/* eslint-disable jest/no-export, jest/no-disabled-tests */ /** * Internal dependencies */ const { merchant, settingsPageSaveChanges, verifyValueOfInputField } = require( '@woocommerce/e2e-utils' ); /** * External dependencies */ const { it, describe, beforeAll, } = require( '@jest/globals' ); const runUpdateGeneralSettingsTest = () => { describe('WooCommerce General Settings', () => { beforeAll(async () => { await merchant.login(); }); it('can update settings', async () => { // Go to general settings page await merchant.openSettings('general'); // Make sure the general tab is active await expect(page).toMatchElement('a.nav-tab-active', {text: 'General'}); // Set selling location to all countries first, // so we can choose california as base location. await expect(page).toSelect('#woocommerce_allowed_countries', 'Sell to all countries'); await settingsPageSaveChanges(); // Verify that settings have been saved await Promise.all([ expect(page).toMatchElement('#message', {text: 'Your settings have been saved.'}), expect(page).toMatchElement('#woocommerce_allowed_countries', {text: 'Sell to all countries'}), ]); // Set base location with state CA. await expect(page).toSelect('select[name="woocommerce_default_country"]', 'United States (US) — California'); await settingsPageSaveChanges(); // Verify that settings have been saved await Promise.all([ expect(page).toMatchElement('#message', {text: 'Your settings have been saved.'}), expect(page).toMatchElement('select[name="woocommerce_default_country"]', {text: 'United States (US) — California'}), ]); // Set selling location to specific countries first, so we can choose U.S as base location (without state). // This will makes specific countries option appears. await expect(page).toSelect('#woocommerce_allowed_countries', 'Sell to specific countries'); await expect(page).toSelect('select[name="woocommerce_specific_allowed_countries[]"]', 'United States (US)'); await settingsPageSaveChanges(); // Verify that settings have been saved await Promise.all([ expect(page).toMatchElement('#message', {text: 'Your settings have been saved.'}), expect(page).toMatchElement('#woocommerce_allowed_countries', {text: 'Sell to specific countries'}), expect(page).toMatchElement('select[name="woocommerce_specific_allowed_countries[]"]', {text: 'United States (US)'}), ]); // Set currency options. await expect(page).toFill('#woocommerce_price_thousand_sep', ','); await expect(page).toFill('#woocommerce_price_decimal_sep', '.'); await expect(page).toFill('#woocommerce_price_num_decimals', '2'); await settingsPageSaveChanges(); // Verify that settings have been saved await Promise.all([ expect(page).toMatchElement('#message', {text: 'Your settings have been saved.'}), verifyValueOfInputField('#woocommerce_price_thousand_sep', ','), verifyValueOfInputField('#woocommerce_price_decimal_sep', '.'), verifyValueOfInputField('#woocommerce_price_num_decimals', '2'), ]); }); }); }; module.exports = runUpdateGeneralSettingsTest;