/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { OPTIONS_STORE_NAME, ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME, PAYMENT_GATEWAYS_STORE_NAME, SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { useMemo, useCallback, useEffect } from '@wordpress/element'; import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins'; import { WooOnboardingTask } from '@woocommerce/onboarding'; import { getNewPath } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { Button } from '@wordpress/components'; import ExternalIcon from 'gridicons/dist/external'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { List, Placeholder as ListPlaceholder } from './components/List'; import { Setup, Placeholder as SetupPlaceholder } from './components/Setup'; import { Toggle } from './components/Toggle/Toggle'; import { WCPaySuggestion } from './components/WCPay'; import { getCountryCode } from '~/dashboard/utils'; import { getEnrichedPaymentGateways, getSplitGateways, getIsWCPayOrOtherCategoryDoneSetup, getIsGatewayWCPay, comparePaymentGatewaysByPriority, } from './utils'; import './plugins/Bacs'; import './payment-gateway-suggestions.scss'; export const PaymentGatewaySuggestions = ( { onComplete, query } ) => { const { updatePaymentGateway } = useDispatch( PAYMENT_GATEWAYS_STORE_NAME ); const { getPaymentGateway, paymentGatewaySuggestions, installedPaymentGateways, isResolving, countryCode, } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const { getSettings } = select( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); const { general: settings = {} } = getSettings( 'general' ); return { getPaymentGateway: select( PAYMENT_GATEWAYS_STORE_NAME ) .getPaymentGateway, getOption: select( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ).getOption, installedPaymentGateways: select( PAYMENT_GATEWAYS_STORE_NAME ).getPaymentGateways(), isResolving: select( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ).isResolving( 'getPaymentGatewaySuggestions' ), paymentGatewaySuggestions: select( ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME ).getPaymentGatewaySuggestions(), countryCode: getCountryCode( settings.woocommerce_default_country ), }; }, [] ); const paymentGateways = useMemo( () => getEnrichedPaymentGateways( installedPaymentGateways, paymentGatewaySuggestions ), [ installedPaymentGateways, paymentGatewaySuggestions ] ); useEffect( () => { if ( paymentGateways.size ) { recordEvent( 'tasklist_payments_options', { options: Array.from( paymentGateways.values() ).map( ( gateway ) => gateway.id ), } ); } }, [ paymentGateways ] ); const enablePaymentGateway = ( id ) => { if ( ! id ) { return; } const gateway = getPaymentGateway( id ); if ( ! gateway ) { return; } updatePaymentGateway( id, { enabled: true, } ).then( () => { onComplete( // use the paymentGateways variable. // gateway variable doesn't have hasPlugins property. ! paymentGateways.get( id )?.hasPlugins ? { redirectPath: getNewPath( { task: 'payments' }, {}, '/' ), } : {} ); } ); }; const markConfigured = useCallback( async ( id ) => { if ( ! paymentGateways.get( id ) ) { throw `Payment gateway ${ id } not found in available gateways list`; } recordEvent( 'tasklist_payment_connect_method', { payment_method: id, } ); enablePaymentGateway( id ); }, [ paymentGateways ] ); const recommendation = useMemo( () => Array.from( paymentGateways.values() ) .filter( ( gateway ) => gateway.recommendation_priority ) .sort( comparePaymentGatewaysByPriority ) .map( ( gateway ) => gateway.id ) .shift(), [ paymentGateways ] ); const currentGateway = useMemo( () => { if ( ! query.id || isResolving || ! paymentGateways.size ) { return null; } const gateway = paymentGateways.get( query.id ); if ( ! gateway ) { throw `Current gateway ${ query.id } not found in available gateways list`; } return gateway; }, [ isResolving, query, paymentGateways ] ); const isWCPayOrOtherCategoryDoneSetup = useMemo( () => getIsWCPayOrOtherCategoryDoneSetup( paymentGateways, countryCode ), [ countryCode, paymentGateways ] ); const isWCPaySupported = Array.from( paymentGateways.values() ).findIndex( getIsGatewayWCPay ) !== -1; const [ wcPayGateway, offlineGateways, additionalGateways ] = useMemo( () => getSplitGateways( paymentGateways, countryCode, isWCPaySupported, isWCPayOrOtherCategoryDoneSetup ), [ paymentGateways, countryCode, isWCPaySupported, isWCPayOrOtherCategoryDoneSetup, ] ); const trackSeeMore = () => { recordEvent( 'tasklist_payment_see_more', {} ); }; const trackToggle = ( isShow ) => { recordEvent( 'tasklist_payment_show_toggle', { toggle: isShow ? 'hide' : 'show', payment_method_count: offlineGateways.length + additionalGateways.length, } ); }; if ( query.id && ! currentGateway ) { return ; } if ( currentGateway ) { return ( ); } const additionalSection = !! additionalGateways.length && ( { __( 'See more', 'woocommerce' ) } ) } > ); const offlineSection = !! offlineGateways.length && ( ); return (
{ ! paymentGateways.size && } { wcPayGateway.length ? ( <> { additionalSection } { offlineSection } ) : ( <> { additionalSection } { offlineSection } ) }
); }; registerPlugin( 'wc-admin-onboarding-task-payments', { scope: 'woocommerce-tasks', render: () => ( { ( { onComplete, query } ) => ( ) } ), } );