#!/usr/bin/env node /** * * @param {latestVersion} latestVersion * @param {minus} minus * @returns {String} the minused version. */ function getLatestMinusVersion( latestVersion, minus ) { // Convert the 1 or 2 to a decimal we can use for the logic below. let minusAmount = minus / 10; // Check if we only have a major / minor (e.g. x.x) to append a patch version if ( latestVersion.match( /\./g ).length < 2 ) { latestVersion = latestVersion.concat( '.0' ) } const baseVersion = latestVersion.replace( /.[^\.]$/, '' ); // Calculate the version we need and return. console.info( String( baseVersion - minusAmount ) ); process.exit( 0 ); } const latestVersion = process.argv[2]; const minus = process.argv[3]; if ( ! latestVersion || ! minus ) { console.error( 'Usage: get-previous-version.js ' ); process.exit( 1 ); } getLatestMinusVersion( latestVersion, minus );