/** * External dependencies */ const path = require( 'path' ); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require( 'copy-webpack-plugin' ); const webpack = require( 'webpack' ); /** * External dependencies */ const wcAdminWebpackConfig = require( '../../plugins/woocommerce-admin/webpack.config.js' ); const wcAdminPackages = [ 'components', 'csv-export', 'currency', 'date', 'navigation', 'number', 'data', 'tracks', 'experimental', ]; module.exports = ( storybookConfig ) => { storybookConfig.module.rules = [ ...storybookConfig.module.rules, ...wcAdminWebpackConfig.module.rules, ]; storybookConfig.resolve.alias = wcAdminWebpackConfig.resolve.alias; wcAdminPackages.forEach( ( name ) => { storybookConfig.resolve.alias[ `@woocommerce/${ name }` ] = path.resolve( __dirname, `../../packages/js/${ name }/src` ); } ); storybookConfig.resolve.alias[ '@woocommerce/settings' ] = path.resolve( __dirname, './setting.mock.js' ); storybookConfig.resolve.alias[ 'react/jsx-runtime' ] = require.resolve( 'react/jsx-runtime' ); // We need to use react 18 for the storybook since some dependencies are not compatible with react 17 // Once we upgrade react to 18 in repo, we can remove this alias storybookConfig.resolve.alias.react = require.resolve( 'react18' ); storybookConfig.resolve.modules = [ path.join( __dirname, '../../plugins/woocommerce-admin/client' ), path.join( __dirname, '../../packages/js/product-editor/src' ), 'node_modules', ]; storybookConfig.plugins.push( ...wcAdminWebpackConfig.plugins, new CopyWebpackPlugin( { patterns: [ { from: path.resolve( __dirname, 'wordpress/css' ), to: 'wordpress/css/[name][ext]', }, { from: require.resolve( '@wordpress/components/build-style/style.css' ), to: 'wordpress/css/components.css', }, { from: path.resolve( __dirname, `../../packages/js/components/build-style/*.css` ), to: `./component-css/[name][ext]`, }, { from: path.resolve( __dirname, `../../packages/js/onboarding/build-style/*.css` ), to: `./onboarding-css/[name][ext]`, }, { from: path.resolve( __dirname, `../../packages/js/product-editor/build-style/*.css` ), to: `./product-editor-css/[name][ext]`, }, { from: path.resolve( __dirname, `../../packages/js/experimental/build-style/*.css` ), to: `./experimental-css/[name][ext]`, }, { from: path.resolve( __dirname, `../../plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/admin/app/*.css` ), to: `./app-css/[name][ext]`, }, ], } ) ); storybookConfig.resolve.fallback = { ...storybookConfig.resolve.fallback, // Ignore fs to fix resolve 'fs' error for @automattic/calypso-config fs: false, }; return storybookConfig; };