Feature plugin for the Gutenberg Products block. **Getting Started:** 1. Make sure you have Gutenberg 2.0+ and WooCommerce 3.3.1+ installed and active. There were some changes in the way gutenblock scripts are enqueued in Gutenberg 2.0, so this won't work with earlier versions. 2. Get a copy of this plugin using the green "Clone or download" button on the right. Activate the plugin. 3. On Gutenberg posts you should now have a Products block available. **Developers:** 1. Follow the Getting Started instructions above. 2. `npm install` to install the compiler dependencies. 3. `npm run build-gutenberg` or `npm run build-gutenberg-watch` to compile the code. The source code is in the products-block.jsx file and the compiled code is in products-block.js. **Gutenberg Tutorial and Docs**: https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/blocks/ **Using API in Gutenberg**: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/213c64bb495946deffa3b6fe260f95b87de5774a/components/higher-order/with-api-data