelta ); const maxDoubledDelta = delta.width < 0 // is shrinking ? deltaAbs : ( defaultSize.width - startingWidth ) / 2; const deltaToDouble = Math.min( deltaAbs, maxDoubledDelta ); const doubleSegment = deltaAbs === 0 ? 0 : deltaToDouble / deltaAbs; const singleSegment = 1 - doubleSegment; setResizeRatio( singleSegment + doubleSegment * 2 ); const updatedWidth = startingWidth + delta.width; setIsOversized( updatedWidth > defaultSize.width ); // Width will be controlled by the library (via `resizeRatio`), // so we only need to update the height. setFrameSize( { height: isOversized ? '100%' : calculateNewHeight( updatedWidth, defaultAspectRatio ), } ); }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const handleResizeStop = ( _event, _direction, ref ) => { setIsResizing( false ); if ( ! hasHandlerDragged ) { setHasHandlerDragged( true ); } if ( isOversized ) { setIsOversized( false ); setFrameSize( INITIAL_FRAME_SIZE ); } }; // Handle resize by arrow keys const handleResizableHandleKeyDown = ( event ) => { if ( ! [ 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight' ].includes( event.key ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); const step = 20 * ( event.shiftKey ? 5 : 1 ); const delta = step * ( event.key === 'ArrowLeft' ? 1 : -1 ); const newWidth = Math.min( Math.max( FRAME_MIN_WIDTH, frameRef.current.resizable.offsetWidth + delta ), defaultSize.width ); setFrameSize( { width: newWidth, height: calculateNewHeight( newWidth, defaultAspectRatio ), } ); }; const frameAnimationVariants = { default: { flexGrow: 0, height: frameSize.height, }, fullWidth: { flexGrow: 1, height: frameSize.height, }, }; const resizeHandleVariants = { hidden: { opacity: 0, left: 0, }, visible: { opacity: 1, left: -10, }, active: { opacity: 1, left: -10, scaleY: 1.3, }, }; const currentResizeHandleVariant = ( () => { if ( isResizing ) { return 'active'; } return shouldShowHandle || duringGuideTour ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } )(); const resizeHandler = ( /* Disable reason: role="separator" does in fact support aria-valuenow */ /* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/role-supports-aria-props */ { __( 'Drag to resize', 'woocommerce' ) } ) } /> ); return ( { if ( definition === 'fullWidth' ) setFrameSize( { width: '100%', height: '100%' } ); } } transition={ frameTransition } size={ frameSize } enable={ { top: false, right: false, bottom: false, // Resizing will be disabled until the editor content is loaded. left: isReady, topRight: false, bottomRight: false, bottomLeft: false, topLeft: false, } } resizeRatio={ resizeRatio } handleClasses={ undefined } handleStyles={ { left: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDE, right: HANDLE_STYLES_OVERRIDE, } } minWidth={ FRAME_MIN_WIDTH } maxWidth={ isFullWidth ? '100%' : '150%' } maxHeight={ '100%' } onFocus={ () => setShouldShowHandle( true ) } onBlur={ () => setShouldShowHandle( false ) } onMouseOver={ () => setShouldShowHandle( true ) } onMouseOut={ () => setShouldShowHandle( false ) } handleComponent={ { left: ( <> { duringGuideTour ? (
{ resizeHandler }
) : ( { resizeHandler } ) } ), } } onResizeStart={ handleResizeStart } onResize={ handleResize } onResizeStop={ handleResizeStop } className={ classnames( 'edit-site-resizable-frame__inner', { 'is-resizing': isResizing, } ) } > { children }
); } export default ResizableFrame;