/** * External dependencies */ import { useCheckoutContext, usePaymentMethodDataContext, useShippingDataContext, useBillingDataContext, } from '@woocommerce/base-context'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { getCurrencyFromPriceResponse } from '@woocommerce/base-utils'; import { useEffect, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { DISPLAY_CART_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAX } from '@woocommerce/block-settings'; import { ValidationInputError } from '@woocommerce/base-components/validation'; import CheckboxControl from '@woocommerce/base-components/checkbox-control'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { useStoreOrder, useStoreCartCoupons, useStoreCart } from '..'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/registered-payment-method-props').RegisteredPaymentMethodProps} RegisteredPaymentMethodProps * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/cart').CartTotalItem} CartTotalItem */ /** * Prepares the total items into a shape usable for display as passed on to * registered payment methods. * * @param {Object} totals Current cart total items * @param {boolean} needsShipping Whether or not shipping is needed. * * @return {CartTotalItem[]} Array for cart total items prepared for use. */ export const prepareTotalItems = ( totals, needsShipping ) => { const newTotals = []; const factory = ( label, property ) => { const value = parseInt( totals[ property ], 10 ); const tax = parseInt( totals[ property + '_tax' ], 10 ); return { label, value, valueWithTax: value + tax, }; }; newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Subtotal:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_items' ) ); newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Fees:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_fees' ) ); newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Discount:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_discount' ) ); newTotals.push( { label: __( 'Taxes:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: parseInt( totals.total_tax, 10 ), valueWithTax: parseInt( totals.total_tax, 10 ), } ); if ( needsShipping ) { newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Shipping:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_shipping' ) ); } return newTotals; }; // @todo This will expose the consistent properties used as the payment method // interface pulled from the various contexts exposing data for the interface. // @todo need to also include notices interfaces here (maybe?). /** * @return {RegisteredPaymentMethodProps} Interface to use as payment method props. */ export const usePaymentMethodInterface = () => { const { isCalculating, isComplete, isIdle, isProcessing, onCheckoutCompleteSuccess, onCheckoutCompleteError, onCheckoutProcessing, onSubmit, } = useCheckoutContext(); const { currentStatus, activePaymentMethod, setActivePaymentMethod, onPaymentProcessing, onPaymentSuccess, onPaymentFail, onPaymentError, setExpressPaymentError, } = usePaymentMethodDataContext(); const { shippingErrorStatus, shippingErrorTypes, shippingRates, shippingRatesLoading, selectedRates, setSelectedRates, shippingAddress, setShippingAddress, onShippingRateSuccess, onShippingRateFail, onShippingRateSelectSuccess, onShippingRateSelectFail, needsShipping, } = useShippingDataContext(); const { billingData, setBillingData } = useBillingDataContext(); const { order, isLoading: orderLoading } = useStoreOrder(); const { cartTotals } = useStoreCart(); const { appliedCoupons } = useStoreCartCoupons(); const currentCartTotals = useRef( prepareTotalItems( cartTotals, needsShipping ) ); const currentCartTotal = useRef( { label: __( 'Total', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: parseInt( cartTotals.total_price, 10 ), } ); useEffect( () => { currentCartTotals.current = prepareTotalItems( cartTotals, needsShipping ); currentCartTotal.current = { label: __( 'Total', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: parseInt( cartTotals.total_price, 10 ), }; }, [ cartTotals, needsShipping ] ); return { checkoutStatus: { isCalculating, isComplete, isIdle, isProcessing, }, paymentStatus: currentStatus, shippingStatus: { shippingErrorStatus, shippingErrorTypes, }, shippingData: { shippingRates, shippingRatesLoading, selectedRates, setSelectedRates, shippingAddress, setShippingAddress, needsShipping, }, billing: { billingData, setBillingData, order, orderLoading, cartTotal: currentCartTotal.current, currency: getCurrencyFromPriceResponse( cartTotals ), cartTotalItems: currentCartTotals.current, displayPricesIncludingTax: DISPLAY_CART_PRICES_INCLUDING_TAX, appliedCoupons, }, eventRegistration: { onCheckoutCompleteSuccess, onCheckoutCompleteError, onCheckoutProcessing, onShippingRateSuccess, onShippingRateFail, onShippingRateSelectSuccess, onShippingRateSelectFail, onPaymentProcessing, onPaymentSuccess, onPaymentFail, onPaymentError, }, components: { ValidationInputError, CheckboxControl, }, onSubmit, activePaymentMethod, setActivePaymentMethod, setExpressPaymentError, }; };