/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; import { TotalsCouponCodeInput, TotalsItem, } from '@woocommerce/base-components/totals'; import RadioControl from '@woocommerce/base-components/radio-control'; import { COUPONS_ENABLED, DISPLAY_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAXES, } from '@woocommerce/block-settings'; import { getCurrencyFromPriceResponse } from '@woocommerce/base-utils'; import { Card, CardBody } from 'wordpress-components'; import { previewCartItems } from '@woocommerce/resource-previews'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import CheckoutButton from './checkout-button'; import placeholderShippingMethods from '../../placeholder-shipping-methods'; import CartLineItemsTitle from './cart-line-items-title'; import CartLineItemsTable from './cart-line-items-table'; import './style.scss'; import './editor.scss'; /** * Given an API response with cart totals, generates an array of rows to display in the Cart block. * * @param {Object} cartTotals - Cart totals data as provided by the API. * @returns {Object[]} Values to display in the cart block. */ const getTotalRowsConfig = ( cartTotals ) => { const totalItems = parseInt( cartTotals.total_items, 10 ); const totalItemsTax = parseInt( cartTotals.total_items_tax, 10 ); const totalRowsConfig = [ { label: __( 'List items:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: DISPLAY_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAXES ? totalItems + totalItemsTax : totalItems, }, ]; const totalFees = parseInt( cartTotals.total_fees, 10 ); if ( totalFees > 0 ) { const totalFeesTax = parseInt( cartTotals.total_fees_tax, 10 ); totalRowsConfig.push( { label: __( 'Fees:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: DISPLAY_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAXES ? totalFees + totalFeesTax : totalFees, } ); } const totalDiscount = parseInt( cartTotals.total_discount, 10 ); if ( totalDiscount > 0 ) { const totalDiscountTax = parseInt( cartTotals.total_discount_tax, 10 ); totalRowsConfig.push( { label: __( 'Discount:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: DISPLAY_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAXES ? totalDiscount + totalDiscountTax : totalDiscount, } ); } if ( ! DISPLAY_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAXES ) { const totalTax = parseInt( cartTotals.total_tax, 10 ); totalRowsConfig.push( { label: __( 'Taxes:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: totalTax, } ); } const totalShipping = parseInt( cartTotals.total_shipping, 10 ); const totalShippingTax = parseInt( cartTotals.total_shipping_tax, 10 ); totalRowsConfig.push( { label: __( 'Shipping:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: DISPLAY_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAXES ? totalShipping + totalShippingTax : totalShipping, description: __( 'Shipping to location (change address)', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), } ); return totalRowsConfig; }; // @todo this are placeholders const onActivateCoupon = ( couponCode ) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( 'coupon activated: ' + couponCode ); }; const cartTotals = { currency: 'EUR', currency_minor_unit: 2, total_items: '6000', total_items_tax: '0', total_fees: '0', total_fees_tax: '0', total_discount: '0', total_discount_tax: '0', total_shipping: '0', total_shipping_tax: '0', total_tax: '0', total_price: '6000', }; /** * Component that renders the Cart block when user has something in cart aka "full". */ const Cart = () => { const currency = getCurrencyFromPriceResponse( cartTotals ); const totalRowsConfig = getTotalRowsConfig( cartTotals ); const [ selectedShippingOption, setSelectedShippingOption ] = useState( placeholderShippingMethods[ 0 ].value ); return (

{ __( 'Cart totals', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) }

{ totalRowsConfig.map( ( { label, value, description } ) => ( ) ) }
{ __( 'Choose the shipping method.', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ) } ( { label: option.label, value: option.value, description: [ option.price, option.schedule, ] .filter( Boolean ) .join( ' — ' ), } ) ) } onChange={ ( newSelectedShippingOption ) => setSelectedShippingOption( newSelectedShippingOption ) } />
); }; Cart.propTypes = {}; export default Cart;