// eslint-disable testing-library/no-dom-import /** * External dependencies */ import { getByTestId, waitFor } from '@testing-library/dom'; import { getSettingWithCoercion } from '@woocommerce/settings'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { getMiniCartTotalsFromLocalStorage, getMiniCartTotalsFromServer, updateTotals, migrateAttributesToColorPanel, } from '../data'; // This is a simplified version of the response of the Cart API endpoint. const responseMock = { ok: true, json: async () => ( { totals: { total_price: '1800', total_items: '1400', total_items_tax: '200', currency_code: 'USD', currency_symbol: '$', currency_minor_unit: 2, currency_decimal_separator: '.', currency_thousand_separator: ',', currency_prefix: '$', currency_suffix: '', }, items_count: 2, } ), } as Response; const localStorageMock = { totals: { total_price: '1800', total_items: '1400', total_items_tax: '200', currency_code: 'USD', currency_symbol: '$', currency_minor_unit: 2, currency_decimal_separator: '.', currency_thousand_separator: ',', currency_prefix: '$', currency_suffix: '', }, itemsCount: 2, }; const initializeLocalStorage = () => { Object.defineProperty( window, 'localStorage', { value: { getItem: jest .fn() .mockReturnValue( JSON.stringify( localStorageMock ) ), setItem: jest.fn(), }, writable: true, } ); }; // This is a simplified version of the Mini-Cart DOM generated by MiniCart.php. const getMiniCartDOM = () => { const div = document.createElement( 'div' ); div.innerHTML = `
`; return div; }; jest.mock( '@woocommerce/settings', () => { return { ...jest.requireActual( '@woocommerce/settings' ), getSettingWithCoercion: jest.fn(), }; } ); describe( 'Mini-Cart frontend script when "the display prices during cart and checkout" option is set to "Including Tax"', () => { beforeAll( () => { ( getSettingWithCoercion as jest.Mock ).mockReturnValue( true ); } ); afterAll( () => { jest.resetModules(); } ); it( 'updates the cart contents based on the localStorage values', async () => { initializeLocalStorage(); const container = getMiniCartDOM(); document.body.appendChild( container ); updateTotals( getMiniCartTotalsFromLocalStorage() ); // Assert that we are rendering the amount. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'amount' ).textContent ).toBe( '$16.00' ) ); // Assert that we are rendering the quantity. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'quantity' ).textContent ).toBe( '2' ) ); } ); it( 'updates the cart contents based on the API response', async () => { jest.spyOn( window, 'fetch' ).mockResolvedValue( responseMock ); const container = getMiniCartDOM(); document.body.appendChild( container ); getMiniCartTotalsFromServer().then( updateTotals ); // Assert we called the correct endpoint. await waitFor( () => expect( window.fetch ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '/wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart/' ) ); // Assert we saved the values returned to the localStorage. await waitFor( () => expect( window.localStorage.setItem.mock.calls[ 0 ][ 1 ] ).toEqual( JSON.stringify( localStorageMock ) ) ); // Assert that we are rendering the amount. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'amount' ).textContent ).toBe( '$16.00' ) ); // Assert that we are rendering the quantity. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'quantity' ).textContent ).toBe( '2' ) ); jest.restoreAllMocks(); } ); } ); describe( 'Mini-Cart frontend script when "the display prices during cart and checkout" option is set to "Excluding Tax"', () => { beforeAll( () => { ( getSettingWithCoercion as jest.Mock ).mockReturnValue( false ); } ); it( 'updates the cart contents based on the localStorage values', async () => { initializeLocalStorage(); const container = getMiniCartDOM(); document.body.appendChild( container ); updateTotals( getMiniCartTotalsFromLocalStorage() ); // Assert that we are rendering the amount. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'amount' ).textContent ).toBe( '$14.00' ) ); // Assert that we are rendering the quantity. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'quantity' ).textContent ).toBe( '2' ) ); } ); it( 'updates the cart contents based on the API response', async () => { jest.spyOn( window, 'fetch' ).mockResolvedValue( responseMock ); const container = getMiniCartDOM(); document.body.appendChild( container ); getMiniCartTotalsFromServer().then( updateTotals ); // Assert we called the correct endpoint. await waitFor( () => expect( window.fetch ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '/wp-json/wc/store/v1/cart/' ) ); // Assert we saved the values returned to the localStorage. await waitFor( () => expect( window.localStorage.setItem.mock.calls[ 0 ][ 1 ] ).toEqual( JSON.stringify( localStorageMock ) ) ); // Assert that we are rendering the amount. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'amount' ).textContent ).toBe( '$14.00' ) ); // Assert that we are rendering the quantity. await waitFor( () => expect( getByTestId( container, 'quantity' ).textContent ).toBe( '2' ) ); jest.restoreAllMocks(); } ); } ); const mockAttributes = { miniCartIcon: 'cart', addToCartBehaviour: 'inline', hasHiddenPrice: false, cartAndCheckoutRenderStyle: true, priceColorValue: '#000000', iconColorValue: '#ffffff', productCountColorValue: '#ff0000', }; describe( 'migrateAttributesToColorPanel tests', () => { test( 'it correctly migrates attributes to color panel', () => { const migratedAttributes = migrateAttributesToColorPanel( mockAttributes ); expect( migratedAttributes ).toEqual( { miniCartIcon: 'cart', addToCartBehaviour: 'inline', hasHiddenPrice: false, cartAndCheckoutRenderStyle: true, priceColor: { color: '#000000', }, iconColor: { color: '#ffffff', }, productCountColor: { color: '#ff0000', }, } ); } ); } );