`DatePicker` (component) ======================== Props ----- ### `date` - Type: Object - Default: null A moment date object representing the selected date. `null` for no selection. ### `text` - Type: String - Default: null The date in human-readable format. Displayed in the text input. ### `error` - Type: String - Default: null A string error message, shown to the user. ### `onUpdate` - **Required** - Type: Function - Default: null A function called upon selection of a date or input change. ### `dateFormat` - **Required** - Type: String - Default: null The date format in moment.js-style tokens. ### `isInvalidDate` - Type: Function - Default: null A function to determine if a day on the calendar is not valid `DateRange` (component) ======================= This is wrapper for a [react-dates](https://github.com/airbnb/react-dates) powered calendar. Props ----- ### `after` - Type: Object - Default: null A moment date object representing the selected start. `null` for no selection. ### `afterError` - Type: String - Default: null A string error message, shown to the user. ### `afterText` - Type: String - Default: null The start date in human-readable format. Displayed in the text input. ### `before` - Type: Object - Default: null A moment date object representing the selected end. `null` for no selection. ### `beforeError` - Type: String - Default: null A string error message, shown to the user. ### `beforeText` - Type: String - Default: null The end date in human-readable format. Displayed in the text input. ### `focusedInput` - Type: String - Default: null String identifying which is the currently focused input (start or end). ### `invalidDays` - Type: One of type: enum, func - Default: null Optionally invalidate certain days. `past`, `future`, `none`, or function are accepted. A function will be passed to react-dates' `isOutsideRange` prop ### `onUpdate` - **Required** - Type: Function - Default: null A function called upon selection of a date. ### `shortDateFormat` - **Required** - Type: String - Default: null The date format in moment.js-style tokens.