# Orders Report The Orders Report provides insight about your store's orders. By default, orders with non-excluded statuses are listed by order date descending. Excluded statuses can be edited on the [Settings page](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/blob/main/docs/woocommerce.com/analytics-settings.md#excluded-statuses) Refunded orders cannot be excluded from the orders report. Refunded orders have two rows in the report: one for the date of the original order and one for the date of refund. ![Orders Report Overview](images/analytics-orders-report.png) ### Advanced Filters The advanced filters allow adding multiple filters to the report. These filters can be applied in two ways: - All - Orders must match all filters to be included in the report - Any - Orders must match one or more filters to be included in the report ![Orders Report Filter Matching](images/analytics-orders-filter-match.png) The following fields can be used for filtering: - Order Status - Products - Coupon Codes - Customer Type - Refunds - Tax Rates ![Customers Report Advanced Filters](images/analytics-orders-report-advanced-filters.png) ### Report Sorting The report table allows sorting by the following columns: - Date - Items Sold - Net Sales By default, the report shows the most recent orders.