#!/bin/sh # When it is set to true, the commands are just printed but not executed. DRY_RUN_MODE=false # When it is set to true, the commands that affect the local env are executed (e.g. git commit), while the commands that affect the remote env are not executed but just printed (e.g. git push) SIMULATE_RELEASE_MODE=false # Output colorized strings # # Color codes: # 0 - black # 1 - red # 2 - green # 3 - yellow # 4 - blue # 5 - magenta # 6 - cian # 7 - white output() { echo "$(tput setaf "$1")$2$(tput sgr0)" } simulate() { if $2 = true ; then eval "$1" else output 3 "DRY RUN: $1" fi } run_command() { if $DRY_RUN_MODE = true; then output 3 "DRY RUN: $1" elif $SIMULATE_RELEASE_MODE = true; then simulate "$1" $2 else eval "$1" fi } run_command "rimraf ./storybook/dist/*" true run_command "npm run storybook:build" true run_command "gh-pages -d ./storybook/dist" false