/** * Internal dependencies */ import { getHistory, getPersistedQuery, getSearchWords, getNewPath, } from '../index'; describe( 'getPersistedQuery', () => { beforeEach( () => { getHistory().push( getNewPath( { filter: 'advanced', product_includes: 127, period: 'year', compare: 'previous_year', after: '2018-02-01', before: '2018-01-01', interval: 'day', search: 'lorem', }, '/', {} ) ); } ); it( "should return an empty object it the query doesn't contain any time related parameters", () => { const query = { filter: 'advanced', product_includes: 127, }; const persistedQuery = {}; expect( getPersistedQuery( query ) ).toEqual( persistedQuery ); } ); it( 'should return time related parameters', () => { const query = { filter: 'advanced', product_includes: 127, period: 'year', compare: 'previous_year', after: '2018-02-01', before: '2018-01-01', type: 'bar', interval: 'day', }; const persistedQuery = { period: 'year', compare: 'previous_year', after: '2018-02-01', before: '2018-01-01', type: 'bar', interval: 'day', }; expect( getPersistedQuery( query ) ).toEqual( persistedQuery ); } ); it( 'should get the query from getQuery() when none is provided in the params', () => { const persistedQuery = { period: 'year', compare: 'previous_year', after: '2018-02-01', before: '2018-01-01', interval: 'day', }; expect( getPersistedQuery() ).toEqual( persistedQuery ); } ); } ); describe( 'getSearchWords', () => { it( 'should get the search words from a query object', () => { const query = { search: 'lorem,dolor sit', }; const searchWords = [ 'lorem', 'dolor sit' ]; expect( getSearchWords( query ) ).toEqual( searchWords ); } ); it( 'should parse `%2C` as commas', () => { const query = { search: 'lorem%2Cipsum,dolor sit', }; const searchWords = [ 'lorem,ipsum', 'dolor sit' ]; expect( getSearchWords( query ) ).toEqual( searchWords ); } ); it( 'should return an empty array if the query has no `search` property', () => { const query = {}; const searchWords = []; expect( getSearchWords( query ) ).toEqual( searchWords ); } ); it( 'should use the persisted query when it receives no params', () => { const searchWords = [ 'lorem' ]; expect( getSearchWords() ).toEqual( searchWords ); } ); it( 'should throw an error if the param is not an object', () => { expect( () => getSearchWords( 'lorem' ) ).toThrow( Error ); } ); it( 'should throw an error if the `search` property is not a string', () => { const query = { search: new Object(), }; expect( () => getSearchWords( query ) ).toThrow( Error ); } ); } ); describe( 'getNewPath', () => { it( 'should have default page as "wc-admin"', () => { const path = getNewPath( {}, '', {} ); expect( path ).toEqual( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=' ); } ); it( 'should override default page when page parameter is specified', () => { const path = getNewPath( {}, '', {}, 'custom-page' ); expect( path ).toEqual( 'admin.php?page=custom-page&path=' ); } ); it( 'should override default page by query parameter over page parameter', () => { const path = getNewPath( { page: 'custom-page', }, '', {}, 'default-page' ); expect( path ).toEqual( 'admin.php?page=custom-page&path=' ); } ); } );