/** @format */ /** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Component } from '@wordpress/element'; import { IconButton, SelectControl } from '@wordpress/components'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { noop, uniqueId } from 'lodash'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import './style.scss'; function keyListener( methodToCall, event ) { switch ( event.key ) { case 'Enter': this[ methodToCall ]( event ); break; } } class Pagination extends Component { constructor( props ) { super( props ); this.state = { pageInputValue: props.page, }; this.previousPage = this.previousPage.bind( this ); this.nextPage = this.nextPage.bind( this ); this.selectPage = this.selectPage.bind( this ); this.selectPageListener = keyListener.bind( this, 'selectPage' ); this.onPageValueChange = this.onPageValueChange.bind( this ); this.perPageChange = this.perPageChange.bind( this ); } static getDerivedStateFromProps( props, state ) { if ( props.page !== state.pageInputValue ) { return { pageInputValue: props.page, }; } return null; } previousPage( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); const { page, onPageChange } = this.props; if ( page - 1 < 1 ) { return; } onPageChange( page - 1 ); } nextPage( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); const { page, onPageChange } = this.props; if ( page + 1 > this.pageCount ) { return; } onPageChange( page + 1 ); } selectPage( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); const { onPageChange } = this.props; if ( this.state.pageInputValue < 1 || this.state.pageInputValue > this.pageCount ) { return; } onPageChange( parseInt( this.state.pageInputValue ) ); } perPageChange( perPage ) { const { onPerPageChange, onPageChange, total, page } = this.props; onPerPageChange( parseInt( perPage ) ); const newMaxPage = Math.ceil( total / parseInt( perPage ) ); if ( page > newMaxPage ) { onPageChange( newMaxPage ); } } onPageValueChange( event ) { this.setState( { pageInputValue: event.target.value } ); } renderPageArrows() { const { page } = this.props; if ( this.pageCount <= 1 ) { return null; } const previousLinkClass = classNames( 'woocommerce-pagination__link', { 'is-active': page > 1, } ); const nextLinkClass = classNames( 'woocommerce-pagination__link', { 'is-active': page < this.pageCount, } ); return (
{ sprintf( __( 'Page %d of %d', 'wc-admin' ), page, this.pageCount ) }
1 ) } onClick={ this.previousPage } icon="arrow-left-alt2" label={ __( 'Previous Page', 'wc-admin' ) } size={ 18 } />
); } renderPagePicker() { const isError = this.state.pageInputValue < 1 || this.state.pageInputValue > this.pageCount; const inputClass = classNames( 'woocommerce-pagination__page-picker-input', { 'has-error': isError, } ); const instanceId = uniqueId( 'woocommerce-pagination-page-picker-' ); return (
); } renderPerPagePicker() { // TODO Replace this with a styleized Select drop-down/control? return (
); } render() { const { total, perPage, className } = this.props; this.pageCount = Math.ceil( total / perPage ); if ( this.pageCount <= 1 ) { return null; } const classes = classNames( 'woocommerce-pagination', className ); return (
{ this.renderPageArrows() } { this.renderPagePicker() } { this.renderPerPagePicker() }
); } } Pagination.propTypes = { page: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onPageChange: PropTypes.func, perPage: PropTypes.number.isRequired, onPerPageChange: PropTypes.func, total: PropTypes.number.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, }; Pagination.defaultProps = { onPageChange: noop, onPerPageChange: noop, }; export default Pagination;