/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */ /** * External dependencies */ import * as wpDataFunctions from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { setDefaultPaymentMethod } from '../utils/set-default-payment-method'; import { PlainPaymentMethods } from '../../../types'; import { PAYMENT_STORE_KEY } from '..'; const originalSelect = jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ).select; describe( 'setDefaultPaymentMethod', () => { afterEach( () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.resetModules(); } ); const paymentMethods: PlainPaymentMethods = { 'wc-payment-gateway-1': { name: 'wc-payment-gateway-1', }, 'wc-payment-gateway-2': { name: 'wc-payment-gateway-2', }, }; it( 'correctly sets the first payment method in the list of available payment methods', async () => { jest.spyOn( wpDataFunctions, 'select' ).mockImplementation( ( storeName ) => { const originalStore = originalSelect( storeName ); if ( storeName === PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ) { return { ...originalStore, getAvailableExpressPaymentMethods: () => { return { express_payment_1: { name: 'express_payment_1', }, }; }, getSavedPaymentMethods: () => { return {}; }, }; } return originalStore; } ); const originalDispatch = jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ).dispatch; const setActivePaymentMethodMock = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn( wpDataFunctions, 'dispatch' ).mockImplementation( ( storeName ) => { const originalStore = originalDispatch( storeName ); if ( storeName === PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ) { return { ...originalStore, __internalSetActivePaymentMethod: setActivePaymentMethodMock, }; } return originalStore; } ); await setDefaultPaymentMethod( paymentMethods ); expect( setActivePaymentMethodMock ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'wc-payment-gateway-1' ); } ); it( 'correctly sets the saved payment method if one is available', async () => { jest.spyOn( wpDataFunctions, 'select' ).mockImplementation( ( storeName ) => { const originalStore = originalSelect( storeName ); if ( storeName === PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ) { return { ...originalStore, getAvailableExpressPaymentMethods: () => { return { express_payment_1: { name: 'express_payment_1', }, }; }, getSavedPaymentMethods: () => { return { cc: [ { method: { gateway: 'saved-method', last4: '4242', brand: 'Visa', }, expires: '04/44', is_default: true, actions: { delete: { url: 'https://example.com/delete', name: 'Delete', }, }, tokenId: 2, }, ], }; }, }; } return originalStore; } ); const originalDispatch = jest.requireActual( '@wordpress/data' ).dispatch; const setActivePaymentMethodMock = jest.fn(); jest.spyOn( wpDataFunctions, 'dispatch' ).mockImplementation( ( storeName ) => { const originalStore = originalDispatch( storeName ); if ( storeName === PAYMENT_STORE_KEY ) { return { ...originalStore, __internalSetActivePaymentMethod: setActivePaymentMethodMock, __internalSetPaymentError: () => void 0, __internalSetPaymentFailed: () => void 0, __internalSetPaymentSuccess: () => void 0, __internalSetPaymentPristine: () => void 0, __internalSetPaymentStarted: () => void 0, __internalSetPaymentProcessing: () => void 0, }; } return originalStore; } ); await setDefaultPaymentMethod( paymentMethods ); expect( setActivePaymentMethodMock ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'saved-method', { isSavedToken: true, payment_method: 'saved-method', token: '2', 'wc-saved-method-payment-token': '2', } ); } ); } );