id = 'flat_rate'; $this->instance_id = absint( $instance_id ); $this->method_title = __( 'Flat Rate', 'woocommerce' ); $this->method_description = __( 'Lets you charge a fixed rate for shipping.', 'woocommerce' ); $this->supports = array( 'shipping-zones', 'instance-settings', 'instance-settings-modal', ); $this->init(); add_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_shipping_' . $this->id, array( $this, 'process_admin_options' ) ); } /** * init user set variables. */ public function init() { $this->instance_form_fields = include( 'includes/settings-flat-rate.php' ); $this->title = $this->get_option( 'title' ); $this->tax_status = $this->get_option( 'tax_status' ); $this->cost = $this->get_option( 'cost' ); $this->type = $this->get_option( 'type', 'class' ); } /** * Evaluate a cost from a sum/string. * @param string $sum * @param array $args * @return string */ protected function evaluate_cost( $sum, $args = array() ) { include_once( WC()->plugin_path() . '/includes/libraries/class-wc-eval-math.php' ); // Allow 3rd parties to process shipping cost arguments $args = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_evaluate_shipping_cost_args', $args, $sum, $this ); $locale = localeconv(); $decimals = array( wc_get_price_decimal_separator(), $locale['decimal_point'], $locale['mon_decimal_point'], ',' ); $this->fee_cost = $args['cost']; // Expand shortcodes add_shortcode( 'fee', array( $this, 'fee' ) ); $sum = do_shortcode( str_replace( array( '[qty]', '[cost]', ), array( $args['qty'], $args['cost'], ), $sum ) ); remove_shortcode( 'fee', array( $this, 'fee' ) ); // Remove whitespace from string $sum = preg_replace( '/\s+/', '', $sum ); // Remove locale from string $sum = str_replace( $decimals, '.', $sum ); // Trim invalid start/end characters $sum = rtrim( ltrim( $sum, "\t\n\r\0\x0B+*/" ), "\t\n\r\0\x0B+-*/" ); // Do the math return $sum ? WC_Eval_Math::evaluate( $sum ) : 0; } /** * Work out fee (shortcode). * @param array $atts * @return string */ public function fee( $atts ) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'percent' => '', 'min_fee' => '', 'max_fee' => '', ), $atts ); $calculated_fee = 0; if ( $atts['percent'] ) { $calculated_fee = $this->fee_cost * ( floatval( $atts['percent'] ) / 100 ); } if ( $atts['min_fee'] && $calculated_fee < $atts['min_fee'] ) { $calculated_fee = $atts['min_fee']; } if ( $atts['max_fee'] && $calculated_fee > $atts['max_fee'] ) { $calculated_fee = $atts['max_fee']; } return $calculated_fee; } /** * calculate_shipping function. * * @param array $package (default: array()) */ public function calculate_shipping( $package = array() ) { $rate = array( 'id' => $this->get_rate_id(), 'label' => $this->title, 'cost' => 0, 'package' => $package, ); // Calculate the costs $has_costs = false; // True when a cost is set. False if all costs are blank strings. $cost = $this->get_option( 'cost' ); if ( '' !== $cost ) { $has_costs = true; $rate['cost'] = $this->evaluate_cost( $cost, array( 'qty' => $this->get_package_item_qty( $package ), 'cost' => $package['contents_cost'], ) ); } // Add shipping class costs $found_shipping_classes = $this->find_shipping_classes( $package ); $highest_class_cost = 0; foreach ( $found_shipping_classes as $shipping_class => $products ) { // Also handles BW compatibility when slugs were used instead of ids $shipping_class_term = get_term_by( 'slug', $shipping_class, 'product_shipping_class' ); $class_cost_string = $shipping_class_term && $shipping_class_term->term_id ? $this->get_option( 'class_cost_' . $shipping_class_term->term_id, $this->get_option( 'class_cost_' . $shipping_class, '' ) ) : $this->get_option( 'no_class_cost', '' ); if ( '' === $class_cost_string ) { continue; } $has_costs = true; $class_cost = $this->evaluate_cost( $class_cost_string, array( 'qty' => array_sum( wp_list_pluck( $products, 'quantity' ) ), 'cost' => array_sum( wp_list_pluck( $products, 'line_total' ) ), ) ); if ( 'class' === $this->type ) { $rate['cost'] += $class_cost; } else { $highest_class_cost = $class_cost > $highest_class_cost ? $class_cost : $highest_class_cost; } } if ( 'order' === $this->type && $highest_class_cost ) { $rate['cost'] += $highest_class_cost; } // Add the rate if ( $has_costs ) { $this->add_rate( $rate ); } /** * Developers can add additional flat rates based on this one via this action since @version 2.4. * * Previously there were (overly complex) options to add additional rates however this was not user. * friendly and goes against what Flat Rate Shipping was originally intended for. * * This example shows how you can add an extra rate based on this flat rate via custom function: * * add_action( 'woocommerce_flat_rate_shipping_add_rate', 'add_another_custom_flat_rate', 10, 2 ); * * function add_another_custom_flat_rate( $method, $rate ) { * $new_rate = $rate; * $new_rate['id'] .= ':' . 'custom_rate_name'; // Append a custom ID. * $new_rate['label'] = 'Rushed Shipping'; // Rename to 'Rushed Shipping'. * $new_rate['cost'] += 2; // Add $2 to the cost. * * // Add it to WC. * $method->add_rate( $new_rate ); * }. */ do_action( 'woocommerce_' . $this->id . '_shipping_add_rate', $this, $rate ); } /** * Get items in package. * @param array $package * @return int */ public function get_package_item_qty( $package ) { $total_quantity = 0; foreach ( $package['contents'] as $item_id => $values ) { if ( $values['quantity'] > 0 && $values['data']->needs_shipping() ) { $total_quantity += $values['quantity']; } } return $total_quantity; } /** * Finds and returns shipping classes and the products with said class. * @param mixed $package * @return array */ public function find_shipping_classes( $package ) { $found_shipping_classes = array(); foreach ( $package['contents'] as $item_id => $values ) { if ( $values['data']->needs_shipping() ) { $found_class = $values['data']->get_shipping_class(); if ( ! isset( $found_shipping_classes[ $found_class ] ) ) { $found_shipping_classes[ $found_class ] = array(); } $found_shipping_classes[ $found_class ][ $item_id ] = $values; } } return $found_shipping_classes; } }