module.exports = async ( { context, core, github } ) => { const { API_RESULT, E2E_RESULT, k6_RESULT, PLUGINS_BLOCKS_PATH, PLUGIN_TESTS_RESULT, GITHUB_REF_NAME, GITHUB_RUN_ID, } = process.env; const { selectEmoji, readContextBlocksFromJsonFiles, } = require( './utils' ); const URL_GITHUB_RUN_LOG = `${ GITHUB_RUN_ID }`; const create_blockGroup_header = async () => { const getRunStartDate = async () => { const response = await { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, run_id: GITHUB_RUN_ID, } ); const runStartedAt = new Date( ); const intlDateTimeFormatOptions = { dateStyle: 'full', timeStyle: 'long', }; const date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat( 'en-US', intlDateTimeFormatOptions ).format( runStartedAt ); return date; }; const readableDate = await getRunStartDate(); const blocks = [ { type: 'header', text: { type: 'plain_text', text: 'Daily test results', emoji: true, }, }, { type: 'divider', }, { type: 'context', elements: [ { type: 'mrkdwn', text: `*Run started:* ${ readableDate }`, }, ], }, { type: 'context', elements: [ { type: 'mrkdwn', text: `*Branch:* \`${ GITHUB_REF_NAME }\``, }, ], }, { type: 'context', elements: [ { type: 'mrkdwn', text: `*GitHub run logs:* <${ URL_GITHUB_RUN_LOG }|${ GITHUB_RUN_ID }>`, }, ], }, { type: 'context', elements: [ { type: 'mrkdwn', text: '*Test reports dashboard:* ', }, ], }, { type: 'divider', }, ]; return blocks; }; const create_blockGroup_nightlySite = () => { const emoji_API = selectEmoji( API_RESULT ); const emoji_E2E = selectEmoji( E2E_RESULT ); const emoji_k6 = selectEmoji( k6_RESULT ); const url_API = ''; const url_E2E = ''; const url_k6 = URL_GITHUB_RUN_LOG; const blocks = [ { type: 'section', text: { type: 'mrkdwn', text: `<${ URL_GITHUB_RUN_LOG }|*Smoke tests on daily build*>`, }, }, { type: 'context', elements: [ { type: 'mrkdwn', text: `<${ url_API }|API> ${ emoji_API }\t<${ url_E2E }|E2E> ${ emoji_E2E }\t<${ url_k6 }|k6> ${ emoji_k6 }`, }, ], }, { type: 'divider', }, ]; return blocks; }; const create_blockGroups_plugins = () => { const pluginTestsSkipped = PLUGIN_TESTS_RESULT === 'skipped'; const blocks_pluginTestsSkipped = [ { type: 'section', text: { type: 'mrkdwn', text: ':warning: *Plugin tests were not run!*', }, }, { type: 'context', elements: [ { type: 'mrkdwn', text: `Head over to the <${ URL_GITHUB_RUN_LOG }|GitHub workflow run log> to see what went wrong.`, }, ], }, { type: 'divider', }, ]; return pluginTestsSkipped ? blocks_pluginTestsSkipped : readContextBlocksFromJsonFiles( PLUGINS_BLOCKS_PATH ); }; const blockGroup_header = await create_blockGroup_header(); const blockGroup_nightlySite = create_blockGroup_nightlySite(); const blockGroups_plugins = create_blockGroups_plugins(); const blocks_all = [ ...blockGroup_header, ...blockGroup_nightlySite, ...blockGroups_plugins.flat(), ]; const payload = { text: 'Daily test results', blocks: blocks_all, }; const payload_stringified = JSON.stringify( payload ); core.setOutput( 'payload', payload_stringified ); };