/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import debug from 'debug'; /** * Module variables */ const tracksDebug = debug( 'wc-admin:tracks' ); /** * Record an event to Tracks * * @param {String} eventName The name of the event to record, don't include the wcadmin_ prefix * @param {Object} eventProperties event properties to include in the event */ export function recordEvent( eventName, eventProperties ) { tracksDebug( 'recordevent %s %o', 'wcadmin_' + eventName, eventProperties ); if ( ! window.wcTracks || 'function' !== typeof window.wcTracks.recordEvent || 'development' === process.env.NODE_ENV ) { return false; } window.wcTracks.recordEvent( eventName, eventProperties ); } /** * Record a page view to Tracks * * @param {String} path the page/path to record a page view for */ export function recordPageView( path ) { if ( ! path ) { return; } recordEvent( 'page_view', { path } ); }