/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { CartResponseTotals, objectHasProp, isString, } from '@woocommerce/types'; export interface CartTotalItem { key: string; label: string; value: number; valueWithTax: number; } /** * Prepares the total items into a shape usable for display as passed on to * registered payment methods. * * @param {Object} totals Current cart total items * @param {boolean} needsShipping Whether or not shipping is needed. */ export const prepareTotalItems = ( totals: CartResponseTotals, needsShipping: boolean ): CartTotalItem[] => { const newTotals = []; const factory = ( label: string, property: string ): CartTotalItem => { const taxProperty = property + '_tax'; const value = objectHasProp( totals, property ) && isString( totals[ property ] ) ? parseInt( totals[ property ] as string, 10 ) : 0; const tax = objectHasProp( totals, taxProperty ) && isString( totals[ taxProperty ] ) ? parseInt( totals[ taxProperty ] as string, 10 ) : 0; return { key: property, label, value, valueWithTax: value + tax, }; }; newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Subtotal:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_items' ) ); newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Fees:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_fees' ) ); newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Discount:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_discount' ) ); newTotals.push( { key: 'total_tax', label: __( 'Taxes:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), value: parseInt( totals.total_tax, 10 ), valueWithTax: parseInt( totals.total_tax, 10 ), } ); if ( needsShipping ) { newTotals.push( factory( __( 'Shipping:', 'woo-gutenberg-products-block' ), 'total_shipping' ) ); } return newTotals; };