name: Bump WP L-2 Support on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: releaseBranch: description: Provide the release branch you want to bump the WP L-2 support. Example release/6.9. Note that trunk will also be bumped to match. default: '' required: true permissions: {} env: GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: 'WooCommerce Bot' GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: '' GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'WooCommerce Bot' GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: '' jobs: check-release-branch-exists: name: Check for existence of release branch runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Check for release branch id: release-branch-check uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | // This will throw an error for non-200 responses, which prevents subsequent jobs from completing, as desired. await github.request( 'GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch}', { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, branch: '${{ inputs.releaseBranch }}', } ); validate-bump: name: Validate and bump WP L-2 support version runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 needs: check-release-branch-exists if: success() permissions: actions: write contents: write pull-requests: write steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Get latest WP version id: latestWP uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const https = require( 'https' ); https.get( '', ( resp ) => { let data = ''; // A chunk of data has been received. resp.on( 'data', ( chunk ) => { data += chunk; } ); // The whole response has been received. Print out the result. resp.on( 'end', () => { JSON.parse(data, ( key, val ) => { if ( val === 'latest' ) { core.setOutput( 'version', key ) } } ); } ); } ).on( 'error', ( err ) => { console.log( 'Error: ' + err.message ); } ); - name: Get L-2 WP version id: l2Version if: steps.latestWP.outputs.version != '' && steps.latestWP.outputs.version != null uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const version = "${{ steps.latestWP.outputs.version }}"; const latestWPVersionMajor = version.split( '.' )[0]; const latestWPVersionMinor = version.split( '.' )[1]; const l2 = (parseInt( ( latestWPVersionMajor + latestWPVersionMinor ), 10 ) - 2 ).toString(); const l2Major = l2.split( '' )[0]; const l2Minor = l2.split( '' )[1]; core.setOutput( 'version', l2Major + '.' + l2Minor ); - name: Git fetch the release branch run: git fetch origin ${{ inputs.releaseBranch }} - name: Checkout release branch run: git checkout ${{ inputs.releaseBranch }} - name: Create a PR branch based on release branch run: git checkout -b WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/${{ inputs.releaseBranch }} - name: Check if WP L-2 support needs to be bumped the release branch id: readmeWPVersion if: steps.l2Version.outputs.version != '' && steps.l2Version.outputs.version != null uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const fs = require( 'node:fs' ); const l2Version = "${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}"; let readme = ''; fs.readFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', 'utf-8', function( err, data ) { if ( err ) { console.error( err ); } readme = data.split( "\n" ); const newReadme = []; let needsChange = false; for ( const line of readme ) { if ( line.match( /Requires\sat\sleast:\s\d+\.\d/ ) ) { const readmeVersion = line.match( /\d+\.\d/ ); // If the versions don't match, means we need to make a change. if ( readmeVersion != l2Version ) { needsChange = true; newReadme.push( 'Requires at least: ' + l2Version ); continue; } } newReadme.push( line ); } if ( needsChange ) { fs.writeFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', newReadme.join( "\n" ), err => { if ( err ) { core.setFailed( `Unable to bump the WP L-2 support version. ${err}` ); } core.setOutput( 'needsChange', needsChange ); // Copy the readme.txt file to the root of VM to be used later. fs.writeFile( '../../readme.txt', newReadme.join( "\n" ), err => { if ( err ) { core.setFailed( `Unable to copy the readme.txt file to the root of VM. ${err}` ); } } ); } ); } else { core.setFailed( 'No changes needed. WP Version is L-2 compatible.' ); } } ); - name: Commit changes if: steps.readmeWPVersion.outputs.needsChange == 'true' run: git commit --no-verify -am "Update readme.txt WP L-2 support version." - name: Push changes if: steps.readmeWPVersion.outputs.needsChange == 'true' run: git push origin WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/${{ inputs.releaseBranch }} - name: Push the PR up to GitHub id: release-branch-pr if: steps.readmeWPVersion.outputs.needsChange == 'true' uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const PRBody = "This PR bumps the WP version to L-2 compatible for the release branch ${{ inputs.releaseBranch }}.\n"; const pr = await { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, title: "Bump WP Version to L-2 compatible for ${{ inputs.releaseBranch }}", head: "WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/${{ inputs.releaseBranch }}", base: "${{ inputs.releaseBranch }}", body: PRBody } ); if ( pr.status != 201 ) { core.setFailed( "Unable to push WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/${{ inputs.releaseBranch }} to GitHub." ); } core.setOutput( 'pr', ); await { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, pull_number:, reviewers: [ ] } ); - name: Checkout trunk branch if: != '' && != null run: git checkout trunk - name: Create a branch based on trunk branch if: != '' && != null run: git checkout -b WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/trunk - name: Check if WP L-2 support needs to be bumped for trunk id: readmeWPVersionTrunk if: != '' && != null uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const fs = require( 'node:fs' ); const l2Version = "${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}"; let readme = ''; fs.readFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', 'utf-8', function( err, data ) { if ( err ) { console.error( err ); } readme = data.split( "\n" ); const newReadme = []; let needsChange = false; for ( const line of readme ) { if ( line.match( /Requires\sat\sleast:\s\d+\.\d/ ) ) { const readmeVersion = line.match( /\d+\.\d/ ); // If the versions don't match, means we need to make a change. if ( readmeVersion != l2Version ) { needsChange = true; newReadme.push( 'Requires at least: ' + l2Version ); continue; } } newReadme.push( line ); } if ( needsChange ) { fs.writeFile( './plugins/woocommerce/readme.txt', newReadme.join( "\n" ), err => { if ( err ) { core.setFailed( `Unable to bump the WP L-2 support version. ${err}` ); } core.setOutput( 'needsChange', needsChange ); // Copy the readme.txt file to the root of VM to be used later. fs.writeFile( '../../readme.txt', newReadme.join( "\n" ), err => { if ( err ) { core.setFailed( `Unable to copy the readme.txt file to the root of VM. ${err}` ); } } ); } ); } else { core.setFailed( 'No changes needed. WP Version is L-2 compatible.' ); } } ); - name: Commit changes if: steps.readmeWPVersionTrunk.outputs.needsChange == 'true' run: git commit --no-verify -am "Update readme.txt WP L-2 support version." - name: Push changes if: steps.readmeWPVersionTrunk.outputs.needsChange == 'true' run: git push origin WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/trunk - name: Push the PR up to GitHub if: steps.readmeWPVersionTrunk.outputs.needsChange == 'true' uses: actions/github-script@v6 with: script: | const PRBody = "This PR bumps the WP version to L-2 compatible for trunk.\n"; const pr = await { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, title: "Bump WP Version to L-2 compatible for trunk", head: "WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/trunk", base: "trunk", body: PRBody } ); if ( pr.status != 201 ) { core.setFailed( "Unable to push WP-L-2-version-support-${{ steps.l2Version.outputs.version }}/trunk to GitHub." ); } await { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, pull_number:, reviewers: [ ] } );