/** * External dependencies */ import { merchant, openDocumentSettingsSidebar, setCheckbox, unsetCheckbox, } from '@woocommerce/e2e-utils'; import { visitBlockPage, selectBlockByName, saveOrPublish, } from '@woocommerce/blocks-test-utils'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { shopper, preventCompatibilityNotice, reactivateCompatibilityNotice, } from '../../../utils'; import { BASE_URL, BILLING_DETAILS, SIMPLE_VIRTUAL_PRODUCT_NAME, } from '../../../utils/constants'; if ( process.env.WOOCOMMERCE_BLOCKS_PHASE < 2 ) { // eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-focused-tests test.only( `Skipping checkout tests`, () => {} ); } describe( 'Merchant → Checkout → Can adjust T&S and Privacy Policy options', () => { beforeAll( async () => { await shopper.goToShop(); await page.goto( `${ BASE_URL }/?setup_terms_and_privacy` ); await expect( page ).toMatch( 'Terms & Privacy pages set up.' ); await shopper.block.emptyCart(); } ); afterAll( async () => { await shopper.block.emptyCart(); await page.goto( `${ BASE_URL }/?teardown_terms_and_privacy` ); await expect( page ).toMatch( 'Terms & Privacy pages teared down.' ); } ); it( 'Merchant can see T&S and Privacy Policy links without checkbox', async () => { await shopper.goToShop(); await shopper.addToCartFromShopPage( SIMPLE_VIRTUAL_PRODUCT_NAME ); await shopper.block.goToCheckout(); await expect( page ).toMatch( 'By proceeding with your purchase you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy' ); await shopper.block.placeOrder(); await expect( page ).toMatch( 'Order received' ); } ); it( 'Merchant can see T&S and Privacy Policy links with checkbox', async () => { // Activate checkboxes for T&S and Privacy Policy links. await preventCompatibilityNotice(); await merchant.login(); await visitBlockPage( 'Checkout Block' ); await openDocumentSettingsSidebar(); await selectBlockByName( 'woocommerce/checkout-terms-block' ); const [ termsCheckboxLabel ] = await page.$x( `//label[contains(text(), "Require checkbox") and contains(@class, "components-toggle-control__label")]` ); const termsCheckboxId = await page.evaluate( ( label ) => `#${ label.getAttribute( 'for' ) }`, termsCheckboxLabel ); await setCheckbox( termsCheckboxId ); await saveOrPublish(); await shopper.goToShop(); await shopper.addToCartFromShopPage( SIMPLE_VIRTUAL_PRODUCT_NAME ); await shopper.block.goToCheckout(); await shopper.block.fillBillingDetails( BILLING_DETAILS ); // Placing an order now, must lead to an error. await page.click( '.wc-block-components-checkout-place-order-button' ); const termsCheckbox = await page.$( '.wp-block-woocommerce-checkout-terms-block div' ); const termsCheckboxClassList = ( await ( await termsCheckbox.getProperty( 'className' ) ).jsonValue() ).split( ' ' ); expect( termsCheckboxClassList ).toContain( 'has-error' ); await setCheckbox( '#terms-and-conditions' ); // Placing an order now, must succeed. await shopper.block.placeOrder(); await expect( page ).toMatch( 'Order received' ); // Deactivate checkboxes for T&S and Privacy Policy links. await visitBlockPage( 'Checkout Block' ); await openDocumentSettingsSidebar(); await selectBlockByName( 'woocommerce/checkout-terms-block' ); await unsetCheckbox( termsCheckboxId ); await saveOrPublish(); await merchant.logout(); await reactivateCompatibilityNotice(); } ); } );