/** * External dependencies */ import { insertBlock, canvas, searchForBlock as searchForFSEBlock, } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { openWidgetsEditorBlockInserter, closeModalIfExists, openWidgetEditor, searchForBlock, isBlockInsertedInWidgetsArea, goToSiteEditor, useTheme, waitForCanvas, addBlockToFSEArea, } from '../../utils.js'; const block = { name: 'Mini Cart', slug: 'woocommerce/mini-cart', class: '.wc-block-mini-cart', selectors: { insertButton: "//button//span[text()='Mini Cart']", insertButtonDisabled: "//button[@aria-disabled]//span[text()='Mini Cart']", compatibilityNoticeTitle: "//h1[contains(text(), 'Compatibility notice')]", }, }; if ( process.env.WOOCOMMERCE_BLOCKS_PHASE < 3 ) { // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-focused-tests test.only( `skipping ${ block.name } tests`, () => {} ); } const removeDismissedCompatibilityNoticesFromLocalStorage = async () => { await page.evaluate( () => { localStorage.removeItem( 'wc-blocks_dismissed_compatibility_notices' ); } ); }; const addBlockToWidgetsArea = async () => { await closeModalIfExists(); await openWidgetsEditorBlockInserter(); await searchForBlock( block.name ); const miniCartButton = await page.$x( block.selectors.insertButton ); await miniCartButton[ 0 ].click(); }; describe( `${ block.name } Block`, () => { describe( 'in widget editor', () => { beforeAll( async () => { await removeDismissedCompatibilityNoticesFromLocalStorage(); } ); beforeEach( async () => { await openWidgetEditor(); } ); it( 'can be inserted in widget area', async () => { await addBlockToWidgetsArea(); expect( await isBlockInsertedInWidgetsArea( block.slug ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'the compatibility notice appears', async () => { await addBlockToWidgetsArea(); const compatibilityNoticeTitle = await page.$x( block.selectors.compatibilityNoticeTitle ); expect( compatibilityNoticeTitle.length ).toBe( 1 ); } ); it( "after the compatibility notice is dismissed, it doesn't appear again", async () => { await page.evaluate( () => { localStorage.setItem( 'wc-blocks_dismissed_compatibility_notices', '["mini-cart"]' ); } ); await addBlockToWidgetsArea(); const compatibilityNoticeTitle = await page.$x( block.selectors.compatibilityNoticeTitle ); expect( compatibilityNoticeTitle.length ).toBe( 0 ); } ); it( 'can only be inserted once', async () => { await addBlockToWidgetsArea(); const miniCartButton = await page.$x( block.selectors.insertButtonDisabled ); expect( miniCartButton ).toHaveLength( 1 ); } ); } ); describe( 'in FSE editor', () => { useTheme( 'emptytheme' ); beforeEach( async () => { // TODO: Update to always use site-editor.php once WordPress 6.0 is released and fix is verified. await goToSiteEditor( process.env.GUTENBERG_EDITOR_CONTEXT || 'core' ); await removeDismissedCompatibilityNoticesFromLocalStorage(); await waitForCanvas(); } ); it( 'can be inserted in FSE area', async () => { await insertBlock( block.name ); await expect( canvas() ).toMatchElement( block.class ); } ); it( 'the compatibility notice appears', async () => { await addBlockToFSEArea( block.name ); const compatibilityNoticeTitle = await page.$x( block.selectors.compatibilityNoticeTitle ); expect( compatibilityNoticeTitle.length ).toBe( 1 ); } ); it( "after the compatibility notice is dismissed, it doesn't appear again", async () => { await page.evaluate( () => { localStorage.setItem( 'wc-blocks_dismissed_compatibility_notices', '["mini-cart"]' ); } ); await addBlockToFSEArea( block.name ); const compatibilityNoticeTitle = await page.$x( block.selectors.compatibilityNoticeTitle ); expect( compatibilityNoticeTitle.length ).toBe( 0 ); } ); it( 'can only be inserted once', async () => { await insertBlock( block.name ); await searchForFSEBlock( block.name ); const miniCartButton = await page.$x( block.selectors.insertButtonDisabled ); expect( miniCartButton ).toHaveLength( 1 ); } ); } ); } );