/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Card, CardBody, Spinner } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { getAdminLink } from '@woocommerce/settings'; import { ONBOARDING_STORE_NAME, OPTIONS_STORE_NAME, SETTINGS_STORE_NAME, } from '@woocommerce/data'; import { queueRecordEvent, recordEvent } from '@woocommerce/tracks'; import { registerPlugin } from '@wordpress/plugins'; import { updateQueryString } from '@woocommerce/navigation'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useState, createElement, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { WooOnboardingTask } from '@woocommerce/onboarding'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { redirectToTaxSettings, SettingsSelector, supportsAvalara, } from './utils'; import { Card as AvalaraCard } from './avalara/card'; import { Card as WooCommerceTaxCard } from './woocommerce-tax/card'; import { createNoticesFromResponse } from '../../../lib/notices'; import { getCountryCode } from '~/dashboard/utils'; import { ManualConfiguration } from './manual-configuration'; import { Partners } from './components/partners'; import { WooCommerceTax } from './woocommerce-tax'; const TaskCard = ( { children } ) => { return ( { children } ); }; const Tax = ( { onComplete, query, task } ) => { const [ isPending, setIsPending ] = useState( false ); const { updateOptions } = useDispatch( OPTIONS_STORE_NAME ); const { createNotice } = useDispatch( 'core/notices' ); const { updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup } = useDispatch( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ); const { generalSettings, isResolving, taxSettings } = useSelect( ( select ) => { const { getSettings, hasFinishedResolution } = select( SETTINGS_STORE_NAME ) as SettingsSelector; return { generalSettings: getSettings( 'general' ).general, isResolving: ! hasFinishedResolution( 'getSettings', [ 'general', ] ), taxSettings: getSettings( 'tax' ).tax || {}, }; } ); const onManual = useCallback( async () => { setIsPending( true ); if ( generalSettings.woocommerce_calc_taxes !== 'yes' ) { updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup( 'tax', { tax: { ...taxSettings, wc_connect_taxes_enabled: 'no', }, } ); updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup( 'general', { general: { ...generalSettings, woocommerce_calc_taxes: 'yes', }, } ) .then( () => redirectToTaxSettings() ) .catch( ( error ) => { setIsPending( false ); createNoticesFromResponse( error ); } ); } else { redirectToTaxSettings(); } }, [] ); const onAutomate = useCallback( () => { setIsPending( true ); updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup( 'tax', { tax: { ...taxSettings, wc_connect_taxes_enabled: 'yes', }, } ); updateAndPersistSettingsForGroup( 'general', { general: { ...generalSettings, woocommerce_calc_taxes: 'yes', }, } ); createNotice( 'success', __( "You're awesome! One less item on your to-do list ✅", 'woocommerce' ) ); onComplete(); }, [] ); const onDisable = useCallback( () => { setIsPending( true ); queueRecordEvent( 'tasklist_tax_connect_store', { connect: false, no_tax: true, } ); updateOptions( { woocommerce_no_sales_tax: true, woocommerce_calc_taxes: 'no', } ).then( () => { window.location.href = getAdminLink( 'admin.php?page=wc-admin' ); } ); }, [] ); const getVisiblePartners = () => { const countryCode = getCountryCode( generalSettings?.woocommerce_default_country ); const { woocommerceTaxCountries = [], taxJarActivated, } = task.additionalData; const partners = [ { id: 'woocommerce-tax', card: WooCommerceTaxCard, component: WooCommerceTax, isVisible: ! taxJarActivated && // WCS integration doesn't work with the official TaxJar plugin. woocommerceTaxCountries.includes( getCountryCode( generalSettings?.woocommerce_default_country ) ), }, { id: 'avalara', card: AvalaraCard, component: null, isVisible: supportsAvalara( countryCode ), }, ]; return partners.filter( ( partner ) => partner.isVisible ); }; const partners = getVisiblePartners(); useEffect( () => { const { auto } = query; if ( auto === 'true' ) { onAutomate(); return; } if ( query.partner ) { return; } recordEvent( 'tasklist_tax_view_options', { options: partners.map( ( partner ) => partner.id ), } ); }, [] ); const getCurrentPartner = () => { if ( ! query.partner ) { return null; } return ( partners.find( ( partner ) => partner.id === query.partner ) || null ); }; useEffect( () => { if ( partners.length > 1 || query.partner ) { return; } if ( partners.length === 1 && partners[ 0 ].component ) { updateQueryString( { partner: partners[ 0 ].id, } ); } }, [ partners ] ); const childProps = { isPending, onAutomate, onManual, onDisable, task, }; if ( isResolving ) { return ; } const currentPartner = getCurrentPartner(); if ( ! partners.length ) { return ( ); } if ( currentPartner ) { return ( { createElement( currentPartner.component, childProps ) } ); } return ( { partners.map( ( partner ) => createElement( partner.card, { key: partner.id, ...childProps, } ) ) } ); }; registerPlugin( 'wc-admin-onboarding-task-tax', { scope: 'woocommerce-tasks', render: () => ( { ( { onComplete, query, task } ) => ( ) } ), } );