/* eslint-disable */ module.exports = function( grunt ) { 'use strict'; // Project configuration grunt.initConfig( { makepot: { target: { options: { domainPath: '/languages', exclude: [ '\.git/*', 'bin/*', 'node_modules/*', 'tests/*' ], mainFile: 'wc-admin.php', potFilename: 'wc-admin.pot', potHeaders: { poedit: true, 'x-poedit-keywordslist': true }, type: 'wp-plugin', updateTimestamp: true } } }, checktextdomain: { options:{ text_domain: 'wc-admin', keywords: [ '__:1,2d', '_e:1,2d', '_x:1,2c,3d', 'esc_html__:1,2d', 'esc_html_e:1,2d', 'esc_html_x:1,2c,3d', 'esc_attr__:1,2d', 'esc_attr_e:1,2d', 'esc_attr_x:1,2c,3d', '_ex:1,2c,3d', '_n:1,2,4d', '_nx:1,2,4c,5d', '_n_noop:1,2,3d', '_nx_noop:1,2,3c,4d' ] }, files: { src: [ '**/*.php', // Include all files/ '!node_modules/**', // Exclude node_modules/ '!tests/**', // Exclude tests/ '!vendor/**', // Exclude vendor/ '!tmp/**' // Exclude tmp/ ], expand: true } } } ); // Load NPM tasks to be used here. grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-wp-i18n' ); grunt.loadNpmTasks( 'grunt-checktextdomain' ); grunt.util.linefeed = '\n'; };