/** * External dependencies */ import { searchForBlock } from '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils'; /** * Opens the inserter, searches for the given term, then selects the first * result that appears. * * @param {string} searchTerm The text to search the inserter for. */ export async function insertBlockDontWaitForInsertClose( searchTerm ) { await searchForBlock( searchTerm ); const insertButton = ( await page.$x( `//button//span[contains(text(), '${ searchTerm }')]` ) )[ 0 ]; await insertButton.click(); } export const closeInserter = async () => { if ( await page.evaluate( () => { return !! document.querySelector( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Add block"]' ); } ) ) { await page.click( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Add block"]' ); return; } await page.click( '.edit-post-header [aria-label="Toggle block inserter"]' ); };