/** * External dependencies */ const { getOctokit, context } = require( '@actions/github' ); const { setFailed, getInput, setOutput } = require( '@actions/core' ); const runner = async () => { try { const token = getInput( 'repo-token', { required: true } ); const octokit = getOctokit( token ); const payload = context.payload; const repo = payload.repository.name; const owner = payload.repository.owner.login; const oldAssets = require( '../../' + getInput( 'compare', { required: true, } ) ); if ( ! oldAssets ) { return; } const newAssets = require( '../../build/assets.json' ); if ( ! newAssets ) { return; } const createComment = getInput( 'create-comment' ); const changes = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries( newAssets ) .map( ( [ key, { dependencies = [] } ] ) => { const oldDependencies = oldAssets[ key ]?.dependencies || []; const added = dependencies.filter( ( dependency ) => ! oldDependencies.includes( dependency ) ); const removed = oldDependencies.filter( ( dependency ) => ! dependencies.includes( dependency ) ); return added.length || removed.length ? [ key, { added, removed, }, ] : null; } ) .filter( Boolean ) ); let reportCommentId; { const currentComments = await octokit.rest.issues.listComments( { owner, repo, issue_number: payload.pull_request.number, } ); if ( Array.isArray( currentComments.data ) && currentComments.data.length > 0 ) { const comment = currentComments.data.find( ( comment ) => comment.body.includes( 'Script Dependencies Report' ) && comment.user.login === 'github-actions[bot]' ); if ( comment ) { reportCommentId = comment.id; } } } let commentBody = ''; if ( Object.keys( changes ).length > 0 ) { let reportContent = ''; Object.entries( changes ).forEach( ( [ handle, { added, removed } ] ) => { const addedDeps = added.length ? '`' + added.join( '`, `' ) + '`' : ''; const removedDeps = removed.length ? '`' + removed.join( '`, `' ) + '`' : ''; let icon = ''; if ( added.length && removed.length ) { icon = '❓'; } else if ( added.length ) { icon = '⚠️'; } else if ( removed.length ) { icon = '🎉'; } reportContent += `| \`${ handle }\` | ${ addedDeps } | ${ removedDeps } | ${ icon } |` + '\n'; } ); commentBody = '## Script Dependencies Report' + '\n\n' + 'The `compare-assets` action has detected some changed script dependencies between this branch and ' + 'trunk. Please review and confirm the following are correct before merging.' + '\n\n' + '| Script Handle | Added | Removed | |' + '\n' + '| ------------- | ------| ------- | -- |' + '\n' + reportContent + '\n\n' + '__This comment was automatically generated by the `./github/compare-assets` action.__'; } else { commentBody = '## Script Dependencies Report' + '\n\n' + 'There is no changed script dependency between this branch and trunk.' + '\n\n' + '__This comment was automatically generated by the `./github/compare-assets` action.__'; } if ( createComment !== 'true' ) { setOutput( 'comment', commentBody ); return; } if ( reportCommentId ) { await octokit.rest.issues.updateComment( { owner, repo, comment_id: reportCommentId, body: commentBody, } ); } else { await octokit.rest.issues.createComment( { owner, repo, issue_number: payload.pull_request.number, body: commentBody, } ); } } catch ( error ) { setFailed( error.message ); } }; runner();