/** @format */ .woocommerce-page:not(.woocommerce-embed-page) #klarna-banner, #klarna-kp-banner { display: none; } .woocommerce-dashboard__columns { display: grid; grid-template-columns: calc(50% - #{$gap-large/2}) calc(50% - #{$gap-large/2}); grid-column-gap: $gap-large; // Auto-position fix for IE11. > div { @include set-grid-item-position( 2, 14 ); } @include breakpoint( '<960px' ) { grid-template-columns: 100%; > div { @include set-grid-item-position( 1, 14 ); } } } .woocommerce-dashboard__widget { display: flex; align-items: center; text-align: center; } .woocommerce-dashboard__widget-item { flex: 1; } .woocommerce-dashboard-section__add-more { margin: 0 auto; width: 84px; padding: 0 $gap-large $gap-large; .components-popover__content { padding: 0 $gap $gap-smaller; } } .woocommerce-dashboard-section__add-more-choices { display: flex; justify-content: center; } .woocommerce-dashboard-section__add-more-btn { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; padding: $gap; margin: $gap-smaller; .dashicons-arrow-right-alt { transform: rotate(-45deg); } } .woocommerce-dashboard-section__add-more-btn-title { color: $core-grey-dark-300; padding-top: 8px; } .woocommerce-dashboard-section-controls { border-top: $border-width solid $core-grey-light-500; padding-top: $gap-smaller; .dashicon { margin: 0 $gap-smaller 0 0; vertical-align: bottom; } .woocommerce-ellipsis-menu__item { padding-bottom: 10px; } } .woocommerce-onboarding { .woocommerce-stepper .woocommerce-stepper__step { .woocommerce-stepper__step-label { color: $studio-gray-80; } &.is-active, &.is-complete { .woocommerce-stepper__step-icon { background: $studio-woocommerce-purple-60; color: $studio-white; } .woocommerce-stepper__step-label { color: $studio-gray-90; } } .woocommerce-spinner { background: $studio-woocommerce-purple-60; } } /* Muriel style overrides */ .muriel-component { margin-top: $gap; margin-bottom: $gap; } .components-base-control.has-error { margin-bottom: $gap * 2 !important; border-color: $studio-red-50; .components-base-control__help { top: 100%; left: $gap-small; position: absolute; margin-top: $gap-smallest; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; color: $studio-red-50; } } .components-form-toggle { display: inline-block; label { font-size: 14px; } .components-base-control { display: inline-block; } .components-form-toggle__track { width: 36px; max-width: 36px; height: 18px; max-height: 18px; } .components-base-control__field { margin-bottom: 0; } &.is-checked { .components-form-toggle__track { background-color: $studio-woocommerce-purple-60; border-color: $studio-woocommerce-purple-60; } } } } .woocommerce-task-dashboard__container .components-button.is-button, .woocommerce-profile-wizard__body .components-button.is-button, .woocommerce-page .components-modal__frame .components-button.is-button { height: 48px; padding-left: 25px; padding-right: 25px; text-align: center; font-size: 14px; line-height: 36px; font-weight: 500; &.is-primary.is-busy, &.is-primary.is-busy:active:enabled { cursor: progress; /* stylelint-disable function-parentheses-space-inside, function-comma-space-after */ background-image: linear-gradient( -45deg, $studio-pink-50 28%, color($studio-pink-50 shade(30%)) 28%, color($studio-pink-50 shade(30%)) 72%, $studio-pink-50 72% ) !important; // Gutenberg & PostCSS Add the gradient late in output, based on the 'primary' color, which in our case is purple. Our busy state should be pink. /* stylelint-enable */ } } .components-modal__frame.woocommerce-cart-modal { width: 600px; max-width: 100%; .components-modal__header { border-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: $gap; margin-top: $gap; button { display: none; } } .components-modal__header-heading { font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 24px; line-height: 32px; } .woocommerce-list { margin-top: $gap-smallest; } .woocommerce-list .woocommerce-list__item:first-child { border-top: 1px solid $studio-gray-5; } .woocommerce-list__item { border-bottom: 1px solid $studio-gray-5; } .woocommerce-cart-modal__help-text { font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px; } .woocommerce-cart-modal__actions { text-align: right; button.is-link { color: $studio-pink; margin-right: $gap; text-decoration: none; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; } button.is-primary { align-self: flex-end; } } }