#!/usr/bin/env bash # usage: travis.sh before|after if [ $1 == 'before' ]; then composer global require "phpunit/phpunit=6.*" if [[ ${RUN_PHPCS} == 1 ]]; then composer install fi fi if [ $1 == 'after' ]; then if [[ ${RUN_CODE_COVERAGE} == 1 ]]; then bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) wget https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ocular.phar chmod +x ocular.phar php ocular.phar code-coverage:upload --format=php-clover coverage.clover fi if [[ ${RUN_E2E} == 1 && $(ls -A $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/screenshots) ]]; then if [[ -z "${ARTIFACTS_KEY}" ]]; then echo "Screenshots were not uploaded. Please run the e2e tests locally to see failures." else curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travis-ci/artifacts/master/install | bash artifacts upload fi fi fi