/** * A **flaky** test is defined as a test which passed after auto-retrying. * - By default, all tests run once if they pass. * - If a test fails, it will automatically re-run at most 2 times. * - If it pass after retrying (below 2 times), then it's marked as **flaky** * but displayed as **passed** in the original test suite. * - If it fail all 3 times, then it's a **failed** test. */ /** * External dependencies */ import fs from 'fs'; import type { Reporter, TestCase, TestResult } from '@playwright/test/reporter'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import pwConfig from './playwright.config'; type FormattedTestResult = Omit< TestResult, 'steps' >; const flakyTestsDir = `${ pwConfig.outputDir }/flaky-tests`; // Remove "steps" to prevent stringify circular structure. function formatTestResult( testResult: TestResult ): FormattedTestResult { const result = { ...testResult, steps: undefined }; delete result.steps; return result; } class FlakyTestsReporter implements Reporter { failingTestCaseResults = new Map< string, FormattedTestResult[] >(); onBegin() { try { fs.mkdirSync( flakyTestsDir, { recursive: true, } ); } catch ( err ) { if ( err instanceof Error && ( err as NodeJS.ErrnoException ).code === 'EEXIST' ) { // Ignore the error if the directory already exists. } else { throw err; } } } onTestEnd( test: TestCase, testCaseResult: TestResult ) { const testPath = test.location.file; const testTitle = test.title; switch ( test.outcome() ) { case 'unexpected': { if ( ! this.failingTestCaseResults.has( testTitle ) ) { this.failingTestCaseResults.set( testTitle, [] ); } this.failingTestCaseResults .get( testTitle )! .push( formatTestResult( testCaseResult ) ); break; } case 'flaky': { const safeFileName = testTitle.replace( /[^a-z0-9]/gi, '_' ); fs.writeFileSync( `${ flakyTestsDir }/${ safeFileName }.json`, JSON.stringify( { version: 1, runner: '@playwright/test', title: testTitle, path: testPath, results: this.failingTestCaseResults.get( testTitle ), } ), 'utf-8' ); break; } default: break; } } onEnd() { this.failingTestCaseResults.clear(); } printsToStdio() { return false; } } module.exports = FlakyTestsReporter;