/** * External dependencies */ import { createContext, useContext, useState, useCallback, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useStoreAddToCart, useTriggerFragmentRefresh, } from '@woocommerce/base-hooks'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').AddToCartFormContext} AddToCartFormContext */ const AddToCartFormContext = createContext( { product: {}, productId: 0, variationId: 0, variationData: {}, cartItemData: {}, quantity: 1, minQuantity: 1, maxQuantity: 99, quantityInCart: 0, setQuantity: ( quantity ) => void { quantity }, setVariationId: ( variationId ) => void { variationId }, setVariationData: ( variationData ) => void { variationData }, setCartItemData: ( cartItemData ) => void { cartItemData }, showFormElements: false, formInitialized: false, formDisabled: true, formSubmitting: false, onChange: () => void null, onSubmit: () => void null, onSuccess: () => void null, onFail: () => void null, } ); /** * @return {AddToCartFormContext} Returns the add to cart form context value. */ export const useAddToCartFormContext = () => { return useContext( AddToCartFormContext ); }; /** * Provides an interface for blocks to control the add to cart form for a product. * * @param {Object} props Incoming props for the provider. * @param {*} props.children The children being wrapped. * @param {Object} [props.product] The product for which the form belongs to. * @param {boolean} [props.showFormElements] Should form elements be shown. */ export const AddToCartFormContextProvider = ( { children, product, showFormElements, } ) => { const productId = product.id || 0; const [ variationId, setVariationId ] = useState( 0 ); const [ variationData, setVariationData ] = useState( {} ); const [ cartItemData, setCartItemData ] = useState( {} ); const [ quantity, setQuantity ] = useState( 1 ); const { addToCart: storeAddToCart, addingToCart: formSubmitting, cartQuantity: quantityInCart, cartIsLoading, } = useStoreAddToCart( productId ); // This will ensure any add to cart events update legacy fragments using jQuery. useTriggerFragmentRefresh( quantityInCart ); /** * @todo Introduce Validation Emitter for the Add to Cart Form * * The add to cart form may have several inner form elements which need to run validation and * change whether or not the form can be submitted. They may also need to show errors and * validation notices. */ const formInitialized = ! cartIsLoading && productId > 0; const formDisabled = formSubmitting || ! formInitialized || ! productIsPurchasable( product ); // Events. const onSubmit = useCallback( () => { /** * @todo Surface add to cart errors in the single product block. * * If the addToCart function within useStoreAddToCart fails, a notice should be shown on the product page. */ storeAddToCart( quantity ); }, [ storeAddToCart, quantity ] ); /** * @todo Add Event Callbacks to the Add to Cart Form. * * - onChange should trigger when a form element changes, so for example, a variation picker could indicate that it's ready. * - onSuccess should trigger after a successful add to cart. This could be used to reset form elements, do a redirect, or show something to the user. * - onFail should trigger when adding to cart fails. Form elements might show extra notices or reset. A fallback might be to redirect to the core product page in case of incompatibilities. */ const onChange = useCallback( () => {}, [] ); const onSuccess = useCallback( () => {}, [] ); const onFail = useCallback( () => {}, [] ); /** * @type {AddToCartFormContext} */ const contextValue = { product, productId, variationId, variationData, cartItemData, quantity, minQuantity: 1, maxQuantity: product.quantity_limit || 99, quantityInCart, setQuantity, setVariationId, setVariationData, setCartItemData, showFormElements, formInitialized, formDisabled, formSubmitting, onChange, onSubmit, onSuccess, onFail, }; return ( { children } ); }; /** * Check a product object to see if it can be purchased. * * @param {Object} product Product object. */ const productIsPurchasable = ( product ) => { const { is_purchasable: isPurchasable = false } = product; return isPurchasable; };