tax = new WC_Tax(); $this->prices_include_tax = (get_option('woocommerce_prices_include_tax')=='yes') ? true : false; $this->display_totals_ex_tax = (get_option('woocommerce_display_totals_excluding_tax')=='yes') ? true : false; $this->display_cart_ex_tax = (get_option('woocommerce_display_cart_prices_excluding_tax')=='yes') ? true : false; add_action('init', array(&$this, 'init'), 5); // Get cart on init } /** * Loads the cart data from the session during WordPress init */ function init() { $this->get_cart_from_session(); add_action('woocommerce_check_cart_items', array(&$this, 'check_cart_items'), 1); add_action('woocommerce_after_checkout_validation', array(&$this, 'check_customer_coupons'), 1); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Cart Session Handling */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Get the cart data from the PHP session */ function get_cart_from_session() { global $woocommerce; // Load the coupons if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_coupons' ) == 'yes' ) { $this->applied_coupons = (isset($_SESSION['coupons'])) ? array_unique(array_filter((array) $_SESSION['coupons'])) : array(); } // Load the cart if ( isset($_SESSION['cart']) && is_array($_SESSION['cart']) ) : $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; foreach ($cart as $key => $values) : if ($values['variation_id'] > 0) : $_product = new WC_Product_Variation($values['variation_id']); else : $_product = new WC_Product($values['product_id']); endif; if ($_product->exists && $values['quantity']>0) : // Put session data into array. Run through filter so other plugins can load their own session data $this->cart_contents[$key] = apply_filters('woocommerce_get_cart_item_from_session', array( 'product_id' => $values['product_id'], 'variation_id' => $values['variation_id'], 'variation' => $values['variation'], 'quantity' => $values['quantity'], 'data' => $_product ), $values); endif; endforeach; if (!is_array($this->cart_contents)) : $this->cart_contents = array(); endif; else : $this->cart_contents = array(); endif; // Cookie if (sizeof($this->cart_contents)>0) $woocommerce->cart_has_contents_cookie( true ); else $woocommerce->cart_has_contents_cookie( false ); // Load totals $this->cart_contents_total = isset($_SESSION['cart_contents_total']) ? $_SESSION['cart_contents_total'] : 0; $this->cart_contents_weight = isset($_SESSION['cart_contents_weight']) ? $_SESSION['cart_contents_weight'] : 0; $this->cart_contents_count = isset($_SESSION['cart_contents_count']) ? $_SESSION['cart_contents_count'] : 0; $this->cart_contents_tax = isset($_SESSION['cart_contents_tax']) ? $_SESSION['cart_contents_tax'] : 0; $this->total = isset($_SESSION['total']) ? $_SESSION['total'] : 0; $this->subtotal = isset($_SESSION['subtotal']) ? $_SESSION['subtotal'] : 0; $this->subtotal_ex_tax = isset($_SESSION['subtotal_ex_tax']) ? $_SESSION['subtotal_ex_tax'] : 0; $this->tax_total = isset($_SESSION['tax_total']) ? $_SESSION['tax_total'] : 0; $this->taxes = isset($_SESSION['taxes']) ? $_SESSION['taxes'] : array(); $this->shipping_taxes = isset($_SESSION['shipping_taxes']) ? $_SESSION['shipping_taxes'] : array(); $this->discount_cart = isset($_SESSION['discount_cart']) ? $_SESSION['discount_cart'] : 0; $this->discount_total = isset($_SESSION['discount_total']) ? $_SESSION['discount_total'] : 0; $this->shipping_total = isset($_SESSION['shipping_total']) ? $_SESSION['shipping_total'] : 0; $this->shipping_tax_total = isset($_SESSION['shipping_tax_total']) ? $_SESSION['shipping_tax_total'] : 0; $this->shipping_label = isset($_SESSION['shipping_label']) ? $_SESSION['shipping_label'] : ''; // Queue re-calc if subtotal is not set if (!$this->subtotal && sizeof($this->cart_contents)>0) $this->set_session(); } /** * Sets the php session data for the cart and coupons and re-calculates totals */ function set_session() { // Re-calc totals $this->calculate_totals(); // Set cart and coupon session data $cart_session = array(); if ($this->cart_contents) foreach ($this->cart_contents as $key => $values) { $cart_session[$key] = $values; // Unset product object unset($cart_session[$key]['data']); } $_SESSION['cart'] = $cart_session; $_SESSION['coupons'] = $this->applied_coupons; // Store totals to avoid re-calc on page load $_SESSION['cart_contents_total'] = $this->cart_contents_total; $_SESSION['cart_contents_weight'] = $this->cart_contents_weight; $_SESSION['cart_contents_count'] = $this->cart_contents_count; $_SESSION['cart_contents_tax'] = $this->cart_contents_tax; $_SESSION['total'] = $this->total; $_SESSION['subtotal'] = $this->subtotal; $_SESSION['subtotal_ex_tax'] = $this->subtotal_ex_tax; $_SESSION['tax_total'] = $this->tax_total; $_SESSION['shipping_taxes'] = $this->shipping_taxes; $_SESSION['taxes'] = $this->taxes; $_SESSION['discount_cart'] = $this->discount_cart; $_SESSION['discount_total'] = $this->discount_total; $_SESSION['shipping_total'] = $this->shipping_total; $_SESSION['shipping_tax_total'] = $this->shipping_tax_total; $_SESSION['shipping_label'] = $this->shipping_label; if (get_current_user_id()) $this->persistent_cart_update(); do_action('woocommerce_cart_updated'); } /** * Empty the cart data and destroy the session */ function empty_cart( $clear_persistent_cart = true ) { $this->cart_contents = array(); $this->reset(); unset( $_SESSION['coupons'], $_SESSION['cart'] ); if ($clear_persistent_cart && get_current_user_id()) $this->persistent_cart_destroy(); do_action('woocommerce_cart_emptied'); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Persistent cart handling */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Save the persistent cart when updated */ function persistent_cart_update() { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), '_woocommerce_persistent_cart', array( 'cart' => $_SESSION['cart'], )); } /** * Delete the persistent cart */ function persistent_cart_destroy() { delete_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), '_woocommerce_persistent_cart' ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Cart Data Functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Check cart items for errors */ function check_cart_items() { global $woocommerce; // Check item stock $result = $this->check_cart_item_stock(); if (is_wp_error($result)) $woocommerce->add_error( $result->get_error_message() ); } /** * Check for user coupons (now we have billing email) **/ function check_customer_coupons( $posted ) { global $woocommerce; if (!empty($this->applied_coupons)) foreach ($this->applied_coupons as $key => $code) { $coupon = new WC_Coupon( $code ); if (is_array($coupon->customer_email) && sizeof($coupon->customer_email)>0) { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $check_emails[] = $current_user->user_email; } $check_emails[] = $posted['billing_email']; if (!in_array($check_emails, $coupon->customer_email)) { $woocommerce->add_error( sprintf(__('Sorry, it seems the coupon "%s" is not yours - it has now been removed from your order.', 'woocommerce'), $code) ); // Remove the coupon unset( $this->applied_coupons[$key] ); $_SESSION['coupons'] = $this->applied_coupons; $_SESSION['refresh_totals'] = true; } } } } /** * looks through the cart to check each item is in stock */ function check_cart_item_stock() { $error = new WP_Error(); $product_qty_in_cart = array(); // First stock check loop foreach ($this->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $values) { $_product = $values['data']; /** * Check stock based on inventory */ if ($_product->managing_stock()) { /** * Check the stock for this item individually */ if (!$_product->is_in_stock() || !$_product->has_enough_stock( $values['quantity'] )) { $error->add( 'out-of-stock', sprintf(__('Sorry, we do not have enough "%s" in stock to fulfill your order (%s in stock). Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.', 'woocommerce'), $_product->get_title(), $_product->stock ) ); return $error; } /** * Put the item in the array to merge stock levels for items on multiple rows */ if ($values['variation_id']>0) { if ($_product->variation_has_stock) { // Variation has stock levels defined so its handled individually $product_qty_in_cart[$values['variation_id']] = (isset($product_qty_in_cart[$values['variation_id']])) ? $product_qty_in_cart[$values['variation_id']] + $values['quantity'] : $values['quantity']; } else { // Variation has no stock levels defined so use parents $product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']] = (isset($product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']])) ? $product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']] + $values['quantity'] : $values['quantity']; } } else { $product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']] = (isset($product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']])) ? $product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']] + $values['quantity'] : $values['quantity']; } /** * Check stock based on stock-status */ } else { if (!$_product->is_in_stock()) { $error->add( 'out-of-stock', sprintf(__('Sorry, we do not have enough "%s" in stock to fulfill your order. Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.', 'woocommerce'), $_product->get_title() ) ); return $error; } } } // This time check merged rows foreach ($this->get_cart() as $cart_item_key => $values) { $_product = $values['data']; if ($_product->managing_stock()) { if ($values['variation_id'] && $_product->variation_has_stock && isset($product_qty_in_cart[$values['variation_id']])) { if (!$_product->has_enough_stock( $product_qty_in_cart[$values['variation_id']] )) { $error->add( 'out-of-stock', sprintf(__('Sorry, we do not have enough "%s" in stock to fulfill your order (%s in stock). Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.', 'woocommerce'), $_product->get_title(), $_product->stock ) ); return $error; } } elseif (isset($product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']])) { if (!$_product->has_enough_stock( $product_qty_in_cart[$values['product_id']] )) { $error->add( 'out-of-stock', sprintf(__('Sorry, we do not have enough "%s" in stock to fulfill your order (%s in stock). Please edit your cart and try again. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.', 'woocommerce'), $_product->get_title(), $_product->stock ) ); return $error; } } } } return true; } /** * Gets and formats a list of cart item data + variations for display on the frontend */ function get_item_data( $cart_item, $flat = false ) { global $woocommerce; $has_data = false; if (!$flat) $return = '
'; // Variation data if($cart_item['data'] instanceof WC_Product_Variation && is_array($cart_item['variation'])) : $variation_list = array(); foreach ($cart_item['variation'] as $name => $value) : if (!$value) continue; // If this is a term slug, get the term's nice name if (taxonomy_exists(esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)))) : $term = get_term_by('slug', $value, esc_attr(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name))); if (!is_wp_error($term) && $term->name) : $value = $term->name; endif; else : $value = ucfirst($value); endif; if ($flat) : $variation_list[] = $woocommerce->attribute_label(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)).': '.$value; else : $variation_list[] = '
'.$woocommerce->attribute_label(str_replace('attribute_', '', $name)).':
'; endif; endforeach; if ($flat) : $return .= implode(', ', $variation_list); else : $return .= implode('', $variation_list); endif; $has_data = true; endif; // Other data - returned as array with name/value values $other_data = apply_filters('woocommerce_get_item_data', array(), $cart_item); if ($other_data && is_array($other_data) && sizeof($other_data)>0) : $data_list = array(); foreach ($other_data as $data) : $display_value = (isset($data['display']) && $data['display']) ? $data['display'] : $data['value']; if ($flat) : $data_list[] = $data['name'].': '.$display_value; else : $data_list[] = '
'; endif; endforeach; if ($flat) : $return .= implode(', ', $data_list); else : $return .= implode('', $data_list); endif; $has_data = true; endif; if (!$flat) $return .= '
'; if ($has_data) return $return; } /** * Gets cross sells based on the items in the cart * * @return array cross_sells item ids of cross sells */ function get_cross_sells() { $cross_sells = array(); $in_cart = array(); if (sizeof($this->cart_contents)>0) : foreach ($this->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $values) : if ($values['quantity']>0) : $cross_sells = array_merge($values['data']->get_cross_sells(), $cross_sells); $in_cart[] = $values['product_id']; endif; endforeach; endif; $cross_sells = array_diff($cross_sells, $in_cart); return $cross_sells; } /** gets the url to the cart page */ function get_cart_url() { $cart_page_id = woocommerce_get_page_id('cart'); if ($cart_page_id) return apply_filters('woocommerce_get_cart_url', get_permalink($cart_page_id)); } /** gets the url to the checkout page */ function get_checkout_url() { $checkout_page_id = woocommerce_get_page_id('checkout'); if ($checkout_page_id) : if (is_ssl()) return str_replace('http:', 'https:', get_permalink($checkout_page_id)); return apply_filters('woocommerce_get_checkout_url', get_permalink($checkout_page_id)); endif; } /** gets the url to remove an item from the cart */ function get_remove_url( $cart_item_key ) { global $woocommerce; $cart_page_id = woocommerce_get_page_id('cart'); if ($cart_page_id) return apply_filters('woocommerce_get_remove_url', $woocommerce->nonce_url( 'cart', add_query_arg('remove_item', $cart_item_key, get_permalink($cart_page_id)))); } /** * Returns the contents of the cart */ function get_cart() { return (array) $this->cart_contents; } /** * Returns the cart and shipping taxes, merged */ function get_taxes() { $merged_taxes = array(); // Merge foreach (array_keys($this->taxes + $this->shipping_taxes) as $key) { $merged_taxes[$key] = (isset($this->shipping_taxes[$key]) ? $this->shipping_taxes[$key] : 0) + (isset($this->taxes[$key]) ? $this->taxes[$key] : 0); } return $merged_taxes; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add to cart handling */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Check if product is in the cart and return cart item key * * Cart item key will be unique based on the item and its properties, such as variations */ function find_product_in_cart( $cart_id = false ) { if ($cart_id !== false) foreach ($this->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $cart_item) if ($cart_item_key == $cart_id) return $cart_item_key; } /** * Generate a unique ID for the cart item being added */ function generate_cart_id( $product_id, $variation_id = '', $variation = '', $cart_item_data = '' ) { $id_parts = array( $product_id ); if ($variation_id) $id_parts[] = $variation_id; if (is_array($variation)) : $variation_key = ''; foreach ($variation as $key => $value) : $variation_key .= trim($key) . trim($value); endforeach; $id_parts[] = $variation_key; endif; if (is_array($cart_item_data)) : $cart_item_data_key = ''; foreach ($cart_item_data as $key => $value) : if (is_array($value)) $value = http_build_query($value); $cart_item_data_key .= trim($key) . trim($value); endforeach; $id_parts[] = $cart_item_data_key; endif; return md5( implode('_', $id_parts) ); } /** * Add a product to the cart * * @param string product_id contains the id of the product to add to the cart * @param string quantity contains the quantity of the item to add * @param int variation_id * @param array variation attribute values */ function add_to_cart( $product_id, $quantity = 1, $variation_id = '', $variation = '' ) { global $woocommerce; if ($quantity < 1) return false; // Load cart item data - may be added by other plugins $cart_item_data = (array) apply_filters('woocommerce_add_cart_item_data', array(), $product_id); // Generate a ID based on product ID, variation ID, variation data, and other cart item data $cart_id = $this->generate_cart_id( $product_id, $variation_id, $variation, $cart_item_data ); // See if this product and its options is already in the cart $cart_item_key = $this->find_product_in_cart($cart_id); if ($variation_id>0) : $product_data = new WC_Product_Variation( $variation_id ); else : $product_data = new WC_Product( $product_id ); endif; // Type/Exists check if ( $product_data->is_type('external') || !$product_data->exists() ) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('This product cannot be purchased.', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; // Price set check if( $product_data->get_price() === '' ) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('This product cannot be purchased - the price is not yet set.', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; // Stock check - only check if we're managing stock and backorders are not allowed if ( !$product_data->has_enough_stock( $quantity ) ) : $woocommerce->add_error( sprintf(__('You cannot add that amount to the cart since there is not enough stock. We have %s in stock.', 'woocommerce'), $product_data->get_stock_quantity() )); return false; elseif ( !$product_data->is_in_stock() ) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('You cannot add that product to the cart since the product is out of stock.', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; // Downloadable/virtual qty check if ( get_option('woocommerce_limit_downloadable_product_qty')=='yes' && $product_data->is_downloadable() && $product_data->is_virtual() ) : $qty = ($cart_item_key) ? $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['quantity'] + $quantity : $quantity; if ( $qty > 1 ) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('You already have this item in your cart.', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; endif; if ($cart_item_key) : $quantity = $quantity + $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['quantity']; // Stock check - this time accounting for whats already in-cart if ( !$product_data->has_enough_stock( $quantity ) ) : $woocommerce->add_error( sprintf(__('You cannot add that amount to the cart since there is not enough stock. We have %s in stock and you already have %s in your cart.', 'woocommerce'), $product_data->get_stock_quantity(), $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['quantity'] )); return false; elseif ( !$product_data->is_in_stock() ) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('You cannot add that product to the cart since the product is out of stock.', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; $this->set_quantity($cart_item_key, $quantity); else : // Add item after merging with $cart_item_data - hook to allow plugins to modify cart item $this->cart_contents[$cart_id] = apply_filters('woocommerce_add_cart_item', array_merge( $cart_item_data, array( 'product_id' => $product_id, 'variation_id' => $variation_id, 'variation' => $variation, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'data' => $product_data ))); endif; $woocommerce->cart_has_contents_cookie( true ); $this->set_session(); return true; } /** * Set the quantity for an item in the cart * * @param string cart_item_key contains the id of the cart item * @param string quantity contains the quantity of the item */ function set_quantity( $cart_item_key, $quantity = 1 ) { if ($quantity==0 || $quantity<0) : unset($this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]); else : $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['quantity'] = $quantity; do_action('woocommerce_after_cart_item_quantity_update', $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key], $quantity); endif; $this->set_session(); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Cart Calculation Functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Reset totals */ private function reset() { $this->total = 0; $this->cart_contents_total = 0; $this->cart_contents_weight = 0; $this->cart_contents_count = 0; $this->cart_contents_tax = 0; $this->tax_total = 0; $this->shipping_tax_total = 0; $this->shipping_taxes = array(); $this->subtotal = 0; $this->subtotal_ex_tax = 0; $this->discount_total = 0; $this->discount_cart = 0; $this->shipping_total = 0; $this->taxes = array(); unset( $_SESSION['cart_contents_total'], $_SESSION['cart_contents_weight'], $_SESSION['cart_contents_count'], $_SESSION['cart_contents_tax'], $_SESSION['total'], $_SESSION['subtotal'], $_SESSION['subtotal_ex_tax'], $_SESSION['tax_total'], $_SESSION['taxes'], $_SESSION['shipping_taxes'], $_SESSION['discount_cart'], $_SESSION['discount_total'], $_SESSION['shipping_total'], $_SESSION['shipping_tax_total'], $_SESSION['shipping_label'] ); } /** * Function to apply discounts to a product and get the discounted price (before tax is applied) */ function get_discounted_price( $values, $price, $add_totals = false ) { if (!$price) return $price; if (!empty($this->applied_coupons)) foreach ($this->applied_coupons as $code) : $coupon = new WC_Coupon( $code ); if ( $coupon->apply_before_tax() && $coupon->is_valid() ) : switch ($coupon->type) : case "fixed_product" : case "percent_product" : $this_item_is_discounted = false; $product_cats = wp_get_post_terms($values['product_id'], 'product_cat', array("fields" => "ids")); // Specific products get the discount if (sizeof($coupon->product_ids)>0) { if (in_array($values['product_id'], $coupon->product_ids) || in_array($values['variation_id'], $coupon->product_ids) || in_array($values['data']->get_parent(), $coupon->product_ids)) $this_item_is_discounted = true; // Category discounts } elseif (sizeof($coupon->product_categories)>0) { if ( sizeof( array_intersect( $product_cats, $coupon->product_categories ) ) > 0 ) $this_item_is_discounted = true; } else { // No product ids - all items discounted $this_item_is_discounted = true; } // Specific product ID's excluded from the discount if (sizeof($coupon->exclude_product_ids)>0) if (in_array($values['product_id'], $coupon->exclude_product_ids) || in_array($values['variation_id'], $coupon->exclude_product_ids) || in_array($values['data']->get_parent(), $coupon->exclude_product_ids)) $this_item_is_discounted = false; // Specific categories excluded from the discount if (sizeof($coupon->exclude_product_categories)>0) if ( sizeof( array_intersect( $product_cats, $coupon->exclude_product_categories ) ) > 0 ) $this_item_is_discounted = false; // Apply filter $this_item_is_discounted = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_item_is_discounted', $this_item_is_discounted, $values, $before_tax = true ); // Apply the discount if ($this_item_is_discounted) : if ($coupon->type=='fixed_product') : if ($price < $coupon->amount) : $discount_amount = $price; else : $discount_amount = $coupon->amount; endif; $price = $price - $coupon->amount; if ($price<0) $price = 0; if ($add_totals) : $this->discount_cart = $this->discount_cart + ( $discount_amount * $values['quantity'] ); endif; elseif ($coupon->type=='percent_product') : $percent_discount = ( $values['data']->get_price_excluding_tax() / 100 ) * $coupon->amount; if ($add_totals) $this->discount_cart = $this->discount_cart + ( $percent_discount * $values['quantity'] ); $price = $price - $percent_discount; endif; endif; break; case "fixed_cart" : /** * This is the most complex discount - we need to divide the discount between rows based on their price in * proportion to the subtotal. This is so rows with different tax rates get a fair discount, and so rows * with no price (free) don't get discount too. */ // Get item discount by dividing item cost by subtotal to get a % if ($this->subtotal_ex_tax) $discount_percent = ($values['data']->get_price_excluding_tax()*$values['quantity']) / $this->subtotal_ex_tax; else $discount_percent = 0; // Use pence to help prevent rounding errors $coupon_amount_pence = $coupon->amount * 100; // Work out the discount for the row $item_discount = $coupon_amount_pence * $discount_percent; // Work out discount per item $item_discount = $item_discount / $values['quantity']; // Pence $price = ( $price * 100 ); // Check if discount is more than price if ($price < $item_discount) : $discount_amount = $price; else : $discount_amount = $item_discount; endif; // Take discount off of price (in pence) $price = $price - $discount_amount; // Back to pounds $price = $price / 100; // Cannot be below 0 if ($price<0) $price = 0; // Add coupon to discount total (once, since this is a fixed cart discount and we don't want rounding issues) if ($add_totals) $this->discount_cart = $this->discount_cart + (($discount_amount*$values['quantity']) / 100); break; case "percent" : $percent_discount = ( $values['data']->get_price( ) / 100 ) * $coupon->amount; if ($add_totals) $this->discount_cart = $this->discount_cart + ( $percent_discount * $values['quantity'] ); $price = $price - $percent_discount; break; endswitch; endif; endforeach; return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_get_discounted_price', $price, $values, $this ); } /** * Function to apply product discounts after tax */ function apply_product_discounts_after_tax( $values, $price ) { if (!empty($this->applied_coupons)) foreach ($this->applied_coupons as $code) : $coupon = new WC_Coupon( $code ); do_action( 'woocommerce_product_discount_after_tax_' . $coupon->type, $coupon ); if ($coupon->type!='fixed_product' && $coupon->type!='percent_product') continue; if ( !$coupon->apply_before_tax() && $coupon->is_valid() ) : $this_item_is_discounted = false; // Specific products get the discount if (sizeof($coupon->product_ids)>0) { if (in_array($values['product_id'], $coupon->product_ids) || in_array($values['variation_id'], $coupon->product_ids) || in_array($values['data']->get_parent(), $coupon->product_ids)) $this_item_is_discounted = true; // Category discounts } elseif (sizeof($coupon->product_categories)>0) { if ( sizeof( array_intersect( $product_cats, $coupon->product_categories ) ) > 0 ) $this_item_is_discounted = true; } else { // No product ids - all items discounted $this_item_is_discounted = true; } // Specific product ID's excluded from the discount if (sizeof($coupon->exclude_product_ids)>0) if (in_array($values['product_id'], $coupon->exclude_product_ids) || in_array($values['variation_id'], $coupon->exclude_product_ids) || in_array($values['data']->get_parent(), $coupon->exclude_product_ids)) $this_item_is_discounted = false; // Specific categories excluded from the discount if (sizeof($coupon->exclude_product_categories)>0) if ( sizeof( array_intersect( $product_cats, $coupon->exclude_product_categories ) ) > 0 ) $this_item_is_discounted = false; // Apply filter $this_item_is_discounted = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_item_is_discounted', $this_item_is_discounted, $values, $before_tax = false ); // Apply the discount if ($this_item_is_discounted) : if ($coupon->type=='fixed_product') : if ($price < $coupon->amount) : $discount_amount = $price; else : $discount_amount = $coupon->amount; endif; $this->discount_total = $this->discount_total + ( $discount_amount * $values['quantity'] ); elseif ($coupon->type=='percent_product') : $this->discount_total = $this->discount_total + ( $price / 100 ) * $coupon->amount; endif; endif; endif; endforeach; } /** * Function to apply cart discounts after tax */ function apply_cart_discounts_after_tax() { if ($this->applied_coupons) foreach ($this->applied_coupons as $code) : $coupon = new WC_Coupon( $code ); do_action( 'woocommerce_cart_discount_after_tax_' . $coupon->type, $coupon ); if ( !$coupon->apply_before_tax() && $coupon->is_valid() ) : switch ($coupon->type) : case "fixed_cart" : $this->discount_total = $this->discount_total + $coupon->amount; break; case "percent" : $percent_discount = (round( $this->cart_contents_total + $this->tax_total , 2) / 100 ) * $coupon->amount; $this->discount_total = $this->discount_total + $percent_discount; break; endswitch; endif; endforeach; } /** * calculate totals for the items in the cart */ function calculate_totals() { global $woocommerce; $this->reset(); do_action('woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', $this); // Get count of all items + weights + subtotal (we may need this for discounts) if (sizeof($this->cart_contents)>0) foreach ($this->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $values) : $_product = $values['data']; $this->cart_contents_weight = $this->cart_contents_weight + ($_product->get_weight() * $values['quantity']); $this->cart_contents_count = $this->cart_contents_count + $values['quantity']; // Base Price (inlusive of tax for now) $row_base_price = $_product->get_price() * $values['quantity']; $base_tax_rates = $this->tax->get_shop_base_rate( $_product->tax_class ); $tax_amount = 0; if ($this->prices_include_tax) : if ( $_product->is_taxable() ) : $tax_rates = $this->tax->get_rates( $_product->get_tax_class() ); // ADJUST BASE if tax rate is different (different region or modified tax class) if ( $tax_rates !== $base_tax_rates ) : $base_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $row_base_price, $base_tax_rates, true ); $modded_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $row_base_price - array_sum($base_taxes), $tax_rates, false ); $row_base_price = ($row_base_price - array_sum($base_taxes)) + array_sum($modded_taxes); endif; $taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $row_base_price, $tax_rates, true ); $tax_amount = $this->tax->get_tax_total($taxes); endif; // Sub total is based on base prices (without discounts) $this->subtotal = $this->subtotal + $row_base_price; $this->subtotal_ex_tax = $this->subtotal_ex_tax + ( $row_base_price - $tax_amount); else : if ( $_product->is_taxable() ) : $tax_rates = $this->tax->get_rates( $_product->get_tax_class() ); $taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $row_base_price, $tax_rates, false ); $tax_amount = $this->tax->get_tax_total($taxes); endif; // Sub total is based on base prices (without discounts) $this->subtotal = $this->subtotal + $row_base_price + $tax_amount; $this->subtotal_ex_tax = $this->subtotal_ex_tax + $row_base_price; endif; endforeach; // Now calc the main totals, including discounts if ($this->prices_include_tax) : /** * Calculate totals for items */ if (sizeof($this->cart_contents)>0) : foreach ($this->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $values) : /** * Prices include tax * * To prevent rounding issues we need to work with the inclusive price where possible * otherwise we'll see errors such as when working with a 9.99 inc price, 20% VAT which would * be 8.325 leading to totals being 1p off * * Pre tax coupons come off the price the customer thinks they are paying - tax is calculated * afterwards. * * e.g. $100 bike with $10 coupon = customer pays $90 and tax worked backwards from that * * Used this excellent article for reference: * */ $_product = $values['data']; // Base Price (inlusive of tax for now) $base_price = $_product->get_price(); // Base Price Adjustment if ( $_product->is_taxable() ) : // Get rates $tax_rates = $this->tax->get_rates( $_product->get_tax_class() ); /** * ADJUST TAX - Checkout calculations when customer is OUTSIDE the shop base country and prices INCLUDE tax * OR * ADJUST TAX - Checkout calculations when a tax class is modified */ if ( ( $woocommerce->customer->is_customer_outside_base() && defined('WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT')) || ($_product->get_tax_class() !== $_product->tax_class) ) : // Get tax rate for the store base, ensuring we use the unmodified tax_class for the product $base_tax_rates = $this->tax->get_shop_base_rate( $_product->tax_class ); // Work out new price based on region $row_base_price = $base_price * $values['quantity']; $base_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $row_base_price, $base_tax_rates, true ); $taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $row_base_price - array_sum($base_taxes), $tax_rates, false ); // Tax amount $tax_amount = array_sum($taxes); // Line subtotal + tax $line_subtotal_tax = ( get_option('woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal')=='no' ) ? round($tax_amount, 2) : $tax_amount; $line_subtotal = $row_base_price - $this->tax->get_tax_total($base_taxes); // Adjusted price $adjusted_price = ($row_base_price - array_sum($base_taxes) + array_sum($taxes)) / $values['quantity']; // Apply discounts $discounted_price = $this->get_discounted_price( $values, $adjusted_price, true ); $discounted_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $discounted_price * $values['quantity'], $tax_rates, true ); $discounted_tax_amount = array_sum($discounted_taxes); // Sum taxes /** * Regular tax calculation (customer inside base and the tax class is unmodified */ else : // Base tax for line before discount - we will store this in the order data $tax_amount = array_sum($this->tax->calc_tax( $base_price * $values['quantity'], $tax_rates, true )); // Line subtotal + tax $line_subtotal_tax = ( get_option('woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal')=='no' ) ? round($tax_amount, 2) : $tax_amount; $line_subtotal = ($base_price * $values['quantity']) - round($line_subtotal_tax, 2); // Calc prices and tax (discounted) $discounted_price = $this->get_discounted_price( $values, $base_price, true ); $discounted_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $discounted_price * $values['quantity'], $tax_rates, true ); $discounted_tax_amount = array_sum($discounted_taxes); // Sum taxes endif; // Tax rows - merge the totals we just got foreach (array_keys($this->taxes + $discounted_taxes) as $key) { $this->taxes[$key] = (isset($discounted_taxes[$key]) ? $discounted_taxes[$key] : 0) + (isset($this->taxes[$key]) ? $this->taxes[$key] : 0); } else : // Discounted Price (price with any pre-tax discounts applied) $discounted_price = $this->get_discounted_price( $values, $base_price, true ); $discounted_tax_amount = 0; $tax_amount = 0; $line_subtotal_tax = 0; $line_subtotal = ($base_price * $values['quantity']); endif; // Line prices $line_tax = ( get_option('woocommerce_tax_round_at_subtotal')=='no' ) ? round($discounted_tax_amount, 2) : $discounted_tax_amount; $line_total = ($discounted_price * $values['quantity']) - round($line_tax, 2); // Add any product discounts (after tax) $this->apply_product_discounts_after_tax( $values, $line_total + $discounted_tax_amount ); // Cart contents total is based on discounted prices and is used for the final total calculation $this->cart_contents_total = $this->cart_contents_total + $line_total; // Store costs + taxes for lines $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_total'] = $line_total; $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_tax'] = $line_tax; $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_subtotal'] = $line_subtotal; $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_subtotal_tax'] = $line_subtotal_tax; endforeach; endif; else : if (sizeof($this->cart_contents)>0) : foreach ($this->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $values) : /** * Prices exclude tax * * This calculation is simpler - work with the base, untaxed price. */ $_product = $values['data']; // Base Price (i.e. no tax, regardless of region) $base_price = $_product->get_price(); // Discounted Price (base price with any pre-tax discounts applied $discounted_price = $this->get_discounted_price( $values, $base_price, true ); // Tax Amount (For the line, based on discounted, price) if ( $_product->is_taxable() ) : // Get tax rates $tax_rates = $this->tax->get_rates( $_product->get_tax_class() ); // Base tax for line before discount - we will store this in the order data $tax_amount = array_sum($this->tax->calc_tax( $base_price * $values['quantity'], $tax_rates, false )); // Now calc product rates $discounted_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $discounted_price * $values['quantity'], $tax_rates, false ); $discounted_tax_amount = array_sum( $discounted_taxes ); // Tax rows - merge the totals we just got foreach (array_keys($this->taxes + $discounted_taxes) as $key) { $this->taxes[$key] = (isset($discounted_taxes[$key]) ? $discounted_taxes[$key] : 0) + (isset($this->taxes[$key]) ? $this->taxes[$key] : 0); } else : $discounted_tax_amount = 0; $tax_amount = 0; endif; // Line prices $line_subtotal_tax = $tax_amount; $line_tax = $discounted_tax_amount; $line_subtotal = $base_price * $values['quantity']; $line_total = $discounted_price * $values['quantity']; // Add any product discounts (after tax) $this->apply_product_discounts_after_tax( $values, $line_total + $line_tax ); // Cart contents total is based on discounted prices and is used for the final total calculation $this->cart_contents_total = $this->cart_contents_total + $line_total; // Store costs + taxes for lines $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_total'] = $line_total; $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_tax'] = $line_tax; $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_subtotal'] = $line_subtotal; $this->cart_contents[$cart_item_key]['line_subtotal_tax'] = $line_subtotal_tax; endforeach; endif; endif; // Set tax total to sum of all tax rows $this->tax_total = $this->tax->get_tax_total( $this->taxes ); // VAT exemption done at this point - so all totals are correct before exemption if ($woocommerce->customer->is_vat_exempt() || (is_cart() && get_option('woocommerce_display_cart_taxes')=='no')) : $this->shipping_tax_total = $this->tax_total = 0; $this->taxes = $this->shipping_taxes = array(); endif; // Cart Discounts (after tax) $this->apply_cart_discounts_after_tax(); // Only go beyond this point if on the cart/checkout if (!is_checkout() && !is_cart() && !defined('WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT') && !defined('WOOCOMMERCE_CART')) return; // Cart Shipping $this->calculate_shipping(); // VAT exemption for shipping if ($woocommerce->customer->is_vat_exempt()) : $this->shipping_tax_total = 0; $this->shipping_taxes = array(); endif; // Round cart/shipping tax rows $this->taxes = array_map(array(&$this->tax, 'round'), $this->taxes); $this->shipping_taxes = array_map(array(&$this->tax, 'round'), $this->shipping_taxes); // Allow plugins to hook and alter totals before final total is calculated do_action('woocommerce_calculate_totals', $this); /** * Grand Total * * Based on discounted product prices, discounted tax, shipping cost + tax, and any discounts to be added after tax (e.g. store credit) */ $this->total = apply_filters('woocommerce_calculated_total', number_format( $this->cart_contents_total + $this->tax_total + $this->shipping_tax_total + $this->shipping_total - $this->discount_total, 2, '.', ''), $this); if ($this->total < 0) $this->total = 0; } /** * looks at the totals to see if payment is actually required */ function needs_payment() { if ( $this->total > 0 ) return true; else return false; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Shipping related functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Use the shipping class to calculate shipping */ function calculate_shipping() { global $woocommerce; if ($this->needs_shipping()) : $woocommerce->shipping->calculate_shipping(); else : $woocommerce->shipping->reset_shipping(); endif; $this->shipping_total = $woocommerce->shipping->shipping_total; // Shipping Total $this->shipping_label = $woocommerce->shipping->shipping_label; // Shipping Label $this->shipping_taxes = $woocommerce->shipping->shipping_taxes; // Shipping Taxes $this->shipping_tax_total = $this->tax->get_tax_total( $this->shipping_taxes ); // Shipping tax amount } /** * looks through the cart to see if shipping is actually required */ function needs_shipping() { if (get_option('woocommerce_calc_shipping')=='no') return false; if (!is_array($this->cart_contents)) return false; $needs_shipping = false; foreach ($this->cart_contents as $cart_item_key => $values) : $_product = $values['data']; if ( $_product->needs_shipping() ) : $needs_shipping = true; endif; endforeach; return apply_filters( 'woocomerce_cart_needs_shipping', $needs_shipping ); } /** * Sees if we need a shipping address */ function ship_to_billing_address_only() { if (get_option('woocommerce_ship_to_billing_address_only')=='yes') return true; else return false; } /** * gets the shipping total (after calculation) */ function get_cart_shipping_total() { global $woocommerce; if (isset($this->shipping_label)) : if ($this->shipping_total>0) : // Display ex tax if the option is set, or prices exclude tax if ($this->display_totals_ex_tax || !$this->prices_include_tax) : $return = woocommerce_price($this->shipping_total); if ($this->shipping_tax_total>0 && $this->prices_include_tax) : $return .= ' '.$woocommerce->countries->ex_tax_or_vat().''; endif; return $return; else : $return = woocommerce_price($this->shipping_total + $this->shipping_tax_total); if ($this->shipping_tax_total>0 && !$this->prices_include_tax) : $return .= ' '.$woocommerce->countries->inc_tax_or_vat().''; endif; return $return; endif; else : return __('Free!', 'woocommerce'); endif; endif; } /** * gets title of the chosen shipping method */ function get_cart_shipping_title() { if (isset($this->shipping_label)) : return __('via', 'woocommerce') . ' ' . $this->shipping_label; endif; return false; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Coupons/Discount related functions */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** *returns whether or not a discount has been applied */ function has_discount( $code ) { if (in_array($code, $this->applied_coupons)) return true; return false; } /** * Applies a coupon code * * @param string code The code to apply * @return bool True if the coupon is applied, false if it does not exist or cannot be applied */ function add_discount( $coupon_code ) { global $woocommerce; // Coupons are globally disabled if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_coupons' ) == 'no' ) return false; $the_coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon_code); if ($the_coupon->id) : // Check it can be used with cart if (!$the_coupon->is_valid()) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Invalid coupon.', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; // Check if applied if ($woocommerce->cart->has_discount($coupon_code)) : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Discount code already applied!', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; // If its individual use then remove other coupons if ($the_coupon->individual_use=='yes') : $this->applied_coupons = array(); endif; foreach ($this->applied_coupons as $code) : $coupon = new WC_Coupon($code); if ($coupon->individual_use=='yes') : $this->applied_coupons = array(); endif; endforeach; $this->applied_coupons[] = $coupon_code; $this->set_session(); $woocommerce->add_message( __('Discount code applied successfully.', 'woocommerce') ); return true; else : $woocommerce->add_error( __('Coupon does not exist!', 'woocommerce') ); return false; endif; return false; } /** * gets the array of applied coupon codes */ function get_applied_coupons() { return (array) $this->applied_coupons; } /** * gets the array of applied coupon codes */ function remove_coupons( $type = 0 ) { if ($type == 1) : if ($this->applied_coupons) foreach ($this->applied_coupons as $index => $code) : $coupon = new WC_Coupon( $code ); if ( $coupon->apply_before_tax() ) unset($this->applied_coupons[$index]); endforeach; $_SESSION['coupons'] = $this->applied_coupons; elseif ($type == 2) : if ($this->applied_coupons) foreach ($this->applied_coupons as $index => $code) : $coupon = new WC_Coupon( $code ); if ( !$coupon->apply_before_tax() ) unset($this->applied_coupons[$index]); endforeach; $_SESSION['coupons'] = $this->applied_coupons; else : unset($_SESSION['coupons']); $this->applied_coupons = array(); endif; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get Formatted Totals */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Get the total of all order discounts (after tax discounts) */ function get_order_discount_total() { return $this->discount_total; } /** * Get the total of all cart discounts (before tax discounts) */ function get_cart_discount_total() { return $this->discount_cart; } /** * gets the total (after calculation) */ function get_total() { return woocommerce_price($this->total); } /** * gets the total excluding taxes */ function get_total_ex_tax() { $total = $this->total - $this->tax_total - $this->shipping_tax_total; if ($total<0) $total = 0; return woocommerce_price( $total ); } /** * gets the cart contents total (after calculation) */ function get_cart_total() { if (!$this->prices_include_tax) : return woocommerce_price($this->cart_contents_total); else : return woocommerce_price($this->cart_contents_total + $this->tax_total); endif; } /** * gets the sub total (after calculation) */ function get_cart_subtotal( $compound = false ) { global $woocommerce; // If the cart has compound tax, we want to show the subtotal as // cart + shipping + non-compound taxes (after discount) if ($compound) : return woocommerce_price( $this->cart_contents_total + $this->shipping_total + $this->get_taxes_total( false ) ); // Otherwise we show cart items totals only (before discount) else : // Display ex tax if the option is set, or prices exclude tax if ($this->display_totals_ex_tax || !$this->prices_include_tax) : $return = woocommerce_price( $this->subtotal_ex_tax ); if ($this->tax_total>0 && $this->prices_include_tax) : $return .= ' '.$woocommerce->countries->ex_tax_or_vat().''; endif; return $return; else : $return = woocommerce_price( $this->subtotal ); if ($this->tax_total>0 && !$this->prices_include_tax) : $return .= ' '.$woocommerce->countries->inc_tax_or_vat().''; endif; return $return; endif; endif; } /** * Get the product row subtotal * * Gets the tax etc to avoid rounding issues. * * When on the checkout (review order), this will get the subtotal based on the customer's tax rate rather than the base rate */ function get_product_subtotal( $_product, $quantity ) { global $woocommerce; $price = $_product->get_price(); $taxable = $_product->is_taxable(); $base_tax_rates = $this->tax->get_shop_base_rate( $_product->tax_class ); $tax_rates = $this->tax->get_rates( $_product->get_tax_class() ); // This will get the base rate unless we're on the checkout page // Taxable if ( $taxable ) : if ( $this->display_cart_ex_tax && $this->prices_include_tax ) : $base_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $price * $quantity, $base_tax_rates, true ); $base_tax_amount = array_sum( $base_taxes ); $row_price = ( $price * $quantity ) - $base_tax_amount; $return = woocommerce_price( $row_price ); $return .= ' '.$woocommerce->countries->ex_tax_or_vat().''; elseif ( !$this->display_cart_ex_tax && $tax_rates !== $base_tax_rates && $this->prices_include_tax ) : $base_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( $price * $quantity, $base_tax_rates, true ); $modded_taxes = $this->tax->calc_tax( ( $price * $quantity ) - array_sum( $base_taxes ), $tax_rates, false ); $row_price = (( $price * $quantity ) - array_sum( $base_taxes )) + array_sum( $modded_taxes ); $return = woocommerce_price( $row_price ); if (!$this->prices_include_tax) : $return .= ' '.$woocommerce->countries->inc_tax_or_vat().''; endif; else : $row_price = $price * $quantity; $return = woocommerce_price( $row_price ); endif; // Non taxable else : $row_price = $price * $quantity; $return = woocommerce_price( $row_price ); endif; return $return; } /** * gets the cart tax (after calculation) */ function get_cart_tax() { $return = false; $cart_total_tax = $this->tax_total + $this->shipping_tax_total; if ($cart_total_tax > 0) $return = woocommerce_price( $cart_total_tax ); return apply_filters('woocommerce_get_cart_tax', $return); } /** * Get tax row amounts with or without compound taxes includes */ function get_taxes_total( $compound = true ) { $total = 0; foreach ($this->taxes as $key => $tax) : if (!$compound && $this->tax->is_compound( $key )) continue; $total += $tax; endforeach; foreach ($this->shipping_taxes as $key => $tax) : if (!$compound && $this->tax->is_compound( $key )) continue; $total += $tax; endforeach; return $total; } /** * gets the total (product) discount amount - these are applied before tax */ function get_discounts_before_tax() { if ($this->discount_cart) : return woocommerce_price($this->discount_cart); endif; return false; } /** * gets the order discount amount - these are applied after tax */ function get_discounts_after_tax() { if ($this->discount_total) : return woocommerce_price($this->discount_total); endif; return false; } /** * gets the total discount amount - both kinds */ function get_total_discount() { if ($this->discount_total || $this->discount_cart) : return woocommerce_price($this->discount_total + $this->discount_cart); endif; return false; } } /** Depreciated */ class woocommerce_cart extends WC_Cart { public function __construct() { _deprecated_function( 'woocommerce_cart', '1.4', 'WC_Cart()' ); parent::__construct(); } }