/*global wc_setup_params */ /*global wc_setup_currencies */ /*global wc_base_state */ jQuery( function( $ ) { function blockWizardUI() { $('.wc-setup-content').block({ message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6 } }); } $( '.button-next' ).on( 'click', function() { var form = $( this ).parents( 'form' ).get( 0 ); if ( ( 'function' !== typeof form.checkValidity ) || form.checkValidity() ) { blockWizardUI(); } return true; } ); $( '#store_country' ).on( 'change', function() { // Prevent if we don't have the metabox data if ( wc_setup_params.states === null ){ return; } var $this = $( this ), country = $this.val(), $state_select = $( '#store_state' ); if ( ! $.isEmptyObject( wc_setup_params.states[ country ] ) ) { var states = wc_setup_params.states[ country ]; $state_select.empty(); $.each( states, function( index ) { $state_select.append( $( '' ) ); } ); $( '.store-state-container' ).show(); $state_select.selectWoo().val( wc_base_state ).change().prop( 'required', true ); } else { $( '.store-state-container' ).hide(); $state_select.empty().val( '' ).change().prop( 'required', false ); } $( '#currency_code' ).val( wc_setup_currencies[ country ] ).change(); } ); $( '#store_country' ).change(); $( '.wc-wizard-services' ).on( 'change', '.wc-wizard-service-enable input', function() { if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-toggle' ).removeClass( 'disabled' ); $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-item' ).addClass( 'checked' ); $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-item' ) .find( '.wc-wizard-service-settings' ).removeClass( 'hide' ); } else { $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-toggle' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-item' ).removeClass( 'checked' ); $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-item' ) .find( '.wc-wizard-service-settings' ).addClass( 'hide' ); } } ); $( '.wc-wizard-services' ).on( 'click', '.wc-wizard-service-enable', function( e ) { var eventTarget = $( e.target ); if ( eventTarget.is( 'input' ) ) { e.stopPropagation(); return; } var $checkbox = $( this ).find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ); $checkbox.prop( 'checked', ! $checkbox.prop( 'checked' ) ).change(); } ); $( '.wc-wizard-services-list-toggle' ).on( 'click', function() { $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-services-list-toggle' ).toggleClass( 'closed' ); $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-services' ).find( '.wc-wizard-service-item' ) .slideToggle() .css( 'display', 'flex' ); } ); $( '.wc-wizard-services' ).on( 'change', '.wc-wizard-shipping-method-select .method', function( e ) { var zone = $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-description' ); var selectedMethod = e.target.value; var description = zone.find( '.shipping-method-descriptions' ); description.find( '.shipping-method-description' ).addClass( 'hide' ); description.find( '.' + selectedMethod ).removeClass( 'hide' ); var settings = zone.find( '.shipping-method-settings' ); settings .find( '.shipping-method-setting' ) .addClass( 'hide' ) .find( '.shipping-method-required-field' ) .prop( 'required', false ); settings .find( '.' + selectedMethod ) .removeClass( 'hide' ) .find( '.shipping-method-required-field' ) .prop( 'required', true ); } ).find( '.wc-wizard-shipping-method-select .method' ).change(); $( '.wc-wizard-services' ).on( 'change', '.wc-wizard-shipping-method-enable', function() { var checked = $( this ).is( ':checked' ); var selectedMethod = $( '.wc-wizard-shipping-method-select .method' ).val(); $( this ) .closest( '.wc-wizard-service-item' ) .find( '.' + selectedMethod ) .find( '.shipping-method-required-field' ) .prop( 'required', checked ); } ); function submitActivateForm() { $( 'form.activate-jetpack' ).submit(); } function waitForJetpackInstall() { wp.ajax.post( 'setup_wizard_check_jetpack' ) .then( function( result ) { // If we receive success, or an unexpected result // let the form submit. if ( ! result || ! result.is_active || 'yes' === result.is_active ) { return submitActivateForm(); } // Wait until checking the status again setTimeout( waitForJetpackInstall, 3000 ); } ) .fail( function() { // Submit the form as normal if the request fails submitActivateForm(); } ); } // Wait for a pending Jetpack install to finish before triggering a "save" // on the activate step, which launches the Jetpack connection flow. $( '.activate-jetpack' ).on( 'click', '.button-primary', function( e ) { blockWizardUI(); if ( 'no' === wc_setup_params.pending_jetpack_install ) { return true; } e.preventDefault(); waitForJetpackInstall(); } ); $( '.wc-wizard-services' ).on( 'change', 'input#stripe_create_account, input#ppec_paypal_reroute_requests', function() { if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-settings' ) .find( 'input.payment-email-input' ) .prop( 'required', true ); $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-settings' ) .find( '.wc-wizard-service-setting-stripe_email, .wc-wizard-service-setting-ppec_paypal_email' ) .show(); } else { $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-settings' ) .find( 'input.payment-email-input' ) .prop( 'required', false ); $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-settings' ) .find( '.wc-wizard-service-setting-stripe_email, .wc-wizard-service-setting-ppec_paypal_email' ) .hide(); } } ).find( 'input#stripe_create_account, input#ppec_paypal_reroute_requests' ).change(); function addPlugins( bySlug, $el, hover ) { var plugins = $el.data( 'plugins' ); for ( var i in Array.isArray( plugins ) ? plugins : [] ) { var slug = plugins[ i ].slug; bySlug[ slug ] = bySlug[ slug ] || $( '' ) .append( '' + plugins[ i ].name + '' ); bySlug[ slug ].find( 'a' ) .on( 'mouseenter mouseleave', ( function( $hover, event ) { $hover.toggleClass( 'plugin-install-source', 'mouseenter' === event.type ); } ).bind( null, hover ? $el.closest( hover ) : $el ) ); } } function updatePluginInfo() { var pluginLinkBySlug = {}; var extraPlugins = []; $( '.wc-wizard-service-enable input:checked' ).each( function() { addPlugins( pluginLinkBySlug, $( this ), '.wc-wizard-service-item' ); var $container = $( this ).closest( '.wc-wizard-service-item' ); $container.find( 'input.payment-checkbox-input:checked' ).each( function() { extraPlugins.push( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) ); addPlugins( pluginLinkBySlug, $( this ), '.wc-wizard-service-settings' ); } ); $container.find( '.wc-wizard-shipping-method-select .method' ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); if ( 'live_rates' === $this.val() ) { addPlugins( pluginLinkBySlug, $this, '.wc-wizard-service-item' ); } } ); } ); $( '.recommended-item input:checked' ).each( function() { addPlugins( pluginLinkBySlug, $( this ), '.recommended-item' ); } ); var $list = $( 'span.plugin-install-info-list' ).empty(); for ( var slug in pluginLinkBySlug ) { $list.append( pluginLinkBySlug[ slug ] ); } if ( extraPlugins && wc_setup_params.current_step && wc_setup_params.i18n.extra_plugins[ wc_setup_params.current_step ] && wc_setup_params.i18n.extra_plugins[ wc_setup_params.current_step ][ extraPlugins.join( ',' ) ] ) { $list.append( wc_setup_params.i18n.extra_plugins[ wc_setup_params.current_step ][ extraPlugins.join( ',' ) ] ); } $( 'span.plugin-install-info' ).toggle( $list.children().length > 0 ); } updatePluginInfo(); $( '.wc-setup-content' ).on( 'change', '[data-plugins]', updatePluginInfo ); } );