/** * External dependencies */ import moment from 'moment'; import { getSetting } from '@woocommerce/wc-admin-settings'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { appendTimestamp, toMoment, getLastPeriod, getCurrentPeriod, getRangeLabel, loadLocaleData, getCurrentDates, validateDateInputForRange, dateValidationMessages, isoDateFormat, getDateDifferenceInDays, getPreviousDate, getChartTypeForQuery, getAllowedIntervalsForQuery, getStoreTimeZoneMoment, } from '../src'; jest.mock( 'moment', () => { const m = jest.requireActual( 'moment' ); m.prototype.tz = jest.fn().mockImplementation( () => m() ); return m; } ); describe( 'appendTimestamp', () => { it( 'should append `start` timestamp', () => { expect( appendTimestamp( moment( '2018-01-01' ), 'start' ) ).toEqual( '2018-01-01T00:00:00' ); } ); it( 'should append `now` timestamp', () => { const nowTimestamp = moment().format( 'HH:mm:00' ); expect( appendTimestamp( moment( '2018-01-01 ' + nowTimestamp ), 'now' ) ).toEqual( '2018-01-01T' + nowTimestamp ); } ); it( 'should append `end` timestamp', () => { expect( appendTimestamp( moment( '2018-01-01' ), 'end' ) ).toEqual( '2018-01-01T23:59:59' ); } ); it( 'should throw and error if `timeOfDay` is not valid', () => { expect( () => appendTimestamp( moment( '2018-01-01' ) ) ).toThrow( Error ); } ); } ); describe( 'toMoment', () => { it( 'should pass through a valid Moment object as an argument', () => { const now = moment(); const myMoment = toMoment( 'YYYY', now ); expect( myMoment ).toEqual( now ); } ); it( 'should handle isoFormat dates', () => { const myMoment = toMoment( 'YYYY', '2018-04-15' ); expect( moment.isMoment( myMoment ) ).toBe( true ); expect( myMoment.isValid() ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should handle local formats', () => { const longDate = toMoment( 'MMMM D, YYYY', 'April 15, 2018' ); expect( moment.isMoment( longDate ) ).toBe( true ); expect( longDate.isValid() ).toBe( true ); expect( longDate.date() ).toBe( 15 ); expect( longDate.month() ).toBe( 3 ); expect( longDate.year() ).toBe( 2018 ); const shortDate = toMoment( 'DD/MM/YYYY', '15/04/2018' ); expect( moment.isMoment( shortDate ) ).toBe( true ); expect( shortDate.isValid() ).toBe( true ); expect( shortDate.date() ).toBe( 15 ); expect( shortDate.month() ).toBe( 3 ); expect( shortDate.year() ).toBe( 2018 ); } ); it( 'should throw on an invalid argument', () => { const fn = () => toMoment( '', 77 ); expect( fn ).toThrow(); } ); it( 'should return null on invalid date', () => { const invalidDate = toMoment( 'YYYY', '2018-00-00' ); expect( invalidDate ).toBe( null ); } ); } ); describe( 'getAllowedIntervalsForQuery', () => { it( 'should return days when query period is defined but empty', () => { const allowedIntervals = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: '' } ); expect( allowedIntervals ).toEqual( [ 'day' ] ); } ); it( 'should return days and hours for today and yesterday periods', () => { const allowedIntervalsToday = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'today', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsToday ).toEqual( [ 'hour', 'day' ] ); const allowedIntervalsYesterday = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'yesterday', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsYesterday ).toEqual( [ 'hour', 'day' ] ); } ); it( 'should return day for week and last_week periods', () => { const allowedIntervalsWeek = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'week', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsWeek ).toEqual( [ 'day' ] ); const allowedIntervalsLastWeek = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'last_week', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsLastWeek ).toEqual( [ 'day' ] ); } ); it( 'should return day, week for month and last_month periods', () => { const allowedIntervalsMonth = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'month', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsMonth ).toEqual( [ 'day', 'week' ] ); const allowedIntervalsLastMonth = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'last_month', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsLastMonth ).toEqual( [ 'day', 'week' ] ); } ); it( 'should return day, week, month for quarter and last_quarter periods', () => { const allowedIntervalsQuarter = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'quarter', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsQuarter ).toEqual( [ 'day', 'week', 'month' ] ); const allowedIntervalsLastQuarter = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'last_quarter', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsLastQuarter ).toEqual( [ 'day', 'week', 'month', ] ); } ); it( 'should return day, week, month, quarter for year and last_year periods', () => { const allowedIntervalsYear = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'year', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsYear ).toEqual( [ 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', ] ); const allowedIntervalsLastYear = getAllowedIntervalsForQuery( { period: 'last_year', } ); expect( allowedIntervalsLastYear ).toEqual( [ 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', ] ); } ); } ); describe( 'getCurrentPeriod', () => { it( 'should return a DateValue object with correct properties', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'day', 'previous_period' ); expect( dateValue.primaryStart ).toBeDefined(); expect( dateValue.primaryEnd ).toBeDefined(); expect( dateValue.secondaryStart ).toBeDefined(); expect( dateValue.secondaryEnd ).toBeDefined(); } ); // day const today = moment(); const yesterday = moment().subtract( 1, 'days' ); const todayLastYear = moment().subtract( 1, 'years' ); // week const thisWeekStart = moment().startOf( 'week' ); const lastWeekStart = thisWeekStart.clone().subtract( 1, 'week' ); const todayLastWeek = today.clone().subtract( 1, 'week' ); // month const thisMonthStart = moment().startOf( 'month' ); const lastMonthStart = thisMonthStart.clone().subtract( 1, 'month' ); const todayLastMonth = today.clone().subtract( 1, 'month' ); // quarter const thisQuarterStart = moment().startOf( 'quarter' ); const lastQuarterStart = thisQuarterStart.clone().subtract( 1, 'quarter' ); const todayLastQuarter = today.clone().subtract( 1, 'quarter' ); // year const thisYearStart = moment().startOf( 'year' ); const lastYearStart = thisYearStart.clone().subtract( 1, 'year' ); describe( 'day', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'day', 'previous_period' ); expect( today.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( today.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'day', 'previous_period' ); expect( yesterday.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( yesterday.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'day', 'previous_year' ); expect( todayLastYear.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( todayLastYear.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'week', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'week', 'previous_period' ); expect( thisWeekStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( today.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'week', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastWeekStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( todayLastWeek.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'week', 'previous_year' ); const daysSoFar = today.diff( thisWeekStart, 'days' ); // Last year weeks are aligned by calendar date not day of week. const thisWeekLastYearStart = thisWeekStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'years' ); const todayThisWeekLastYear = thisWeekLastYearStart .clone() .add( daysSoFar, 'days' ); expect( thisWeekLastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( todayThisWeekLastYear.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'month', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'month', 'previous_period' ); expect( thisMonthStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( today.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'month', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastMonthStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( todayLastMonth.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'month', 'previous_year' ); const daysSoFar = today.diff( thisMonthStart, 'days' ); const thisMonthLastYearStart = thisMonthStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'years' ); const thisMonthLastYearEnd = thisMonthLastYearStart .clone() .add( daysSoFar, 'days' ); expect( thisMonthLastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( thisMonthLastYearEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'quarter', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'quarter', 'previous_period' ); expect( thisQuarterStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( today.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'quarter', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastQuarterStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( todayLastQuarter.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'quarter', 'previous_year' ); const daysSoFar = today.diff( thisQuarterStart, 'days' ); const thisQuarterLastYearStart = thisQuarterStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'years' ); const thisQuarterLastYearEnd = thisQuarterLastYearStart .clone() .add( daysSoFar, 'days' ); expect( thisQuarterLastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( thisQuarterLastYearEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'year', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'year', 'previous_period' ); expect( thisYearStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( today.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'year', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( todayLastYear.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getCurrentPeriod( 'year', 'previous_year' ); const daysSoFar = today.diff( thisYearStart, 'days' ); const lastYearEnd = lastYearStart.clone().add( daysSoFar, 'days' ); expect( lastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastYearEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'getLastPeriod', () => { it( 'should return a DateValue object with correct properties', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'day', 'previous_period' ); expect( dateValue.primaryStart ).toBeDefined(); expect( dateValue.primaryEnd ).toBeDefined(); expect( dateValue.secondaryStart ).toBeDefined(); expect( dateValue.secondaryEnd ).toBeDefined(); } ); // day const yesterday = moment().subtract( 1, 'days' ); const twoDaysAgo = moment().subtract( 2, 'days' ); const yesterdayLastYear = moment() .subtract( 1, 'days' ) .subtract( 1, 'years' ); // week const lastWeekStart = moment().startOf( 'week' ).subtract( 1, 'week' ); const lastWeekEnd = lastWeekStart.clone().endOf( 'week' ); // month const lastMonthStart = moment().startOf( 'month' ).subtract( 1, 'month' ); const lastMonthEnd = lastMonthStart.clone().endOf( 'month' ); // quarter const lastQuarterStart = moment() .startOf( 'quarter' ) .subtract( 1, 'quarter' ); const lastQuarterEnd = lastQuarterStart.clone().endOf( 'quarter' ); // year const lastYearStart = moment().startOf( 'year' ).subtract( 1, 'year' ); const lastYearEnd = lastYearStart.clone().endOf( 'year' ); const twoYearsAgoStart = moment().startOf( 'year' ).subtract( 2, 'year' ); describe( 'day', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'day', 'previous_period' ); expect( yesterday.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( yesterday.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'day', 'previous_period' ); expect( twoDaysAgo.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( twoDaysAgo.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'day', 'previous_year' ); expect( yesterdayLastYear.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( yesterdayLastYear.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'week', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'week', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastWeekStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastWeekEnd.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'week', 'previous_period' ); const twoWeeksAgoStart = lastWeekStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'week' ); const twoWeeksAgoEnd = twoWeeksAgoStart.clone().endOf( 'week' ); expect( twoWeeksAgoStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( twoWeeksAgoEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'week', 'previous_year' ); // Last year weeks are aligned by calendar date not day of week. const lastWeekLastYearStart = lastWeekStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'year' ); const lastWeekLastYearEnd = lastWeekEnd .clone() .subtract( 1, 'year' ); expect( lastWeekLastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastWeekLastYearEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'month', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'month', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastMonthStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastMonthEnd.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'month', 'previous_period' ); const daysDiff = lastMonthEnd.diff( lastMonthStart, 'days' ); const twoMonthsAgoEnd = lastMonthStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'days' ); const twoMonthsAgoStart = twoMonthsAgoEnd .clone() .subtract( daysDiff, 'days' ); expect( twoMonthsAgoStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( twoMonthsAgoEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'month', 'previous_year' ); const lastMonthkLastYearStart = lastMonthStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'year' ); const lastMonthkLastYearEnd = lastMonthkLastYearStart .clone() .endOf( 'month' ); expect( lastMonthkLastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastMonthkLastYearEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'quarter', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'quarter', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastQuarterStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastQuarterEnd.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'quarter', 'previous_period' ); const daysDiff = lastQuarterEnd.diff( lastQuarterStart, 'days' ); const twoQuartersAgoEnd = lastQuarterStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'days' ); const twoQuartersAgoStart = twoQuartersAgoEnd .clone() .subtract( daysDiff, 'days' ); expect( twoQuartersAgoStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( twoQuartersAgoEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'quarter', 'previous_year' ); const lastQuarterLastYearStart = lastQuarterStart .clone() .subtract( 1, 'year' ); const lastQuarterLastYearEnd = lastQuarterLastYearStart .clone() .endOf( 'quarter' ); expect( lastQuarterLastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastQuarterLastYearEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); describe( 'year', () => { it( 'should return correct values for primary period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'year', 'previous_period' ); expect( lastYearStart.isSame( dateValue.primaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( lastYearEnd.isSame( dateValue.primaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_period', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'year', 'previous_period' ); const twoYearsAgoEnd = twoYearsAgoStart.clone().endOf( 'year' ); expect( twoYearsAgoStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( twoYearsAgoEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should return correct values for previous_year', () => { const dateValue = getLastPeriod( 'year', 'previous_year' ); const twoYearsAgoEnd = twoYearsAgoStart.clone().endOf( 'year' ); expect( twoYearsAgoStart.isSame( dateValue.secondaryStart, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); expect( twoYearsAgoEnd.isSame( dateValue.secondaryEnd, 'day' ) ).toBe( true ); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'getRangeLabel', () => { it( 'should return correct string for dates on the same day', () => { const label = getRangeLabel( moment( '2018-04-15' ), moment( '2018-04-15' ) ); expect( label ).toBe( 'Apr 15, 2018' ); } ); it( 'should return correct string for dates in the same month', () => { const label = getRangeLabel( moment( '2018-04-01' ), moment( '2018-04-15' ) ); expect( label ).toBe( 'Apr 1 - 15, 2018' ); } ); it( 'should return correct string for dates in the same year, but different months', () => { const label = getRangeLabel( moment( '2018-04-01' ), moment( '2018-05-15' ) ); expect( label ).toBe( 'Apr 1 - May 15, 2018' ); } ); it( 'should return correct string for dates in different years', () => { const label = getRangeLabel( moment( '2017-04-01' ), moment( '2018-05-15' ) ); expect( label ).toBe( 'Apr 1, 2017 - May 15, 2018' ); } ); } ); describe( 'loadLocaleData', () => { const originalLocale = getSetting( 'locale' ); beforeEach( () => { // Reset to default settings loadLocaleData( originalLocale ); } ); it( 'should load locale data on user locale', () => { // initialize locale. Gutenberg normaly does this, but not in test environment. moment.locale( 'fr_FR', {} ); const weekdaysShort = [ 'dim', 'lun', 'mar', 'mer', 'jeu', 'ven', 'sam', ]; loadLocaleData( { userLocale: 'fr_FR', weekdaysShort, } ); expect( moment.localeData().weekdaysMin() ).toEqual( weekdaysShort ); } ); } ); describe( 'getCurrentDates', () => { it( 'should return a correctly shaped object', () => { const query = {}; const currentDates = getCurrentDates( query ); expect( currentDates.primary ).toBeDefined(); expect( typeof currentDates.primary.label ).toBe( 'string' ); expect( typeof currentDates.primary.range ).toBe( 'string' ); expect( moment.isMoment( currentDates.primary.after ) ).toBe( true ); expect( moment.isMoment( currentDates.primary.before ) ).toBe( true ); expect( currentDates.secondary ).toBeDefined(); expect( typeof currentDates.secondary.label ).toBe( 'string' ); expect( typeof currentDates.secondary.range ).toBe( 'string' ); expect( moment.isMoment( currentDates.secondary.after ) ).toBe( true ); expect( moment.isMoment( currentDates.secondary.before ) ).toBe( true ); } ); it( 'should correctly apply default values', () => { const query = {}; const today = moment().format( isoDateFormat ); const startOfMonth = moment() .startOf( 'month' ) .format( isoDateFormat ); const startOfMonthYearAgo = moment() .startOf( 'month' ) .subtract( 1, 'year' ) .format( isoDateFormat ); const todayLastYear = moment() .subtract( 1, 'year' ) .format( isoDateFormat ); const currentDates = getCurrentDates( query ); // Ensure default period is 'month' expect( currentDates.primary.after.format( isoDateFormat ) ).toBe( startOfMonth ); expect( currentDates.primary.before.format( isoDateFormat ) ).toBe( today ); // Ensure default compare is `previous_period` expect( currentDates.secondary.after.format( isoDateFormat ) ).toBe( startOfMonthYearAgo ); expect( currentDates.secondary.before.format( isoDateFormat ) ).toBe( todayLastYear ); } ); } ); describe( 'validateDateInputForRange', () => { const dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; it( 'should return a valid date in Moment object', () => { const validated = validateDateInputForRange( 'after', '2018-04-15', null, null, dateFormat ); expect( moment.isMoment( validated.date ) ).toBe( true ); expect( validated.error ).toBe( undefined ); } ); it( 'should return a null date on invalid date string', () => { const validated = validateDateInputForRange( 'after', 'BAd-2018-Date-Format/15/4', null, null, dateFormat ); expect( validated.date ).toBe( null ); expect( validated.error ).toBe( dateValidationMessages.invalid ); } ); it( 'should return a correct error for a date in the future', () => { const futureDateString = moment() .add( 1, 'months' ) .format( dateFormat ); const validated = validateDateInputForRange( 'after', futureDateString, null, null, dateFormat ); expect( validated.date ).toBe( null ); expect( validated.error ).toBe( dateValidationMessages.future ); } ); it( 'should return a correct error for start', () => { const futureDateString = moment() .add( 1, 'months' ) .format( dateFormat ); const validated = validateDateInputForRange( 'after', futureDateString, null, null, dateFormat ); expect( validated.date ).toBe( null ); expect( validated.error ).toBe( dateValidationMessages.future ); } ); it( 'should return a correct error for start after end', () => { const end = moment().subtract( 5, 'months' ); const value = end.clone().add( 1, 'months' ).format( dateFormat ); const validated = validateDateInputForRange( 'after', value, end, null, dateFormat ); expect( validated.date ).toBe( null ); expect( validated.error ).toBe( dateValidationMessages.startAfterEnd ); } ); it( 'should return a correct error for end after start', () => { const start = moment().subtract( 5, 'months' ); const value = start .clone() .subtract( 1, 'months' ) .format( dateFormat ); const validated = validateDateInputForRange( 'before', value, null, start, dateFormat ); expect( validated.date ).toBe( null ); expect( validated.error ).toBe( dateValidationMessages.endBeforeStart ); } ); } ); describe( 'getDateDifferenceInDays', () => { it( 'should calculate the day difference between two dates', () => { const difference = getDateDifferenceInDays( '2018-08-22', '2018-05-22' ); expect( difference ).toBe( 92 ); } ); } ); describe( 'getPreviousDate', () => { it( 'should return valid date for previous period by days', () => { const date = '2018-08-21'; const primaryStart = '2018-08-25'; const secondaryStart = '2018-08-15'; const previousDate = getPreviousDate( date, primaryStart, secondaryStart, 'previous_period', 'day' ); expect( previousDate.format( isoDateFormat ) ).toBe( '2018-08-11' ); } ); it( 'should return valid date for previous period by months', () => { const date = '2018-08-21'; const primaryStart = '2018-08-01'; const secondaryStart = '2018-07-01'; const previousDate = getPreviousDate( date, primaryStart, secondaryStart, 'previous_period', 'month' ); expect( previousDate.format( isoDateFormat ) ).toBe( '2018-07-21' ); } ); it( 'should return valid date for previous year', () => { const date = '2018-08-21'; const primaryStart = '2018-08-01'; const secondaryStart = '2018-07-01'; const previousDate = getPreviousDate( date, primaryStart, secondaryStart, 'previous_year', 'day' ); expect( previousDate.format( isoDateFormat ) ).toBe( '2017-08-21' ); } ); } ); describe( 'getChartTypeForQuery', () => { it( 'should return allowed type', () => { const query = { chartType: 'bar', }; expect( getChartTypeForQuery( query ) ).toBe( 'bar' ); } ); it( 'should default to line', () => { expect( getChartTypeForQuery( {} ) ).toBe( 'line' ); } ); it( 'should return line for not allowed type', () => { const query = { chartType: 'burrito', }; expect( getChartTypeForQuery( query ) ).toBe( 'line' ); } ); } ); describe( 'getStoreTimeZoneMoment', () => { it( 'should return the default moment when no timezone exists', () => { const mockTz = ( moment.prototype.tz = jest.fn() ); const utcOffset = ( moment.prototype.utcOffset = jest.fn() ); expect( getStoreTimeZoneMoment() ).toHaveProperty( '_isAMomentObject' ); expect( mockTz ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect( utcOffset ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); it( 'should use the timezone string when one is set', () => { global.window.wcSettings = { timeZone: 'Asia/Taipei', }; const mockTz = ( moment.prototype.tz = jest.fn() ); const utcOffset = ( moment.prototype.utcOffset = jest.fn() ); getStoreTimeZoneMoment(); expect( mockTz ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Asia/Taipei' ); expect( utcOffset ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); } ); it( 'should use the utc offest when it is set', () => { global.window.wcSettings = { timeZone: '+06:00', }; const mockTz = ( moment.prototype.tz = jest.fn() ); const utcOffset = ( moment.prototype.utcOffset = jest.fn() ); getStoreTimeZoneMoment(); expect( mockTz ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect( utcOffset ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '+06:00' ); global.window.wcSettings = { timeZone: '-04:00', }; getStoreTimeZoneMoment(); expect( mockTz ).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect( utcOffset ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '-04:00' ); } ); } );