/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component, lazy } from '@wordpress/element'; import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import { compose } from '@wordpress/compose'; import { withDispatch, withSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { uniqueId, find } from 'lodash'; import CrossIcon from 'gridicons/dist/cross-small'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { Icon, help as helpIcon, inbox as inboxIcon } from '@wordpress/icons'; import { getAdminLink } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings'; import { H, Section } from '@woocommerce/components'; import { OPTIONS_STORE_NAME } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { getHistory, getNewPath } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import './style.scss'; import ActivityPanelToggleBubble from './toggle-bubble'; import { getUnreadNotes } from './unread-indicators'; import { isWCAdmin } from '../../dashboard/utils'; import { Tabs } from './tabs'; import { SetupProgress } from './setup-progress'; import { DisplayOptions } from './display-options'; import { HighlightTooltip } from './highlight-tooltip'; import { Panel } from './panel'; const HelpPanel = lazy( () => import( /* webpackChunkName: "activity-panels-help" */ './panels/help' ) ); const InboxPanel = lazy( () => import( /* webpackChunkName: "activity-panels-inbox" */ '../../inbox-panel' ) ); export class ActivityPanel extends Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { isPanelOpen: false, mobileOpen: false, currentTab: '', isPanelSwitching: false, }; } togglePanel( { name: tabName }, isTabOpen ) { this.setState( ( state ) => { const isPanelSwitching = tabName !== state.currentTab && state.currentTab !== '' && isTabOpen && state.isPanelOpen; return { isPanelOpen: isTabOpen, mobileOpen: isTabOpen, currentTab: tabName, isPanelSwitching, }; } ); } closePanel() { this.setState( () => ( { isPanelOpen: false, currentTab: '', } ) ); } clearPanel() { this.setState( () => ( { isPanelSwitching: false, } ) ); } // On smaller screen, the panel buttons are hidden behind a toggle. toggleMobile() { const tabs = this.getTabs(); this.setState( ( state ) => ( { mobileOpen: ! state.mobileOpen, currentTab: state.mobileOpen ? '' : tabs[ 0 ].name, isPanelOpen: ! state.mobileOpen, } ) ); } handleClickOutside( event ) { const { isPanelOpen } = this.state; const isClickOnModalOrSnackbar = event.target.closest( '.woocommerce-inbox-dismiss-confirmation_modal' ) || event.target.closest( '.components-snackbar__action' ); if ( isPanelOpen && ! isClickOnModalOrSnackbar ) { this.closePanel(); } } isHomescreen() { const { location } = this.props.getHistory(); return location.pathname === '/'; } isPerformingSetupTask() { const { requestingTaskListOptions, setupTaskListComplete, setupTaskListHidden, query, } = this.props; const isPerformingSetupTask = query.task && ! query.path && ( requestingTaskListOptions === true || ( setupTaskListHidden === false && setupTaskListComplete === false ) ); return isPerformingSetupTask; } // @todo Pull in dynamic unread status/count getTabs() { const { hasUnreadNotes, isEmbedded, setupTaskListComplete, setupTaskListHidden, updateOptions, } = this.props; const isPerformingSetupTask = this.isPerformingSetupTask(); // Don't show the inbox on the Home screen. const showInbox = ( isEmbedded || ! this.isHomescreen() ) && ! isPerformingSetupTask; const showHelp = ( this.isHomescreen() && ! isEmbedded ) || isPerformingSetupTask; const showDisplayOptions = ! isEmbedded && this.isHomescreen() && ! isPerformingSetupTask; const showStoreSetup = ! setupTaskListComplete && ! setupTaskListHidden && ! isPerformingSetupTask && ( ! this.isHomescreen() || isEmbedded ); const inbox = showInbox ? { name: 'inbox', title: __( 'Inbox', 'woocommerce-admin' ), icon: , unread: hasUnreadNotes, } : null; const setup = showStoreSetup ? { name: 'setup', title: __( 'Store Setup', 'woocommerce-admin' ), icon: , onClick: () => { const currentLocation = window.location.href; const homescreenLocation = getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin' ); // Don't navigate if we're already on the homescreen, this will cause an infinite loop if ( currentLocation !== homescreenLocation ) { // Ensure that if the user is trying to get to the task list they can see it even if // it was dismissed. if ( setupTaskListHidden === 'no' ) { this.redirectToHomeScreen(); } else { updateOptions( { woocommerce_task_list_hidden: 'no', } ).then( this.redirectToHomeScreen ); } } return null; }, } : null; const help = showHelp ? { name: 'help', title: __( 'Help', 'woocommerce-admin' ), icon: , } : null; const displayOptions = showDisplayOptions ? { component: DisplayOptions, } : null; return [ inbox, setup, displayOptions, help ].filter( Boolean ); } getPanelContent( tab ) { const { query } = this.props; const { task } = query; switch ( tab ) { case 'inbox': return ; case 'help': return ; default: return null; } } redirectToHomeScreen() { if ( isWCAdmin( window.location.href ) ) { getHistory().push( getNewPath( {}, '/', {} ) ); } else { window.location.href = getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin' ); } } closedHelpPanelHighlight() { const { userPreferencesData } = this.props; recordEvent( 'help_tooltip_click' ); if ( userPreferencesData && userPreferencesData.updateUserPreferences ) { userPreferencesData.updateUserPreferences( { help_panel_highlight_shown: 'yes', } ); } } shouldShowHelpTooltip() { const { userPreferencesData, trackedCompletedTasks, query, } = this.props; const { task } = query; const startedTasks = userPreferencesData && userPreferencesData.task_list_tracked_started_tasks; const highlightShown = userPreferencesData && userPreferencesData.help_panel_highlight_shown; if ( task && highlightShown !== 'yes' && ( startedTasks || {} )[ task ] > 1 && ! trackedCompletedTasks.includes( task ) ) { return true; } return false; } render() { const tabs = this.getTabs(); const { mobileOpen, currentTab, isPanelOpen } = this.state; const headerId = uniqueId( 'activity-panel-header_' ); const panelClasses = classnames( 'woocommerce-layout__activity-panel', { 'is-mobile-open': this.state.mobileOpen, } ); const showHelpHighlightTooltip = this.shouldShowHelpTooltip(); const hasUnread = tabs.some( ( tab ) => tab.unread ); const viewLabel = hasUnread ? __( 'View Activity Panel, you have unread activity', 'woocommerce-admin' ) : __( 'View Activity Panel', 'woocommerce-admin' ); return (
{ __( 'Store Activity', 'woocommerce-admin' ) }
{ if ( tab.onClick ) { tab.onClick(); return; } this.togglePanel( tab, tabOpen ); } } /> this.closePanel() } clearPanel={ () => this.clearPanel() } />
{ showHelpHighlightTooltip ? ( this.closedHelpPanelHighlight() } onShow={ () => recordEvent( 'help_tooltip_view' ) } /> ) : null }
); } } ActivityPanel.defaultProps = { getHistory, }; export default compose( withSelect( ( select ) => { const hasUnreadNotes = getUnreadNotes( select ); const { getOption, isResolving } = select( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const setupTaskListComplete = getOption( 'woocommerce_task_list_complete' ) === 'yes'; const setupTaskListHidden = getOption( 'woocommerce_task_list_hidden' ) === 'yes'; const requestingTaskListOptions = isResolving( 'getOption', [ 'woocommerce_task_list_complete' ] ) || isResolving( 'getOption', [ 'woocommerce_task_list_hidden' ] ); const trackedCompletedTasks = getOption( 'woocommerce_task_list_tracked_completed_tasks' ) || []; return { hasUnreadNotes, requestingTaskListOptions, setupTaskListComplete, setupTaskListHidden, trackedCompletedTasks, }; } ), withDispatch( ( dispatch ) => ( { updateOptions: dispatch( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ).updateOptions, } ) ) )( ActivityPanel );