# End to End Testing Environment A reusable and extendable E2E testing environment for WooCommerce extensions. ## Installation ```bash npm install @woocommerce/e2e-environment --save npm install jest --global ``` ## Configuration The `@woocommerce/e2e-environment` package exports configuration objects that can be consumed in JavaScript config files in your project. Additionally, it contains several files to serve as the base for a Docker container and Travis CI setup. ### Babel Config Extend your project's Babel config to contain the expected presets for E2E testing. ```js const { babelConfig: e2eBabelConfig } = require( '@woocommerce/e2e-environment' ); module.exports = function( api ) { api.cache( true ); return { ...e2eBabelConfig, presets: [ ...e2eBabelConfig.presets, '@wordpress/babel-preset-default', ], .... }; }; ``` ### ES Lint Config The E2E environment uses Puppeteer for headless browser testing, which uses certain globals variables. Avoid ES Lint errors by extending the config. ```js const { esLintConfig: baseConfig } = require( '@woocommerce/e2e-environment' ); module.exports = { ...baseConfig, root: true, parser: 'babel-eslint', extends: [ ...baseConfig.extends, 'wpcalypso/react', 'plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended', ], plugins: [ ...baseConfig.plugins, 'jsx-a11y', ], env: { ...baseConfig.env, browser: true, node: true, }, globals: { ...baseConfig.globals, wp: true, wpApiSettings: true, wcSettings: true, }, .... }; ``` ### Jest Config The E2E environment uses Jest as a test runner. Extending the base config is needed in order for Jest to run your project's test files. ```js const path = require( 'path' ); const { jestConfig: baseE2Econfig } = require( '@woocommerce/e2e-environment' ); module.exports = { ...baseE2Econfig, // Specify the path of your project's E2E tests here. roots: [ path.resolve( __dirname, '../specs' ) ], }; ``` **NOTE:** Your project's Jest config file is expected to found at: `tests/e2e/config/jest.config.js`. ### Webpack Config The E2E environment provides a `@woocommerce/e2e-tests` alias for easy use of the WooCommerce E2E test helpers. ```js const { webpackAlias: coreE2EAlias } = require( '@woocommerce/e2e-environment' ); module.exports = { .... resolve: { alias: { ...coreE2EAlias, .... }, }, }; ``` ### Docker Setup The E2E environment will look for a `docker-compose.yaml` file in your project root. This will be combined with the base Docker config in the package. This is where you'll map your local project files into the Docker container(s). ```yaml version: '3.7' services: wordpress-www: volumes: # This path is relative to the first config file # which is in node_modules/@woocommerce/e2e/env - "../../../:/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/your-project-here" wordpress-cli: volumes: - "../../../:/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/your-project-here" ``` #### Docker Container Initialization Script You can provide an initialization script that will run in the WP-CLI Docker container. Place an executable file at `tests/e2e/docker/initialize.sh` in your project and it will be copied into the container and executed. While you can run any commands you wish, the intent here is to use WP-CLI to set up your testing environment. E.g.: ``` #!/bin/bash echo "Initializing WooCommerce E2E" wp plugin install woocommerce --activate wp theme install twentynineteen --activate wp user create customer customer@woocommercecoree2etestsuite.com --user_pass=password --role=customer --path=/var/www/html wp post create --post_type=page --post_status=publish --post_title='Ready' --post_content='E2E-tests.' ``` ### Travis CI Add the following to the appropriate sections of your `.travis.yml` config file. ```yaml version: ~> 1.0 include: - name: "Core E2E Tests" php: 7.4 env: WP_VERSION=latest WP_MULTISITE=0 RUN_E2E=1 .... script: - npm install jest --global - npm explore @woocommerce/e2e-environment -- npm run test:e2e .... after_script: - npm explore @woocommerce/e2e-environment -- npm run docker:down ``` Use `[[ ${RUN_E2E} == 1 ]]` in your bash scripts to test for the core e2e test run. ## Usage Start Docker ```bash npm explore @woocommerce/e2e-environment -- npm run docker:up ``` Run E2E Tests ```bash npm explore @woocommerce/e2e-environment -- npm run test:e2e npm explore @woocommerce/e2e-environment -- npm run test:e2e-dev ``` Stop Docker ```bash npm explore @woocommerce/e2e-environment -- npm run docker:down ```