/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { createBlock, registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks'; import { Icon, search } from '@woocommerce/icons'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import './style.scss'; import './editor.scss'; import Block from './block.js'; import edit from './edit.js'; const attributes = { /** * Whether to show the field label. */ hasLabel: { type: 'boolean', default: true, }, /** * Search field label. */ label: { type: 'string', default: __( 'Search', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), }, /** * Search field placeholder. */ placeholder: { type: 'string', default: __( 'Search products…', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), }, /** * Store the instance ID. */ formId: { type: 'string', default: '', }, }; registerBlockType( 'woocommerce/product-search', { title: __( 'Product Search', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), icon: { src: , foreground: '#96588a', }, category: 'woocommerce', keywords: [ __( 'WooCommerce', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) ], description: __( 'A search box to allow customers to search for products by keyword.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), supports: { align: [ 'wide', 'full' ], }, example: { attributes: { hasLabel: true, }, }, attributes, transforms: { from: [ { type: 'block', blocks: [ 'core/legacy-widget' ], // We can't transform if raw instance isn't shown in the REST API. isMatch: ( { idBase, instance } ) => idBase === 'woocommerce_product_search' && !! instance?.raw, transform: ( { instance } ) => createBlock( 'woocommerce/product-search', { label: instance.raw.title === '' ? __( 'Search', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) : instance.raw.title, } ), }, ], }, deprecated: [ { attributes, save( props ) { return (
); }, }, ], edit, save() { return null; }, } );