/** * External dependencies */ import { Button, Modal } from '@wordpress/components'; import { Sender } from 'xstate'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { customizeStoreStateMachineEvents } from '../..'; export const GoBackWarningModal = ( { setOpenWarningModal, sendEvent, classname = 'woocommerce-customize-store__design-change-warning-modal', }: { setOpenWarningModal: ( arg0: boolean ) => void; sendEvent: Sender< customizeStoreStateMachineEvents >; classname?: string; } ) => { return ( setOpenWarningModal( false ) } shouldCloseOnClickOutside={ false } >

{ __( "You'll lose any changes you've made to your store's design and will start the process again.", 'woocommerce' ) }

); };