#!/bin/sh # Output colorized strings # # Color codes: # 0 - black # 1 - red # 2 - green # 3 - yellow # 4 - blue # 5 - magenta # 6 - cian # 7 - white output() { echo "$(tput setaf "$1")$2$(tput sgr0)" } if [ ! -d "packages/" ]; then output 1 "./packages doesn't exist!" output 1 "run \"composer install\" before proceed." fi # Autoloader output 3 "Updating autoloader classmaps..." composer dump-autoload output 2 "Done" # Convert textdomains output 3 "Updating package PHP textdomains..." # Replace text domains within packages with woocommerce npm run packages:fix:textdomain output 2 "Done!" output 3 "Updating package JS textdomains..." find ./packages/woocommerce-blocks -iname '*.js' -exec sed -i.bak -e "s/'woo-gutenberg-products-block'/'woocommerce'/g" -e "s/\"woo-gutenberg-products-block\"/'woocommerce'/g" {} \; find ./packages/woocommerce-admin -iname '*.js' -exec sed -i.bak -e "s/, 'woocommerce-admin'/, 'woocommerce'/g" {} \; # Cleanup backup files find ./packages -name "*.bak" -type f -delete output 2 "Done!" # Apply patches output 2 "Applying patch #450 to Action Schduler" cd packages/action-scheduler curl -O https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/woocommerce/action-scheduler/pull/450.patch patch -p1 < 450.patch output 2 "Done!"