get_sections() ); $expected = array( '', ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $section_names ); } /** * get_settings should trigger the appropriate filter depending on the requested section name. * * @testWith ["", "woocommerce_email_settings"] * * @param string $section_name The section name to test getting the settings for. * @param string $filter_name The name of the filter that is expected to be triggered. */ public function test_get_settings_triggers_filter( $section_name, $filter_name ) { $actual_settings_via_filter = null; add_filter( $filter_name, function ( $settings ) use ( &$actual_settings_via_filter ) { $actual_settings_via_filter = $settings; return $settings; }, 10, 1 ); $sut = new WC_Settings_Emails(); $actual_settings_returned = $sut->get_settings( $section_name ); remove_all_filters( $filter_name ); $this->assertSame( $actual_settings_returned, $actual_settings_via_filter ); } /** * @testdox get_settings('') should return all the settings for the default section. */ public function test_get_default_settings_returns_all_settings() { $sut = new WC_Settings_Emails(); $settings = $sut->get_settings( '' ); $settings_ids_and_types = $this->get_ids_and_types( $settings ); $expected = array( 'email_notification_settings' => array( 'title', 'sectionend' ), '' => 'email_notification', 'email_recipient_options' => 'sectionend', 'email_options' => array( 'title', 'sectionend' ), 'woocommerce_email_from_name' => 'text', 'woocommerce_email_from_address' => 'email', 'email_template_options' => array( 'title', 'sectionend' ), 'woocommerce_email_header_image' => 'text', 'woocommerce_email_footer_text' => 'textarea', 'woocommerce_email_base_color' => 'color', 'woocommerce_email_background_color' => 'color', 'woocommerce_email_body_background_color' => 'color', 'woocommerce_email_text_color' => 'color', 'email_merchant_notes' => 'title', 'woocommerce_merchant_email_notifications' => 'checkbox', ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $settings_ids_and_types ); } /** * @testDox When the current section is the name of an existing email, 'output' invokes that email's 'admin_options' method. */ public function test_output_is_done_via_admin_options_method_of_email_specified_as_settings_section() { global $current_section; $current_section = 'wc_email_new_order'; $admin_options_invoked = false; $actual_email = null; $sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Emails::class ) ->setMethods( array( 'run_email_admin_options' ) ) ->getMock(); $sut->method( 'run_email_admin_options' ) ->will( $this->returnCallback( function( $email ) use ( &$admin_options_invoked, &$actual_email ) { $admin_options_invoked = true; $actual_email = $email; } ) ); $sut->output(); $this->assertTrue( $admin_options_invoked ); $this->assertInstanceOf( WC_Email_New_Order::class, $actual_email ); } /** * @testDox 'save' will trigger 'save_settings_for_current_section_invoked', and the appropriate actions. * * @testWith ["wc_email_new_order", false] * ["", true] * * @param string $section_name The current section name. * @param bool $expect_save_settings_for_current_section Whether 'save_settings_for_current_section' is expected to be invoked or not. */ public function test_save_triggers_appropriate_methods_and_actions( $section_name, $expect_save_settings_for_current_section ) { global $current_section; $current_section = $section_name; $save_settings_for_current_section_invoked = false; $email = WC_Emails::instance()->get_emails()[ WC_Email_New_Order::class ]; $emails = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Emails::class ) ->setMethods( array( 'get_emails' ) ) ->getMock(); $emails->method( 'get_emails' ) ->willReturn( array( WC_Email_New_Order::class => $email ) ); StaticMockerHack::add_method_mocks( array( 'WC_Emails' => array( 'instance' => function() use ( $emails ) { return $emails; }, ), ) ); $sut = $this->getMockBuilder( WC_Settings_Emails::class ) ->setMethods( array( 'save_settings_for_current_section' ) ) ->getMock(); $sut->method( 'save_settings_for_current_section' ) ->will( $this->returnCallback( function() use ( &$save_settings_for_current_section_invoked ) { $save_settings_for_current_section_invoked = true; } ) ); $sut->save(); $this->assertEquals( $expect_save_settings_for_current_section, $save_settings_for_current_section_invoked ); $this->assertEquals( '' === $section_name ? 0 : 1, did_action( 'woocommerce_update_options_email_new_order' ) ); } }