/* global woocommerceTokenizationParams */ ( function( $, data ) { $( function() { var wcTokenizationForm = (function() { function wcTokenizationForm( target ) { var $target = $( target ), $formWrap = $target.closest( '.payment_box' ), $wcTokenizationForm = this; this.onTokenChange = function() { if ( 'new' === $( this ).val() ) { $wcTokenizationForm.showForm(); $wcTokenizationForm.showSaveNewCheckboxForLoggedInOnly(); } else { $wcTokenizationForm.hideForm(); $wcTokenizationForm.hideSaveNewCheckbox(); } }; this.onCreateAccountChange = function() { if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $wcTokenizationForm.showSaveNewCheckbox(); } else { $wcTokenizationForm.hideSaveNewCheckbox(); } }; this.onDisplay = function() { // Make sure a radio button is selected if there is no is_default for this payment method.. if ( 0 === $( ':input.wc-gateway-payment-token:checked', $target ).length ) { $( ':input.wc-gateway-payment-token:last', $target ).prop( 'checked', true ); } // Don't show the "use new" radio button if we are a guest or only have one method.. if ( 0 === $target.data( 'count' ) || ! data.userLoggedIn ) { $( '.wc-payment-form-new-checkbox-wrap', $target ).hide(); } // Trigger change event $( ':input.wc-gateway-payment-token:checked', $target ).trigger( 'change' ); }; this.hideForm = function() { $( '.wc-payment-form', $formWrap ).hide(); }; this.showForm = function() { $( '.wc-payment-form', $formWrap ).show(); }; this.showSaveNewCheckbox = function() { $( '.wc-new-payment-method-wrap', $formWrap ).show(); }; this.hideSaveNewCheckbox = function() { $( '.wc-new-payment-method-wrap', $formWrap ).hide(); }; this.showSaveNewCheckboxForLoggedInOnly = function() { if ( data.userLoggedIn ) { $wcTokenizationForm.showSaveNewCheckbox(); } else { $wcTokenizationForm.hideSaveNewCheckbox(); } }; // When a radio button is changed, make sure to show/hide our new CC info area $( ':input.wc-gateway-payment-token', $target ).change( this.onTokenChange ); // OR if create account is checked $ ( 'input#createaccount' ).change( this.onCreateAccountChange ); this.onDisplay(); } return wcTokenizationForm; })(); $( document.body ).on( 'updated_checkout', function() { // Loop over gateways with saved payment methods var $saved_payment_methods = $( 'ul.wc-saved-payment-methods' ); $saved_payment_methods.each( function() { new wcTokenizationForm( this ); } ); } ); }); })( jQuery, woocommerceTokenizationParams );